Monster Hunter: World


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
this is all probably old news but I just ran into this bow guide I found really good

PC Bow Sets (9 images)






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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lumie made a mod.

One Eye Symbolism Begone

About this mod
Change items that cover one eye to something else.
If you're awakened and dislike the freemasonic luciferian satanic illuminati (what ever you want to call it) one eye symbolism, this mod is for you ;)



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hatorade Hatorade
I'm looking to augment my bows now, I have two warrior's streamstones and it seems like most of my bows use them and have three slots (ugh).

What bow element types are going to get huge upgrades when free additions like kulve taroth, lunastra, behemoth etc come out? I don't want to blow my precious augs on a bow I know I'll upgrade from...


A nice asshole.
Hatorade Hatorade
I'm looking to augment my bows now, I have two warrior's streamstones and it seems like most of my bows use them and have three slots (ugh).

What bow element types are going to get huge upgrades when free additions like kulve taroth, lunastra, behemoth etc come out? I don't want to blow my precious augs on a bow I know I'll upgrade from...

Just lightning(maybe water), the rest you get now have the most +element dmg.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Confirm/deny: doing harder investigations (less time, fewer players, fewer carts) increases chance of warrior/hero streamstone drops.

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<Silver Donator>
Seems they have the Wyvern Ignition quest running later this week(oct 5th), along with all other quests they've done so far.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I finished Tempered Kirin. HR51 now, so I guess it's time to grind Tempered Elders for high level decos and augment streamstones.

It would be nice to never fight another Kirin again.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Confirm/deny: doing harder investigations (less time, fewer players, fewer carts) increases chance of warrior/hero streamstone drops.

According to this post, that is incorrect. Any T3 investigation should have 13% for Warrior Streamstones and 3% or 6% (depending on which patch we are on) for Hero Streamstones.

Faints, expiration time, etc supposedly have not effect.
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100% best gem farm:

Grab Deviljho HBG, run any tempered elders investigations solo, pull to spawn, put on rocksteady and drop health booster, you will kill every TED outside of Lunastra/Deviljho within 2 minutes, 3 if you literally try to fuck up.

Everyone does this and mains other weapons, theres nothing quicker because you'll refill your investigations as the clusters break parts off.

It's fucking OP.

Other weapons can do it other ways, but save yourself the hassle and dedicate an hour to this and you'll get 12 attack gems in no time.
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<Silver Donator>
What do you mean "pull to spawn" ?
Shoot flash or sound things at the ground, monsters will come closer, reduces the amount of time it takes to farm. Honestly if you're not speedrunning it doesn't save that much time, and some places/monsters it's not that useful I think.


Shoot flash or sound things at the ground, monsters will come closer, reduces the amount of time it takes to farm. Honestly if you're not speedrunning it doesn't save that much time, and some places/monsters it's not that useful I think.

Gonna disagree here slightly.

A. I would say it's useful on 95% of monsters. I can think of 2, that pulling them out of their lair isn't that great.

B. Please don't shoot Screamer Pods at the ground, they don't work, otherwise yes Flash Pods are fine.

C. if I'm being honest - It saves a ton of time because it lets you control the fight and the setup. The entire game is stagger locking with whatever weapon your using, pulling or flashing gives you a nice start to begin that. Or to even just blindly flail around mashing buttons.

We might have different views on what we want for a fight to be honest. I don't want to fight something more than 5 minutes solo with a melee weapon, and that's when I am not "speedrunning" that's just my ADHD.

In this game you can take any weapon and ride a high horse and do TA Wiki rules and gimp yourself and tale 10 to 15 minutes to kill something, or you can do the hard stuff and kill things in 1/10th to 1/2 the time using all the tools the game gives you, like pulling.


What do you mean "pull to spawn" ?

Pulling in the game allows you to control monster AI to an extent as well as allows you to setup on most monsters, in fact outside of elders, with pulling, a pitfall trap, and a shock trap, you can sub5 any monster without being elite or a tryhard or speedrunner or whatever term people wanna use.


<Silver Donator>
From what I've seen in most situations, pulling doesn't save you that much time is all I was saying. It does save you time and ultimately in the long run you might want to do it if you're chain farming for efficiency, since it's still going to save you something like 10-20secs on a 2-3mins kill which is a fair amount(potentially more if you can move to a stalagtites room or to pull vaal hazak from his stroll in acid lakes), but it's hardly a necessity I would say. Switching from a standard weapon with average kill times to HBG is going to be a much bigger jump in efficiency and just doing that you'll go through missions a fuckton faster, and for the most part that'd be "enough".

Ultimately you're right if you want to farm in the most efficient possible way, you should learn to pull. I don't know if many people will have the motivation to HBG grind everything for an extended period of time just to farm decos/streamstones though. Shit's really boring imo, I did HBG kills for Kushala so I didn't have to deal with his bullshit, but I could only do like 5-10 a day without getting bored as fuck because it just wasn't fun, even if it was a fuckton more efficient than my flailing around with a weapon I barely knew how to use trying to kill Teostra in 12mins.
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I would still say you have it wrong. I can can kill Nergigante via pulling within 3 minutes with any weapon, and so could anyone, here's the reason:

Example for Nergigante:
Pulling Nergigante into the alcove allows his head to be directly in front of you, it also allows you to re-flash and change his attack pattern.

Used in conjunction with temporal or rocksteady, or just TA wiki and just rolling his roar, you are now directly setup to spam for 2 to 3 minutes with mininal effort.

The pull simplifies the fight more than the weapon and has a bigger impact. All 14 types will have damage and stagger capabilities, the biggest control and impact you have on a fight is the setup and initial pull.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Pulling in the game allows you to control monster AI to an extent as well as allows you to setup on most monsters, in fact outside of elders, with pulling, a pitfall trap, and a shock trap, you can sub5 any monster without being elite or a tryhard or speedrunner or whatever term people wanna use.

I understand what pulling is. I don't get what you mean by "pull to spawn". Where is the spawn? Like it's nest that it goes to when injured?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
100% best gem farm:

Grab Deviljho HBG, run any tempered elders investigations solo, pull to spawn, put on rocksteady and drop health booster, you will kill every TED outside of Lunastra/Deviljho within 2 minutes, 3 if you literally try to fuck up.

Everyone does this and mains other weapons, theres nothing quicker because you'll refill your investigations as the clusters break parts off.

It's fucking OP.

Other weapons can do it other ways, but save yourself the hassle and dedicate an hour to this and you'll get 12 attack gems in no time.
Got a link to a gear set up optimized for this?


I understand what pulling is. I don't get what you mean by "pull to spawn". Where is the spawn? Like it's nest that it goes to when injured?

My apologies I meant the players spawn. I try to pull as close as possible because it can mess with AI. Monster's fight different in different zones. Again sorry for clarity! :)