Mr. Robot


Shit Lord Supreme
I thought it was a 'meh' season finale for an otherwise amazing show, I'm glad they actually went through with the attack and that they'll have to continue to write through that plot as the show continues, but there was a lot of out of place stuff in that episode.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have no issues with them not showing the consequences yet, because they've apparently got a several season long plan written out already.

I only get annoyed by assholes like Lindelof and GRRM who you can clearly tell are making shit up as they go despite "having a plan."


Buzzfeed Editor
I thought they made it pretty clear that fsociety had no idea what the consequences would be.

Why have someone tell them they are being dumbasses when they can show it?
Well,thatwas my problem--Fsociety had no idea what the consequences would, they will only learn them when they see them. It just felt kind of silly watching super-geniuses who can do home biochemical alterations and write code, not understand even something like basic financial systems. Seemed off to have them bethatnaive. Would have been, in my opinion, better to have some of them put up some reservation outside of just the fear of getting caught or the difficulty of it. To rationally say "this part is going to suck, but I think it will be better in the end". For example, one of the best scenes was Eliot looking at the head of Allsafe, and realizing he was fucking the poor guy over--but making the call that the greater good was more important. I think the show would have felt a little more genuine if many of them went into this with their eyes more open (Even if they didn't quite get the scope of it right), saying they know it is going to shit on many good people, but it will be worth it. (And then having to deal with the full ramifications of that; which would be far different from debating about them when they see friends and antiquates suffering. I don't know, just feels more weighty when characters can't claim they were ignorant.).

However, yeah, I agree, showing the fall out is more satisfying...But I do wonder if they will show it given this shows abhorrence of even mentioning something good in the modern world, lol.

I thought they kind of started to address the fallout, no reason to rush it, right now they are still in the early days. We see some minor consequences, see that even in victory the fsociety guys still appear empty, it didn't solve their problems, at least not Darlene and Elliot. Having someone just talk about the fallout, especially like day one, would have been weak. I'd rather they show it next season more naturally.
No, I agree, having someone talk about it would have been weak. I meant more along the lines of having some actual tension when they debated whether they should do this (Not just if they could). For a bunch of ridiculously smart people? None of them being remotely aware of how dire the consequences would be for everyone outside of E-corp felt a bit obtuse.

But it is a small complaint, and yeah, I think it will be fine if they show it, though I wonder if they will. (I half think they keep Allsafe in the picture just to have a meaningful group who can show the fallout up close.)


I have no issues with them not showing the consequences yet, because they've apparently got a several season long plan written out already.

I only get annoyed by assholes like Lindelof and GRRM who you can clearly tell are making shit up as they go despite "having a plan."
Well technically all fiction is made up on the fly.


Buzzfeed Editor
No, I agree, having someone talk about it would have been weak. I meant more along the lines of having some actual tension when they debated whether they should do this (Not just if they could). For a bunch of ridiculously smart people? None of them being remotely aware of how dire the consequences would be for everyone outside of E-corp felt a bit obtuse.

But it is a small complaint, and yeah, I think it will be fine if they show it, though I wonder if they will. (I half think they keep Allsafe in the picture just to have a meaningful group who can show the fallout up close.)
I am imagining Allsafe is done, Gideon moves to EvilCorp as their new CTO/CISO, and he is on to Elliot.

I don't know, I am sure they imagined the negative consequences of what they were doing but considered it negligible when looking at it in scope of resetting the world's debt. Probably something they will get into next season. Smart people, hackers or not, tend to be a little myopic sometimes so it wouldn't surprise me that when widespread food shortages start impacting people these guys are sitting there going "geez we never thought about starving kids".

From a tech aspect, this show is one of the best I've ever seen. The only complaint I have is that Elliot never failed. I mean, he's obviously a genius to have that level of knowledge at his age, but he was literally ALWAYS on target, always successful. Whateves, that's the show.


I need to watch the parts with his sister in the finale again. I vaguely remember her detailing some semblance of a plan with the economy but now I am wondering if I misheard and she was just going over the plan for how to eliminate any evidence.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well,thatwas my problem--Fsociety had no idea what the consequences would, they will only learn them when they see them. It just felt kind of silly watching super-geniuses who can do home biochemical alterations and write code, not understand even something like basic financial systems. Seemed off to have them bethatnaive. Would have been, in my opinion, better to have some of them put up some reservation outside of just the fear of getting caught or the difficulty of it.
I don't know. I've known some people that areincrediblysmart in one area but completely lack common sense everywhere else.

But I see fsociety as being more idealistic than naive. Their belief in the plan is absolute. They are convinced what they are doing is "saving the world". We don't know why exactly Trenton, Romero, and Mobley have gotten involved with fsociety or what is motivating them, but Darlene has repeatedly shown she'll do anything to enact the plan - which is why she was willing to put her ex-boyfriend at risk and why they had to talk her down from uploading the code a few episodes back. Even if any consequences have occurred to Darlene, I don't think it'd be enough to make her hesitate since she 100% believes in what they are doing. Considering the rest are willing to follow someone as erratic and unreliable as Elliot/Mr. Robot, I imagine they have a similar mindset.

That, and I could see not mentioning the consequences as another way the writers are trying make us see things from Elliot's perspective. By not mentioning what might go wrong, it makes us think similarly to fsociety. How great would it be if debt was erased? If a giant conglomerate was brought to its knees? If we aren't told what the potential consequences are, perhaps we're less likely to consider them ourselves and get behind what fsociety is doing. I suspect they'll use that to completely crush our (and fsociety's) expectations next season.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
My wife and I are 3 episodes in, or whichever one ended with The Push, and I gotta say I don't feel like I have half a clue as to what is really going on. At this point we're trying to figure out what is and what isn't real. Elliot is def fucked in the head.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A lot of shitty TV is about the "gotcha gimmick". What the show can surprise you with if/when/before you figure it all out.

I know, at this point, the show feels probably like that. I will tell you though, this show is so much more than that. So, don't really worry about it.

The show runner fully acknowledges that he was inspired by some similar shows/movies that we have all seen before and he is not trying to pioneer new ground here. He made the decisions he did, because it ultimately make the story and the characters that much more interesting, not to spring a gotcha moment on you.


I'm enjoying the way the plot is moving. I like cross dressing asian dude's character with that post credits scene.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I dont think it has to be framed as a gotcha moment, especially with Tyrell. Basic logic would lead you to believe that ship has sailed. They did it with Mr.Robot, to very clever effect I might add, so it would be poor writing and imagination to simply DO IT AGAIN LOL with Tyrell.

The bigger issue at hand is Tyrell the character himself and how he is involved with fsociety once the Tyrelliot nonsense is violently put to bed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm thinking the sister and the blond are the same person. The few times they have interacted it feels like the same awkwardness of Elliot / Mr Robot. It might be that the whole family is nuts and Tyrell is an Uncle or something.


2 Minutes Hate
So Darlene is the sister. We've never seen her in any of Elliot's memory flashbacks or hallucinations. The only tie to her past is the blond.

Now crazy hot wife had a kid whenbshe was 15. Obviously not old enough for it be Darlene.

I'm all over the place but there has to be something there.

How did the dad get sick again?


Got something right about marriage
Goddamnit. Please don't make this thread as insufferable as the True Detective thread.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not baggin on Draegan here or his comment, just making an observation.

People watch shows like they are a real life story that has already happened. Like, if you pay attention close enough and put all the clues together, there is some mystery to be solved. Whether it is Lost, Game of Thrones, or True Detective... I guess it is the only thing people can do these days to have a discussion on the shows they like.

Really, these are all just works of fiction that can be anything the author chooses them to be. You can theorize to the ends of the earth, but this shit isn't anything till the author tells you what is it. All the endless theorizing that goes on in these threads not only annoying but pointless as fuck.


Buzzfeed Editor
So Darlene is the sister. We've never seen her in any of Elliot's memory flashbacks or hallucinations. The only tie to her past is the blond.

Now crazy hot wife had a kid whenbshe was 15. Obviously not old enough for it be Darlene.

I'm all over the place but there has to be something there.

How did the dad get sick again?
The dad got leukemia due to some chemical shit that EvilCorp did which killed the blonde's mom as well. We haven't seen Darlene in his flashbacks or hallucinations because his delusions were editing her out for whatever reason. Probably in service of completing the plan and hacking the gibson.

Russian wife story was probably just character background. I doubt that ever comes up again, except in regards to her family, it was referenced as if they were powerful in some way.


2 Minutes Hate
Probably. I think those two plot points are separate though, never meant to insinuate that they were connected.

Even blondy saying Darlene was never close so why was she there seems like another hint at something. We'll probably get some flashbacks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Angelas mom and Elliots dad died from the same Evil Corp cause? I thought I heard the term radiation used in Elliots dads case, mother was the same? Thought she died from toxic poisoning? Im confused lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Russian wife story was probably just character background. I doubt that ever comes up again, except in regards to her family, it was referenced as if they were powerful in some way.
She's Danish (or, at least, speaks Danish), and I can't really see the previous pregnancy being dropped in there without it coming up again - Chekhov's gun and all. I don't know if we'll see her kid show up, but it could be something that is providing motivation for whatever she's trying to accomplish by pulling Tyrell's strings.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah you're right, I looked it up and he speaks Swedish and she speaks Danish. For some reason I thought they spoke different languages a couple of times, it sounded like they spoke both Russian and French at separate points. Goes to show what I know about languages I guess.

I really don't think that is an example of Chekov's gun. It is just character development. I mean, what would the kid be? 10? 15 max? And she gave it up back in Denmark, so how does that factor in? It could happen, just doesn't seem likely.