Most underrated and overrated movies ever


Tranny Chaser
There Will Be Blood was certainly better than No Country For Old Men. Now that was a fucking overrated movie dunno how the hell it won best picture that year.

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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
There Will Be Blood was certainly better than No Country For Old Men. Now that was a fucking overrated movie dunno how the hell it won best picture that year.
This opinion is garbage Big P. No Country For Old Men is fucking amazing.
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Tranny Chaser
It's been a few years ago but at a family get together after it came out a bunch of people said they didn't understand the movie and didn't like it. I still associate a value of underrated or overrated with them. I'm not sure I've seen anyone in person gush over it.
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Underrated: Krull 1983


A bad ass mother fucker named The Beast loves flying around the universe popping princesses cherries. He’s a legit pimp and he loves to slay alien pussy.

Oh yeah...

Speaking of slaying pussy, he’s got a army of Squid humanoids named Slayers. They like to run around raping and a pillaging with bad ass lazer spears n shit.

Anyways for like the last 10,000 years everything is going great for the Beast until he lands on the Planet Krull.

The Beast has heard that this hot princess Lyssa is about to marry some faggot named Colwyn at Castle Cuckskull.(notice the props and costumes in the back are used in both He-man and Pee wee movies)


Long story short the Beast rekts Castle Cuckskull and has his Slayers kill everyone red wedding style while taking Lyssa hostage. He definitely gave her the Big D.

Anyways the famous actor Freddie Jones is an old sage that comes upon the burned out castle. He finds Colwyn who is crying like a little bitch and pulls a Obi Wan Kenobi on him.

Colwyn finally finds his sack and they start on their journey to free Lyssa. They run into Ergo the Magnificent who is basically that enchanter in your group that CC's himself and casts color shift on Nagafen.


Along the way Colwyn climbs Snake Mountain and finds the Glaive, this ancient bad ass throwing star.


Colwyn the Cuck, Freddie Jones, and Ergo finally run into some ruffians. After some smack talk, they decide to journey with Prince Cucklord to slay the beast.

Liam Neeson's finest movie:


They all meet up with some Old blindass Wizard who shows them where the Beast's space ship known as The Black Fortress is. They find it and with the help of a Cyclops named Rell they get inside. Rell the Cyclops is squished by holding the door open for the Ruffians.


Colwyn Fights the beast and Liam neeson dies.


Sadly The Beast perishes and Colwyn saves Krull.

Colwyn finds out that the Beast gave Lyssa the D so he gets butthurt and flies the Black Fortress spaceship to the Alpha Quadrant taking up the name Lt. Commander Michael Eddington.


The end
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Overrated: The Thin Red Line

It’s so boring!

Agree. My grandfather fought at Guadalcanal and he -hated- that film. If I recall, we watched it together on TV and he turned and said to me "what a bunch of pretentious crap. We weren't reflecting on life and existence, we were too busy trying not to get shot"
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The Big Mod
Just watched a Dolby Vision rip of Hell or High Watermelon. Great fucking movie. Not sure how I missed out on it but I'm glad I did so I got to experience it on the new TV in 4K DV grandeur. Not that it was some sort of visual masterpiece, but the panoramic shots looked fantastic. Kind of similar plot to The Town, which I'm also a big fan of, just set it a very different environment. My thanks to whoever mentioned it in this thread. Movie made me want to move to West Texas.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just watched a Dolby Vision rip of Hell or High Watermelon. Great fucking movie. Not sure how I missed out on it but I'm glad I did so I got to experience it on the new TV in 4K DV grandeur. Not that it was some sort of visual masterpiece, but the panoramic shots looked fantastic. Kind of similar plot to The Town, which I'm also a big fan of, just set it a very different environment. My thanks to whoever mentioned it in this thread. Movie made me want to move to West Texas.

I definitely find it to be overrated. I mean its OK but I wouldn't drink more than 1 or 2.

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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Just watched a Dolby Vision rip of Hell or High Watermelon. Great fucking movie. Not sure how I missed out on it but I'm glad I did so I got to experience it on the new TV in 4K DV grandeur. Not that it was some sort of visual masterpiece, but the panoramic shots looked fantastic. Kind of similar plot to The Town, which I'm also a big fan of, just set it a very different environment. My thanks to whoever mentioned it in this thread. Movie made me want to move to West Texas.
Same writer wrote Sicario and Yellowstone , directed Wind River and was on Sons of Anarchy. Taylor Sheridan.


Buzzfeed Editor
resurrection frequently beats 3 on top 10 lists so maybe it's just you
Top ten worst alien franchise movies? Top 10 disappointing sci fi movies made by arty French dudes?

It isnt just me, resurrection is fucking awful, one of the worst films I have ever actually watched.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Top ten worst alien franchise movies? Top 10 disappointing sci fi movies made by arty French dudes?

It isnt just me, resurrection is fucking awful, one of the worst films I have ever actually watched.

No it's just you


The Dirtbag
Top ten worst alien franchise movies? Top 10 disappointing sci fi movies made by arty French dudes?

It isnt just me, resurrection is fucking awful, one of the worst films I have ever actually watched.
To steal an overused line from the "We Hate Movies" podcast, it's a perfectly fine Hangover Movie. I can and probably have put on Resurrection in the midst of a skullfuck hangover and was able to doze off, wake up and sleepily munch 2 bites of last nights asian Italian calzone bowl I ordered for some reason, doze back off and repeat and still be 100% in tune with the film.

Alien 3 requires mescaline to even understand all the accent changes.
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