Movies That Would Be Made, If You Could Make It Happen

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire

Moon is a harsh mistress

The Warlock in Spite of Himself

All sci fi themed, but kickass stories with some seriously memorable characters.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd have to say something from the Warhammer 40K family: Horus Heresy, Gaunt's Ghosts, Eisenhorn ... anything with a good budget and story.

Other than that I'd say Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness. Yeah it's a Christian book, but even if that isn't your thing the story/effects would be wild on screen.
If they managed to use the Christian mythology without getting all preachy, this could be an awesome movie. I mean I really can't fucking stand anything to do with Christianity anymore, but I still love This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.


Have there been any fully-realized steampunk movies? That's one setting I've always wanted to see done on a large scale.


and Mutant Chronicles not that its that great of a movie

id like to see 3 star wars movies based of the "Heir to the empire" book trilogy by Timothy Zahn since it introduces some rather cool personalities to the star wars universe


Mr. Poopybutthole
Snow Crash


Still pissed that Joel Silver bought the rights to Altered Carbon and never made the movie.
This... Was gonna say altered carbon. Shit makes me sad. Also redo starship troopers with the budget it deserved to do awesome bugs and power armor. Also finish. The riddik trilogy, ready player one with tue rights to all the IPs mentioned in the book and a movie based on world war Z instead of the crap they are putting out and just using the name
Yeah, I always thought the Shannara books were just really shitty versions of LotR.
You want a real Tolkein ripoff check out Dennis L. McKeirnan'sIron Tower trilogy. Here's an excerpt from an Amazon review: reviewer_sl said:
In McKiernan's story, a Warrow (Hobbit) named Tuck Underbank (Frodo) embarks on a quest to defeat an ultimate evil, Mordu (Sauron) who dwells in the evil land of Gron (Mordor). Along the way he encounters a dwarf called Brega (Gimli), an elf named Gildor(Legolas), a human warrior (Aragorn), etc, etc, etc...The Tolkien plagiarism's go on and on.

He even includes a scene where some of the main characters have to pass through an abandoned Dwarf city called Kraggen-Cor (Moria). The city is abandoned because some terrible monster Ghath (Balrog) drove all of the dwarfs out long ago. The only way into the subterranean city is through some magical doors that they have some difficulty getting open. While waiting at the doors, a monstrous squid/octopus-like creature attacks them. And yes, there is even a battle with the Ghath in the dwarfin city on a narrow bridge over a bottomless cavern.
I read it in 7th grade or something and even then I remember thinking it was a shameless ripoff.


<Silver Donator>
Chrono Trigger? Hard to make into a movie due to multiple endings, I guess they could just have the most common ending as canon and go with that. Probably better as fully animated though, to keep Akira Toriyama's style.

Elric as mentionned before, but seems fairly impossible to do a good rendition, would need way too much money invested into it and I don't know if it'd make such a great movie when split into parts, maybe though.

Something with Chtuluh/Lovecraft lore, I'm thinking like the old adventure games they did in the past like Shadow of the Comet and Prisonner of Ice.
I am still waiting for someone to make a Conan the Barbarian movie with an actor that actually resembles Conan, follows one of the actual stories and has the NC-17 amount of violence it is supposed to have. NM, I tale it back, would rather have all that done by the Spartacus : Blood and Sand team so I can get more than 100 minutes of it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
After seeing the Hobbit, seeing how awesome it is, and knowing that it is being stretched into 3 movies, I'd like to see Jackson redo LotR. Instead of a trilogy, a Ninelogy.


Millie's Staff Member
I'd love to see an Everquest movie with all of the original lore. Then cast Brad as Aradune and Smed as Firiona Vie and have a R rated romp in Vex Thal.
Vex Thal would be the last place id want an everquest movie to take place. id want an EQ movie trilogy thats only goes as far as the original continents. so movie one would be naggy vox, pof poh and finale in discovering POA. movie two would be finishing POA and then discovering that a new species of creature is roaming the earth. the iksar, so our heroes have to explore Kunark and work their way through all the big zones. by killing Trakanon they find out about VP and must clear it to find out the truth on whats causing this dragon infestation and make sure it never happens again. they learn about Velius. and this brings us to the final movie where the heroes and their armies try to venture into the frozen continent and are immediately attacked by the armies of Tormax. becoming friends with Dain Frostweaver who helps kill KT and when he dies he unleashes the AOW. they then unlock the secret of TOV and when the Yelinak is killed WW is unlocked and they make their final fight (so they thought) where they kill the last 2 lords. the movie winds where they are on their way back home and accidently get ported into ST where they kill Prog and realize there are some more dragons that they overlooked. they arent too hard so they quickly kill them off. not realizing that they have unleashed Kerafym who promptly buttfucks the heroes and all their armies and goes on a kill spree that destroys all of norrath.


