MTG thread


El Presidente
But they reprinted Felidar Sovereign and lowered it's rarity because people always enjoy playing against cards that basically make it impossible to attack them with non flying creatures.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dunno - they always start off slow besides PWs with what they spoil.

Today's spoilers look OK.

Brutal Expulsion - VERY versatile card with potential to 2-for-1 (or even 3-for-1 for some rare cases) that can exile for Eldrazi shenanigans [plus preventing reanimation/etc] - my gut is telling me 5/5
From Beyond - Awakening Zone + Eldrazi tutoring as a one shot doesn't seem bad at all if Eldrazi become a thing at all. - my gut is giving this a 3/5
Bird - Meh. - my gut gives it a 2/5


Trakanon Raider
People hated Dragons of Tarkir too, and it turned out to be very strong. BFZ is going to fly off shelves no matter what.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not really Magic related, but today's been a weird day for me, CCG-wise.

Legend of the Five Rings ended today. Been playing that CCG since I was 10 years old. It's so weird when one of these games, that always seems to just be there, just poofs. So many friends and memories you just kinda build up over the years.

Okay, that was pretty lame. Need to huff some ground up Expedition powder.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Holy shit, they were still making l5r up until now? That shit like completely died out by like...15? years ago or so. You couldn't even give the cards away.

I always wondered why that game didn't take off more. It had a really interest system with provinces and stuff, and the multiplayer was just great. Many fond memories of being at like -40 honor with my Scorpion deck and everyone hating me.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, it's been in the top 10 selling CCGs the entire time its been in print. Course, there's a 30 mile gap between the top 4 and the next 3
It's been a long slow decline into nothingness. Company just finally crapped it up enough that they had to sell the IP off to recoup costs. On the plus side, it landed at FFG, so I'm sure whatever they do with it 2-3 years from now will be decent. Amusing tie in to this as an MMORPG forum, the L5R died once before (for 7 months) at the hand of Ryan Dancey at Wizards at the Coast... the same guy who brought us the lovely "gem" Pathfinder Online. He's some kind of gaming-cancer.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Oh man, Fantasy Flight? Yea they could definitely cook up something legit to do with it. Hell, I'd even play it as a Talisman skin ala Relic.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Haha yea, my vtes cards are sitting around someplace. That game has been dead longer than l5r even and is another case where I couldn't give them away if I wanted to, but I can't quite make myself throw it all out.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Best multiplayer CCG that's been made. I don't think I ever actually played a single game of it 1v1.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's miserable to play 1v1. I played in a bunch of tournaments for it when I was a teenager and 1v1 just doesn't really work. It devolves in to, or for me it did anyway, having standing intercept or whatever it was called, and just fighting their vampires for every action. Hunt? that's a fight. It's a dumb format.

The multiplayer was so great though, but man could it be a friend destroyer sometimes. Maybe that's because I played so many combat decks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's just such a well designed multiplayer game. Attack left (primarily) and dwindling resources as a core mechanic really help put a cap on game length. The phrase that our group coined was "cross-table buddy."

My L5R memories are mostly of a few expansions in when you could actually pull off Enlightenment victories. Suddenly my love of Phoenix paid off and I was flavor of the month.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Since you guys brought it back in another thread...
Even wizards R&d has said that the counter spell mechanic is too strong and they want magic games focused in a different axis. My source is Patrick Sullivan.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Also modern league goin on at twitch tv right now Tuesday's at 9. Pm pst. Some players are Reid, Cedric, lsv.


El Presidente
Pat Sullivan has nothing to do with R&D. It has been stated by actual Devs that they generally won't do cheap counters and land destruction because of whining cunts not actual power level of the cards themselves.


Trakanon Raider
Pat Sullivan has nothing to do with R&D. It has been stated by actual Devs that they generally won't do cheap counters and land destruction because of whining cunts not actual power level of the cards themselves.
Yep, which made me sad because I like to play LD from time to time.

Hell I built an anti-nonbasic EDH deck that the pimped out players around town hate.....which the cheap EDH players love it lol