MMO of the Month Club


Molten Core Raider
April 2015:

This month we'll be doingNeverWinter!

I strongly recommend getting it on Steam to avoid having to download yet another downloader platform. Note though if you do intend to spend money on the game DO NOT use the Steam wallet as it has issues.

Guild name:Rerolled

How to get an invite: If you're over level 15 just ask anyone in the guild to shoot you in an invite. If you can't send tells yet, join the 'rerolled' chat channel and hope someone who can invite is in there.


Welcome to theMMO of the Month Club!

For the past few months I've been bouncing between MMO's, trying different ones out. I've dragged my brother into it recently and we've been having a bit of fun. I know if I play any MMO by myself I'll get bored of it in about 2 days. I enjoy grouping or just having people to bullshit with while playing. Normally a new MMO comes out, is unpolished and shit and within a few weeks the forum guild falls to pieces and we all scatter leaving Lyrical as the only person still playing DC:UO.

What I'm thinking is we sort of semi-unionize here.

Each month we pick a game. Normally going to be a F2P one. Not looking to break anybodies bank here. Pick a server (if they have one), form up a guild (if we can) and away we go. Then the next month we pick a new one and start all over. No obligations to raid or put years into the game. Just experience what the game has to offer, declare it beaten and then move on to the next one.


Make it F2P and they will come.

You should log on to the game and pick the server and make the guild ahead of time so people can just log on and go. Don't make it a we pick or poll just make it a "F2P MMO of the Month - with Zehn" and just pick, will be a lot more efficient.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Agree with a_skeleton_03, but I've been doing this what feels like years. I recently went back to FF14 for about a month. I was going to go back to DCUO but Red99 and the crew rolling there has caught my interest instead.

Having some kind of organization for my terrible ADD with games, would be amazing! Let's do it!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I`d be interested. Lots of the mmo`s I didn't play all the way through due to boredom and not having people to group/chat with the whole way.


what Suineg set it to
We should turn this into a business. Charge $20-25/mo. Contract with MMO companies and have them give you special rules/extra loot/cool shit and then at the end of the month it all gets deleted or you can buy it out from the company and get xfer to regular ruleset within the game. Rotate every month for subscribers.



Molten Core Raider
Yeah. I'm not ashamed to admit I started playing DDO again last week. Still the best dungeon design out of any MMO to date. Enough free content to kill a month at my play rate. I sent a sandy email to support though because when they introduced epic levels it wiped out half the premium dungeons I had bought.

Gonna start with NeverWinter for this month. Heading out for a few hours but when I get back I'll create a guild and post infos. I think I'm on the Dragon server, if there even is a server selection anymore.

I recommend getting it through Steam. If you download it from Arc you have to get their crappy Steam knockoff that's an even bigger resource hog.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Post the infos and I'll tag along. I'm sure there's lots more out there that would too.


Molten Core Raider
Okay, after loading up 5 accounts and getting them all to the main city to try to register a guild, turns out you need all 5 characters to be over level 15.

I'll try to get a guild started asap. If you have or get a character to level 15 let me know so I can save myself the pain of leveling up 5 characters myself.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Great idea, will try to get set up tonight or tomorrow


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm in. This is perfect for my attention span and life obligations!

In game, does it matter where I go or start?

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