Murders and Shootings


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm fine with civilians owning howitzers and mortars.
What about nuclear bombs? Well, this should give Obama the ammunition (horrible pun) he needs to go after assault rifles. I honestly don't know what the rational defense is for them but I live in suburbia and in my day to day life guns in no way are needed or even come across my thought process. If I lived in the ghetto I'm sure they'd have some relevance to me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So now it's been confirmed that the Assault Rifle was the weapon used to do all the damage. Yesterday when it was just the two handguns you could have argued the point that more restrictive gun laws wouldn't have changed much. Now though it certainly is debatable, would 20 have been killed if he didn't have that weapon? What kind of reasoning for hunting or home protection is there for assault rifles to be available? Why not howitzers and mortars then?
At no point during this shooting was an 'assault rifle' involved you stupid faggot.


<Prior Amod>
There would be MANY MANY more dead in China after those attacks if guns were readily available like they are here. Do you actually doubt this?
No, I never said that nor did I insinuate it.... That wasn't even what he and I were talking about.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm so happy the American Psychiatric conglomerates are dropping the term aspergers in the new edition of their medical guide.

That lame fall back excuse I'm pretty sure started on /v/ as a stupid meme to mock socially awkward posters, and somehow in the past couple of years has just exploded into the mainstream as an excuse for virtually every idiotic act by social outcasts around. Its like the hipster brain damage bandwagon meme of the decade.

Autism spectrum disorder is more accurate any way.


Mr. Poopybutthole
According to CNN (just a few minutes ago) what he used was essentially the civilian version of an M16.
Yeah, I know what an AR-15 is. Explain to me what the fuck an 'assault rifle' is. Something with a big fucking scary black casing instead of nice soothing wood furniture?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
According to CNN (just a few minutes ago) what he used was essentially the civilian version of an M16.
AR-15 being "essentially a civilian version" of an M-16, is like claiming that an H2 Hummer is "essentially a civilian version" of a Humvee


Mr. Poopybutthole
I assumed that would be classified as an assault rifle but fuck if I know.
Is this an assault rifle?


What about this one?


Is this an assault rifle?









Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ok, lets put this out there to our gun experts: What is the standard clip size for a non-bolt action hunting rifle that is NOT based on modern military design? By modern I mean post-StG 44, which is typically considered the first assault rifle.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
So Gavinrad, 2 bolt action rifles and what looks like an old M4 is the same classification of a rifle using any idiot can use to fire those rounds at a very high rate indiscriminately? I've yet to see a reasonable explanation given either for what use the weapon in question would have for hunting or home defense that couldn't be done by a handgun or standard hunting rifle.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So Gavinrad, 2 bolt action rifles and what looks like an old M4 is the same classification of a rifle using any idiot can use to fire those rounds at a very high rate indiscriminately? I've yet to see a reasonable explanation given either for what use the weapon in question would have for hunting or home defense that couldn't be done by a handgun or standard hunting rifle.
Thanks for proving that you're a moron who should never make another post about guns ever again. Not only are none of those weapons I posted bolt action (I mean seriously, you obviously don't know what the fuck a bolt action rifle looks like), but all 3 of those are the same fucking weapon, the M14. You know an M4 is a chopped down M16 right, and doesn't look anything like any of the pictures I posted? Also, what the fuck are you even going on about? The guy was gunning down 5 year olds, he could have been using 9mm pistols and probably killed just as many of them. Thousands of people get murdered every year by handguns, BUT OH GOD RIFLES LOOK SCARY LETS LEGISLATE THEM


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Article from 2010, but all the pros it lists for "home defense" also are pros for just plain killing people/being effective weapons in a mass killing.

A 6 or 7 year old absorbing a rifle round that is designed to fragment/xfer the energy into the target is why there were essentially no survivors. At least with the handgun models they mentioned he had, the bullets would have been more likely to pass through the kids. There still would have been a lot of deaths, but maybe less? The Bushmaster also appears to have a 20 to 30 round standard clip size. The Med Examiner office said most of the victims were shot more then once, so assuming an average of 2 shots per victim, he potentially only had to reload once or maybe twice max if he was a good shot (which from all evidence provided, it appears he was).

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Nice, I'm a moron because without seeing the guns first hand or google searching the pictures I make the wrong guess about a gun I've never owned, used or even seen in person. Yet somehow that makes my question or point invalid. That's a pretty compelling argument there Gavinrad.

Fuck you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Article from 2010, but all the pros it lists for "home defense" also are pros for just plain killing people/being effective weapons in a mass killing.

A 6 or 7 year old absorbing a rifle round that is designed to fragment/xfer the energy into the target is why there were essentially no survivors. At least with the handgun models they mentioned he had, the bullets would have been more likely to pass through the kids. There still would have been a lot of deaths, but maybe less? The Bushmaster also appears to have a 20 to 30 round standard clip size. The Med Examiner office said most of the victims were shot more then once, so assuming an average of 2 shots per victim, he potentially only had to reload once or maybe twice max if he was a good shot (which from all evidence provided, it appears he was).
Ok, so if he had to reload twice, he would have had to reload what, 5 times with a 9mm pistol? 4 times if he had two pistols? And what the hell does the rifle round have to do with anything? Go out and buy hollow points. But honestly, I'm pretty sure the difference between two 5.56 shots and two 9mm shots to center mass on a five year old is negligible.

Nice, I'm a moron because without seeing the guns first hand or google searching the pictures I make the wrong guess about a gun I've never owned, used or even seen in person. Yet somehow that makes my question or point invalid. That's a pretty compelling argument there Gavinrad.

Fuck you.

The red arrows are why you're a moron.




Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ok, so if he had to reload twice, he would have had to reload what, 5 times with a 9mm pistol? 4 times if he had two pistols? And what the hell does the rifle round have to do with anything? Go out and buy hollow points. But honestly, I'm pretty sure the difference between two 5.56 shots and two 9mm shots to center mass on a five year old is negligible.
Reloading is everything in situations like this. Sure, depending on the weapon it might not take long, but it still requires the shooter to stop shooting...which gives the victims a window to flee or fight back. A 5.56 shot also gives the shooter a greater margin of "error" in the shot and still be successful in taking down the target. Lethality over range is also superior on the rifle. Sure, in a small room it might be a moot point, but a school has all sorts of different types of structural components (for instance, long hallways or wide open rooms like Cafeterias or Gymnasiums).