MTG thread


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
No, I mean, I bought them this morning at the absolute low point and they're already rebounded up over 3 tix.

I bought them last time at the low point and sold at the high point as well.


Golden Squire
Oblivion Sower is apparently sold out at the Pro Tour and it isn't just Saito buying them out to sell in Japan. We will see if it means something since I really hope there are more decks than Jeskai Black and GW meganorph.

Yeah, I know the Pro Tour always shows off lots of tech but it has been awhile since I have seen such fully formed decks show up so early that are powerful at all points of the game.


I bought two boxes of BFZ against my better judgement. I just love opening packs.

I got an Ulamog, two Undergrowth Chamion (one being foil), and a Kiora for my worthwhile mythics. Got a few of the rare lands also of course, no expeditions.

Now that RDW is fairly dead I need to actually research a deck I want to build, might go atarka.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have opened about 10 packs from my box so far, and I've gotten an Undergrowth Champion and a Kiora so far. My little brother got a Kiora, Undergrowth Champion, and an Ulamog. No Expeditions yet, but I still have quite a few packs to go!

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Undergrowth is the only notable one I pulled. 3 of the new dual lands. No walkers. I priced out my pulls on SCG at 50 bucks. I hope you all pull the higher end of the EV curve.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played a bit of the GB Zulaport deck that top 32'd SCG. It can do some suprisingly fast kills with a nice curve into Collected Company. Overpowers GW a bit since they have such limited removal so you can sandbag a Zulaport and just end them a lot of times.


Doer of Things
Played my first draft in like 8 years last Friday. Going again tonight, despite losing horribly bad last week.


El Presidente
Played my first draft in like 8 years last Friday. Going again tonight, despite losing horribly bad last week.
Nice. I love limited so much and this format is pretty awesome. Sealed is a little weird due to all the synergies and often lacking them in context, but the draft format is really excellent.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's pretty skill testing. If you saw PT coverage today, you got to see Martell lead you through a pick by pick trainwreck.


Golden Squire
I've done a few leagues with the UB deck and it is remarkably good and can kill out of nearly nowhere. Sidisi's Faithful is just really good with all the Gideons running around.

Even if it doesn't end up being tier one, I'd be surprised if it isn't tier one when KTK rotates. The deck does lose Bloodsoaked Champion but is otherwise intact. BFZ overall is just too low power to complete with gold cards when perfect mana is available. A bit of a shame, but meh.


Golden Squire
I should add, if you want to spec, DTK and Origins are good places to look. DTK is the beginning of a block that didn't have a rotation, so its impact won't be fully felt until KTK goes bye bye.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really like drafting myself I bought a box of the new set and now my friends have all pretty much quit playing, I got an mtgo account but I am scared to start drafting there and then watching my paycheck go out the window.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I did a BFZ draft over the weekend, thought to myself I haven't played in a while, so lets take it easy with a swiss draft. Ended up going 0-3 anyways after drafting a R/W allies deck, had lots of opponents down to 2 or 3 life then some 8/10 eldrazi would hit the table and I would be out of gas. I also don't think I made optimal selections during the draft, but I was going in blind not having any clue about the set or its themes beforehand.

Not all was negative though, I opened a foil Steam Vaults in pack 2 that I sold for 14 tix after the draft, so that paid for my draft. I like the set, I could see myself drafting it from time to time.


Trakanon Raider
Expeditions are bottoming out pretty fuckin hard. I've got local shop owners trying to push them out the door fast. Shocks for $50-60, non-blue fetches for $70-80. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm snagging every single one of them I can afford at those prices. Seems impossible they could stay that low forever unless they're just a horrible marketing failure (and they aren't).