NBA 2013?14 Season


Ssraeszha Raider
That's generally how fines in sports work. He'll just receive $2.5 mil less from tv revenue, sale of his team, or however else they can get it.

Him refusing to pay the fine means he'll probably insist the league owes him $2.5 mil and will sue to get it. Legally he's wrong on every count and his only hope is to try and tie it up in courts as long as he can just to be a prick. The way its set up, it goes to arbitration first (which he'll lose) and he would then have to convince a judge there was something unlawful about the whole process. It's very likely a judge will just say "Sorry, not hearing your case. Suck it" and then it's over. That could actually be a fairly quick process and finished in the offseason.

Durant will continue to be the best player in the NBA for the next 10 years.


Vyemm Raider
after the league removes him from ownership, what obligation does he have to pay the fine?
If he signed the contract, it will hold up in court. I work for a large franchise company. If he signed a contract with a clause allowing him to be fined up to X amount, it will hold up in court.

I don't work for Outback Steakhouse, but if a corporate representative of that franchise goes into the franchisee's kitchen and sees that the food is being cooked differently than specified by the recipe corporate handed out, the franchise owner can be fined up to $50,000.

quote the clause. i dont know why youre lawyering.
I don't think the contracts between the NBA and owners is made public. Well except for this part on deadspin:

That "Secret" NBA Constitution Is Now Online

Article 24(l) of the NBA constitution reads:

The Commissioner shall, wherever there is a rule for which no penalty is specifically fixed for violation thereof, have the authority to fix such penalty as in the Commissioner's judgment shall be in the best interests of the Association. Where a situation arises which is not covered in the Constitution and By-Laws, the Commissioner shall have the authority to make such decision, including the imposition of a penalty, as in his judgment shall be in the best interests of the Association. The penalty that may be assessed under the preceding two sentences may include, without limitation, a fine, suspension, and/or the forfeiture or assignment of draft choices. No monetary penalty fixed under this provision shall exceed $2,500,000.
The Commissioner shall, wherever there is a rule for which no penalty is specifically fixed for violation thereof, have the authority to fix such penalty as in the Commissioner's judgment shall be in the best interests of the Association. Where a situation arises which is not covered in the Constitution and By-Laws, the Commissioner shall have the authority to make such decision, including the imposition of a penalty, as in his judgment shall be in the best interests of the Association.The penalty that may be assessed under the preceding two sentences may include, without limitation, a fine, suspension, and/or the forfeiture or assignment of draft choices. No monetary penalty fixed under this provision shall exceed $2,500,000.
And if he no longer owns the team, what then?

Also what TV money? If he's removed from ownership he's due nothing.
You're making this more complicated then it is Azeth. He was fined and then banned. Just because he is banned or voted out by the other owners doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay a fine levied while he is/was still the owner of the clippers.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Paying the fine is a tacit admission of guilt, he doesn't care about the money most likely, it's just to setup his case.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Yes it most certainly does mean he doesn't owe them ANYTHING. That's not how things work.
Just because you got kicked out of the bar doesn't mean you don't owe the tab. Sure, he doesn't want to pay it and will probably try not to, knowing it's not at all about the money for either side. But he still owes it.
Yes it most certainly does mean he doesn't owe them ANYTHING. That's not how things work.
Not at all. When you sign a contract that involves penalties like this then you are liable for them even if you lose your privileges as a customer/owner/client as a result of the actions that earned the fine.


Ssraeszha Raider
You're making this more complicated then it is Azeth. He was fined and then banned. Just because he is banned or voted out by the other owners doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay a fine levied while he is/was still the owner of the clippers.
"Banned" in this case just means he can't make decisions regarding the team, and isn't allowed in the arena. He still owns them and is still getting paid.


Potato del Grande