Mtg EDH thread


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Who wants to trade/sell me all their rebecca guay lands from commander decks.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Took Kynaois and Tiro out for a spin today. Running Astral Slide/Lightning Rift, Cycling Lands, and Land retrieval like Loam, alongside some good recursive ETB creatures to abuse with slide. Was pretty fun. Pulled off some pretty huge turns fueled by mountains of lands generated by Burgeoning and Kynaios & Tyro handing everyone extra land drops. Won one of the games via Jeskai Ascendancy+Sprout Swarm shenanigans out of nowhere.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I typically play for that lunchroom table circa 1998 feel, so infinites and combo if included are usually only included as options to increase the range of decks I can play against.

Due to low power preference, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and Mesmeric Orbs are auto includes in every single deck I run. This lightweight passive combo does a nice job of reducing the effectiveness of tutors, and putting a light limitation on many infinite tricks. It also gives options to pick your hand or generate infinite mana by including things like obelisk and or seeker of skybreak and lotus petal with a discard outlet.


Trakanon Raider
Broke down and built Hazezon Tamar for a non-blue EDH option. I was missing a surprisingly large number of green staples. Took a couple of days to pick it all up.

Need to grab a Cradle, but I'm not in a rush. It's not a deck that really requires a lot of "power" to function. Mostly just common ramp effects and some anthems. I'm not even playing a Sol Ring.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, it's a fun time. If your playgroup's pretty creature fighty and casual, Shields of Velis Vel is unexpectedly fun in him :)
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Trakanon Raider
Shields is one of those cards you flash your opponents to play politics. It's amusing for sure.


Trakanon Raider
Was accidentally That Guy tonight. Crushed two pods in about 15 minutes each. Hazezon Tamar is a monster if no one bothers to stymie him.

These weren't newbies or untuned decks or anything. I was probably only half a turn faster than someone else both games. They just didn't respect the pile of 1/1s.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There can be some pretty disgusting turns with Hazezon, you can catch some tables with their pants down if you have a global haste enabler and/or one of the sandbaggable mass-pumps (Beastmaster Ascension or Shared Animosity on the cheap side, Triumph of the Hordes for standard "token deck murders you"). I've got a Naya Charm that comes in and out of the deck depending on how creature-dependant the shop's metagame is, since it's decent flexibility between Regrowth Mode, Kill A Utility Pud Mode, and Tapout All Blockers Mode :)


Trakanon Raider
I had one turn where I dropped 18 tokens (two Hazezon triggers) on a board with In the Web of War and Mirari's Wake. Cast E Witness, get back Jazal Goldmane, cast him, attack with 20 dudes and activate Jazal Twice. Everything was at least 44 power.

Could have easily stopped it with any number of things. They were too preoccupied derping around with walkers or xp counters.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
MTG Magic: The Gathering card search is a generally seen as a superior search engine (seeing as its inputs actually work, unlike gatherer's "nots").

So, finished futzing around with 4 color decks, didn't really have much lasting appeal for me, as at 4 colors there's basically no restrictions on your deck building. You have access to whatever you want for the deck, which is a little boring.

Current EDH project: Tuning 5 "Legends" EDH decks for play against each other, for those nights when I'm the only one who brought decks. Going for a variety of playstyles and having each of the decks able to meaningfully interact with the others.
1. Adun Oakenshield (Dredge/Reanimator)
2. Angus Mackenzie (Pillowfort/Planeswalkers)
3. Dakkon Blackblade (Voltron/Ramp into Huge Spells and Dudes)
4. Hazezon Tamar (Tokens/ETB Synergy)
5. Nicol Bolas (Cruel Control)


Mr. Poopybutthole
So as soon as I saw Baral, Chief of Compliance (2 different printings) - Deckbox I wanted to make him into EDH.

Was just wondering what cards definitively need to go in this deck? I've got the basic counter package along with a few bounce cards. I was thinking enter the infinite with maniac as a wincon. Along with arcane lab and erayo flipped. As well as Magosi combo.

Anything else I should add?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Baral is just objectively worse than running the r/u experience counter guy isn't he? That does the same thing but scales up?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Baral is just objectively worse than running the r/u experience counter guy isn't he? That does the same thing but scales up?

Maybe, but I am going mono-blue. It's a 2 drop, can make things cost just as little with the right cards, and has constant draw.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I suppose if you wanted to go really low to the ground and just pack all the cantrips and whatever to just filter 40 cards a game with his loot.

Erayo is banned in edh, so no go there. You probably want Forbid to try and lock out games? Mind's Dilation and go for a big storm win?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I suppose if you wanted to go really low to the ground and just pack all the cantrips and whatever to just filter 40 cards a game with his loot.

Erayo is banned in edh, so no go there. You probably want Forbid to try and lock out games? Mind's Dilation and go for a big storm win?

Was unaware of the Erayo ban, so thank you for saving me a few dollars. I think I have forbid already. Mind's Dilation could be interesting.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You'll need some way to end the game, as swinging for 1 with him over and over seems not ideal. In mono blue your options are basically some kind of big storm payoff (very hard to do with brain freeze given deck sizes), or setting up some sort of infinite combo, mana, extra turns, whatever. Creature based plans seem not great in mono blue aside from just ramping up to like a blightsteel or something, but that feels pretty flimsy for EDH.

Planar portal + beacon of tomorrows is the age old blue combo standby if you want to go that route. Otherwise there's plenty of options to make infinite (or near enough) mana with various urza free spells/high tide/isochron scepter etc.