MTG thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, I don't play either currently, but 90%-95% of the cards with new abilities describe what those abilities do pretty thoroughly on the card itself, so you don't need to worry about that too much.

So, new release today and I got intrigued. I havn't bought a booster pack since 1999 I think? Decide not to stay for FNM because.. reasons, but grab two booster packs because I had convinced myself it was a good idea.

Two main questions though, a) is there a real option for someone who doesn't want to deal with FNM crowds and has no friends who plays magic anymore (thanks hearthstone and netrunner), but still wants to play casually. And b) I played from the tail end of revised until end of Urzas/beginning of MM. So many new rules, etc. Is it hard to get back in/learn all the new things?

I played from 4th edition to Onslaught and hadn't even thought about the game except in brief spurts until about 3 years ago. I decided to play a prerelease event (Dragon's Maze) for my birthday and was instantly addicted again. I'm not really a social person so I didn't have any friends when I started playing again. I'd go to tournaments and just play quietly on my iPad in between rounds. It didn't take too long until some players asked to play the DC Deckbuilder between rounds....and that led to making some great friends. Now I'm playing less Magic and playing more board games, but transition never would have happened without finding those friends through Magic.

I think it's different if you want to play casually. But we have piles of commander players that hang out at the shop all the time and I would say that 90% of them are not competitive but always looking for a game.

It really depends on what you're looking for, but I'm sure you'll make some new friends if you decide to get back into the game. Just be prepared for the cost! Do you still have your old cards? That can help to offset that.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think given its the beginning of the block I'll give it a whirl, and the kid is getting into the stage where he's playing d&d every weekend at a friends house that this will be a logical progression so I should keep some cards in the house at any rate.

Re: old cards, nah, I liquidated everything after highschool to buy booze at uni. Not even gonna lie, I only regret it a little; mostly when I see how much dual-lands sell for now..

Re: local game store, I'll be frank. I'm a public librarian in a library attached to a high school, so I deal with shitbag kids daily and the prospect of having to deal with them during my hobby time doesn't really appeal to me; but having said that some kid came into my library today to ask if he could get a room to run some roleplaying campaign today and I asked him about the local mtg crowd and he gave me a list of better times/events that run to largely avoid them, so I'm a lot more interested in buying a box or two and seeing what I can come up.

Once again cheers, helped me make a decision.


Potato del Grande
My FNM was 18-30+, rare to see a 16-18 and it ends so late (6pm-10:30pm) that the two times I saw a 14 year old and mummy, she took him home after game 2/3.

It is a big university city though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Seems most folks 21 and under end up in Yu-Gi-Oh, then feed into Magic in their 20s, these days.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Went to a local store over the weekend and was able to trade that hallowed fountain I got during the holidays for a fat pack of the new set, so pretty dope.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Anybody has any suggestions for selling my magic collection?

Most of it is Revised, Legends, Arabian Nights, Antiquities and The Dark.

Using get a general idea of how much my collection was worth, it seems to be worth between 6-8K.

Not sure how valid these prices are, like do they actually sell at the listed prices.

I'm thinking of just selling as bulk to a card store...probably gonna get something like 50% of the value, but I just want to get rid of it. Or should I attempt to sell the high value card individually on ebay or something?


Tranny Chaser
There's nothing wrong with unloading it all to a store if you don't want to mess around. At any large event there will be stores set up there that do just that so you don't even have to muck about with shipping. I've personally never had a problem with eBay but I know other people have. My one recommendation there would be to not ship oversees or to Mexico.

Also, I don't know how much hunting you did online for card prices but those older sets may have some sleepers in them that have value that you wouldn't really even think about.
Anybody has any suggestions for selling my magic collection?

Most of it is Revised, Legends, Arabian Nights, Antiquities and The Dark.

Using get a general idea of how much my collection was worth, it seems to be worth between 6-8K.

Not sure how valid these prices are, like do they actually sell at the listed prices.

I'm thinking of just selling as bulk to a card store...probably gonna get something like 50% of the value, but I just want to get rid of it. Or should I attempt to sell the high value card individually on ebay or something?
I'll buy it for probably better than what a store would give you. Send me a PM with a better idea of what you have (more detailed is better, but at least the higher value cards) and we can try to work something out.

eBay is probably a better idea than selling to a store, but it's a lot of work and they suck away so much of your money in fees.
Shark alert! Ruuuuuuuuuuuun
Heh. I guess that's fair. I've bought stuff from a couple people here that seemed fine with the transaction.

It always makes me sad when people sell their cards pennies on the dollar to a store/vendor, but if I were to offer someone the same 20 bucks for a 40 dollar card I'm lowballing/ripping someone off. It's just a matter of perspective. If I'm going to be paying TCG prices I'll just go there and shop at my convenience. If you want to meet somewhere in the middle of vendor sell/vendor buy prices...then we can talk.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
South Park was prescient.


Golden Squire
Seems like Standard is currently defined as "Do you have Avacyn and/or Declaration in Stone? If not fuck you." I really hope the pros figure something out in a week since I am not looking forward to standard as it is shaping up.


Golden Knight of the Realm
After a long hiatus I hit the SOI pre release events, had lots of fun, and good pulls, even won a 2 headed giant event. Previously had only ever played 2 other organized events. Now I've got the bug again and have been blowing money on random things for my commander decks thanks to the professor's gear reviews, and various commander dedicated podcasts.
What's scary is how valuable commander decks can be if you have your old stuff from the 90's. I decided to fire up the printer and proxy everything valued over 10 bucks since the LGS I play at is ok with food/drinks at the tables. It also lets me not worry about leaving my things lying around when I need to take a piss.


Bronze Squire
Seems like Standard is currently defined as "Do you have Avacyn and/or Declaration in Stone? If not fuck you." I really hope the pros figure something out in a week since I am not looking forward to standard as it is shaping up.
I concur, it's possible something is out there buried in the depths of standard that doesn't play a fair game and can ignore how powerful those cards are. Perhaps something that can kill Avacyn and not really care about her ability, and has a win condition that can play around declaration.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am currently doing the SOI prerelease sealed event am fairly new to magic and this is my first time interacting with this set but this is what I built

any advice would be appreciated. I was thinking about going blue/red but I dont think I have enough control or removal for the minimum amount of creatures I would be running.

also can you play test your sealed deck before you play any matches? I asked the guys in the support channel and he said it was a bug and that I should not be able to export the sealed deck cards until after I finish the league.