NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

Enjoyed this game very much. It's a shame what SoE did to you, and although I considered EQNext as a possible purchase in the future, I will now not purchase the game under any circumstances and will encourage others I know not to also.

I look forward to seeing how Nevergrind evolves in the future.


<Bronze Donator>
SoE hasn't actually said anything, maelfyn is just changing stuff in case they ever would have in the future.


Trakanon Raider
In case this whole project crashes and burns due to the current and upcoming changes, do you have a backup of the EQ themed version? I hope so. I started playing two weeks ago and thought it was great. Then the whole game went linear and EQ references were removed. It's still fun but the linearity totally kills the world feel.

Btw, I think the original music is really well done. Wish it would play for more than a minute in some zones. Song in PoFear is badass.
God I hope he has a copy. I'm sorry but I won't ever be interested in the new version based on what I see so far, or anything really. I'm not interested in "yet another flash/browser game". There are millions and they are very limiting and I don't have an office job that I need to bulllshit around with for an hour when bored. I wanted something unique and larger than simple a flash/browser game, and also the nostalgia fix was nice.


Heh, this is fun! Is there sound though? I mean, I see the volume settings in the options but I'm not hearing a thing. And yes, my headphones are working, sound is turned up. Maybe it's Chrome?


The audio will be re-enabled in the paid version. I had like 260 gigs of data transfer with Amazon S3 in a few weeks and it was starting to cost a lot for a game with no revenue stream.


Bummer. Really enjoyed the EQ fix without having to actually play EQ. Thought this was pretty inventive and fun. I would have paid for sure; however, I can see why you would be iffy about making money off of an "EQ based game" and SOE coming after you. Oh well, I guess that's the end of that for me.

Good work, was fun while it lasted


A nice asshole.
I will miss the sights and sounds of EQ but still a solid game and I dig the new art, I can see myself buying this game.


Trakanon Raider
I can't get into the details right now, but I will say I have hired a talented artist to draw original art work for all of the zones and monsters/characters. I was also contacted by someone in the VG industry who wants to collaborate, but that was only possibly if I converted NG into its own IP. Being the single-player web version of p1999 was fun, but very limiting in terms of what I could do with the website. Project 1999 has an agreement with SOE. I don't. And it's very unlikely that I will ever get one. Project 1999 operates under a set of restrictions, such as not releasing beyond a certain expansion and not being able to monetize. Even if I did, by some miracle, get an agreement with SOE, playing by those rules would be too limiting for me.

This is my first ever web project or game of any kind, so I never initially anticipated this kind of reception and I never thought I'd get over 1000 hits 17 days in a row (and counting). A lot changes when 50 people are looking at your site versus several thousand. Receiving a C&D letter starts to become an actual concern and I didn't want to see NeverGrind end that way. I have way too much fun working on it to let it end that way.

Changing the game was a hard decision that I knew would alienate a considerable number of people like yourself. Particularly players that played primarily for nostalgic reasons. So I understand your dismay, but I still say give it a few months. You are looking at a game that is in the middle of a giant lore transition and everything isn't in place yet. Some of the new stuff will be better, and some of it will be worse. Once they are finished and in place, I think the new linear gameplay, backgrounds, mobs, and music will be way better than the old stuff. Admittedly, the action icons and the new sound effects will probably not be as good as the old ones. I think the EverQuest sound effects are some of the best ever, so it's hard to compete with that. But I think it will turn out pretty well considering the game has a 4-figure budget.

Consider giving it a try in late December/early January and see what you think once the new art and server accounts are in place.
Very curious as to where you got this information about p99. They were sent a letter warning about ip issues, but that was handled and taken care of back when Uthgaard was around. I was on the staff for over two years and not once did I read nor see anything about an agreement about what expansions or such being limited. It was all based off of not making money off of it, so they wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on by saying p99 was profiting off of soe IP.

The way you are set up isn't even remotely the same as p99 in just how it is ran. So I have no idea what the issue was.

But ya if you want to make money off of it, gotta stay away from the soe IP. If you were doing it for fun and wanted to keep it free, then there wouldn't have been an issue I'm sure.


A nice asshole.
DoTs like Cascading Darkness on necromancer don't do damage. Also when I stealth as a halfling ranger and hit a mob that causes ambush it perma stuns them, this lets me kill anything with enough time.


Hatorade: these have been fixed. Nice catch on the halfling ranger skill as it was only affecting that race/class combination.


A nice asshole.
Hatorade: these have been fixed. Nice catch on the halfling ranger skill as it was only affecting that race/class combination.
Woo, game is looking and playing better every week. I will accept a steam key at launch for all the bug reporting


Thanks! Yeah, the new artwork (backgrounds and mobs) are completely done, though the artist is continuing to improve what exists. I won't be putting it in the game until the server accounts are ready.


Bummer. Really enjoyed the EQ fix without having to actually play EQ. Thought this was pretty inventive and fun. I would have paid for sure; however, I can see why you would be iffy about making money off of an "EQ based game" and SOE coming after you. Oh well, I guess that's the end of that for me.

Good work, was fun while it lasted
I take this back. I must have been sensitive that day. I gave this a try today. Lots of changes. I'm liking it so far. Art and music is great. I like where the Lore is going. Overall, it's pretty fun and I hope that you keep working on this. Good luck!


For the Shadow Knight ability: Gasping Frenzy - the default number of his seems to be 5. I have not been able to get an actual 3 hits while <100 and >80. Not that I'm complaining!


Yeah, I'm pretty sure. It seems like I'm a "rank" off for each.. When I'm in the 3 hit range, it hits 5 times.. when I'm in the 5 hit range, it hits however many times it should in the next level, and so on.. At least the animation/sounds look that way. I haven't actually looked at a log.. so maybe it actually hits 3 times but animates as more? I'll turn on spam next time I play and see... using Chrome if it matters...

EDIT: Nevermind, my dudes are gone? Literally just camped out like 10 mins ago. I clicked on the link in your sig. and it brought me to the page, but, doesn't show any of my bros.. oh well