Neverwinter: PC


Lord Nagafen Raider
I need to see more puzzles and riddles. The early content could easily have been heavy on puzzles to make up for the lack of skills. Im playing a guardian fighter though and when I hit level 10. I now have a skill that uses the tab key. The game basically gives you more access to your keyboard as you level.

There are other classes that we haven't seen yet like the great weapon fighter and im sure a ranged class like an archer.


<Silver Donator>
I was looking at the little "bonus packs for giving us money early" and saw this bonus item...

Drops a piece of useless junk on the ground when activated. (one per character)
Really now? really?

My wife is interested in this game and it's been a while since we had an MMO we could play and enjoy. But srsly???


I was looking at the little "bonus packs for giving us money early" and saw this bonus item...

Really now? really?

My wife is interested in this game and it's been a while since we had an MMO we could play and enjoy. But srsly???
There is kind of a D&D item analogue... oh wait, they are charging real money for that? lol


Molten Core Raider
Does anyone know in 4e if mobs have damage reductions like ( don't use pierce slash vs skeletons) ? . Also, does anyone know if NW's implementation of 4e has this functionality ?


Does anyone know in 4e if mobs have damage reductions like ( don't use pierce slash vs skeletons) ? . Also, does anyone know if NW's implementation of 4e has this functionality ?
Not in 4e, weapon damage is untyped. Some things will have varying degrees of resistances to specific types of damage, like Fire, Cold, Thunder, Necrotic, whatever. Weapons just do "damage", there is no "slashing" or "blunt" differentiation in 4e. Very rarely things will have specific resistances to weapons or everything, but it is pretty rare.

No idea what the game does.


Trakanon Raider
The first queue'able instance (Blacklake Terror) the final chest bugged out and no one could open it.

Tried to leave the instance but it said you must collect your treasure before leaving. So now my group is stuck in this instance. Relogged and brought me to entrance of said instance. Logged out.
This just happened to me. I wonder if there's any way for me to get out of here now. I think my character is ruined unless it times out or something.

edit: went to log a bug report and found it's already well reported, with a workaround to get out (/killme, respawn, then zone out through the caravan)


Its 2013 and game has no autoloot, set to default with toggle in options to turn off and on lol.

The game plays like dam arcade game atm.

Character models look like 2004 they would been bad in jan 2010 but we are few monthes till mid 2013 here now.

I love dnd played the old pen and paper dnd games back in day before muds with quest for glory games, Lesuire Suit Larry etc.

I do hate dnd 4 th edition wont lie, but fact they are even useing dnd as cover is comical, again plays like dam arcade game, spam fest.

What makes the character models even more worse are the item models too.

You can have level 1 item, that looks the same as level 20 green, blue item or level 40 or level 60 mastercrafted whatever uber drop they all look almost 100 percent the same.

When you make your character if want yellow hair or Blonde, or redhead for chick, or orange whatever you cant cause it brown, brown, brown and black only there is no joke in this.
When you make your character if want green eyes, or Blue eyes the same its brown, or brown or brown, or black.

I feel like I am playing Gauntlet back in the day its so fucking arcadeish also due to no autoloot have to keep clicking the F key to loot, makes me wanna go to the gun range in real life.


Trakanon Raider
The game is pretty bad but you're on crack if you reckon the character models look like they're from 2004. It does feel kind of arcadey, although a better way to describe it is it feels like a console game. You could easily play this on a 360 controller.

It has its moments.. Arcade feel isn't too bad, but the character development looks very bland. Oh look ive got 50 options but all of them at 1% to something..... Yippee. There's very few options to actually add anything different to your class. If you get right to the end of the tree I can make my cleric have a built in reactive heal! Oh yeah!

The really great thing about the game is the foundry. I've played a lot of player made quests and dungeons and it's so cool that this stuff is in there. It feels like the quests were made by Cryptic except with more spelling mistakes. It will be great to see what kind of stuff the player base can come up with which is mostly dependant on how good the tools are.


Molten Core Raider
Not in 4e, weapon damage is untyped. Some things will have varying degrees of resistances to specific types of damage, like Fire, Cold, Thunder, Necrotic, whatever. Weapons just do "damage", there is no "slashing" or "blunt" differentiation in 4e. Very rarely things will have specific resistances to weapons or everything, but it is pretty rare.

No idea what the game does.
Thanks... the game seems the same although i did not get very far. I am sure they didn't add something to make the game more complex from D&D... yet another thing about 4e i don't like. One of the most interesting things about DDO and nwn2 for example was the need a different weapon for this and that.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The game is pretty bad but you're on crack if you reckon the character models look like they're from 2004. It does feel kind of arcadey, although a better way to describe it is it feels like a console game. You could easily play this on a 360 controller.

It has its moments.. Arcade feel isn't too bad, but the character development looks very bland. Oh look ive got 50 options but all of them at 1% to something..... Yippee. There's very few options to actually add anything different to your class. If you get right to the end of the tree I can make my cleric have a built in reactive heal! Oh yeah!

The really great thing about the game is the foundry. I've played a lot of player made quests and dungeons and it's so cool that this stuff is in there. It feels like the quests were made by Cryptic except with more spelling mistakes. It will be great to see what kind of stuff the player base can come up with which is mostly dependant on how good the tools are.
I agree - arcade-y is the best way to describe it. I definitely felt it would be better played with an xbox controller. One major MAJOR downer was no identify scrolls that you could buy with silver/gold; it appears they are only available via astral diamonds (the dilithium crystals of NW). That is bunk, considering damn near every item comes unidentified. Also, the Auction House was astral diamond only; so regular currency appears pretty much damn worthless except for buying your horse, and various consumables (except for ID scrolls). The graphics didn't bother me too much, they ran very well on my laptop on high settings, I thought they looked good enough, though the char models/running animations left alot to be desired.

I played a devoted cleric up to level 23, did the skirmishes and the Cloaktower dungeon. Was fun in a hack-n-slash kind of way but not particularly earth shattering; the first dungeon was pretty much just a follow the path, kill mob packs, kill bosses. It seemed to me the difficulty ramped up considerably after level 20 or so; I tried the level 23 skirmish (Storming Daggerkeep or whatever, fighting the bandits) and I am not sure if our group sucked or what, but the final boss of that demolished us. No way to heal through that kind of damage, taking 50-75% a pop, if someone didn't get out of the way twice they were pretty much toast. People really have to be on their toes moving around and dodging/blocking.

I can't make up my mind if I love it or hate it; it is very linear, and it looks like your 'side-quests' are the foundry stuff; the foundry quests scale with level, it appears, so you can do them at any time..but holy shit, if they don't have a spellchecker for people writing the quest text, they need it ASAP. Goddamn misspellings are ridiculous. I wonder if you get something if players play your quests? That would be neat if you got a few astral diamonds or whatever every time someone ran your shit.

Certainly different than your average run-of-the-mill MMO with the action-oriented gameplay. Strangely enough, playing this gave me a burning desire to patch and log into DDO. Heh.


I agree - arcade-y is the best way to describe it. I definitely felt it would be better played with an xbox controller. One major MAJOR downer was no identify scrolls that you could buy with silver/gold; it appears they are only available via astral diamonds (the dilithium crystals of NW). That is bunk, considering damn near every item comes unidentified. Also, the Auction House was astral diamond only; so regular currency appears pretty much damn worthless except for buying your horse, and various consumables (except for ID scrolls). The graphics didn't bother me too much, they ran very well on my laptop on high settings, I thought they looked good enough, though the char models/running animations left alot to be desired.

I played a devoted cleric up to level 23, did the skirmishes and the Cloaktower dungeon. Was fun in a hack-n-slash kind of way but not particularly earth shattering; the first dungeon was pretty much just a follow the path, kill mob packs, kill bosses. It seemed to me the difficulty ramped up considerably after level 20 or so; I tried the level 23 skirmish (Storming Daggerkeep or whatever, fighting the bandits) and I am not sure if our group sucked or what, but the final boss of that demolished us. No way to heal through that kind of damage, taking 50-75% a pop, if someone didn't get out of the way twice they were pretty much toast. People really have to be on their toes moving around and dodging/blocking.

I can't make up my mind if I love it or hate it; it is very linear, and it looks like your 'side-quests' are the foundry stuff; the foundry quests scale with level, it appears, so you can do them at any time..but holy shit, if they don't have a spellchecker for people writing the quest text, they need it ASAP. Goddamn misspellings are ridiculous. I wonder if you get something if players play your quests? That would be neat if you got a few astral diamonds or whatever every time someone ran your shit.

Certainly different than your average run-of-the-mill MMO with the action-oriented gameplay. Strangely enough, playing this gave me a burning desire to patch and log into DDO. Heh.
People can donate to you if they like your foundry.


Its 2013 and game has no autoloot, set to default with toggle in options to turn off and on lol.

The game plays like dam arcade game atm.

Character models look like 2004 they would been bad in jan 2010 but we are few monthes till mid 2013 here now.

I love dnd played the old pen and paper dnd games back in day before muds with quest for glory games, Lesuire Suit Larry etc.

I do hate dnd 4 th edition wont lie, but fact they are even useing dnd as cover is comical, again plays like dam arcade game, spam fest.

What makes the character models even more worse are the item models too.

You can have level 1 item, that looks the same as level 20 green, blue item or level 40 or level 60 mastercrafted whatever uber drop they all look almost 100 percent the same.

When you make your character if want yellow hair or Blonde, or redhead for chick, or orange whatever you cant cause it brown, brown, brown and black only there is no joke in this.
When you make your character if want green eyes, or Blue eyes the same its brown, or brown or brown, or black.

I feel like I am playing Gauntlet back in the day its so fucking arcadeish also due to no autoloot have to keep clicking the F key to loot, makes me wanna go to the gun range in real life.
One thing forgot to add on my character creation graphics, character models etc, hell even the world.

This game has More Brown then even Vanguard and Daoc put together swear to god its like they used 8 Bit fucking colors.


This game is like a well done steak. At first you look at it, and think "Hell yeah, I could really go for some steak. Fucking love steak. Yum." And then you take a bite, and realize the mother fuckers cooked it well done. Some people like well done steaks. Those people are not my friends, nor should they be yours.

Don't eat well done steak.


This game is like a well done steak. At first you look at it, and think "Hell yeah, I could really go for some steak. Fucking love steak. Yum." And then you take a bite, and realize the mother fuckers cooked it well done. Some people like well done steaks. Those people are not my friends, nor should they be yours.

Don't eat well done steak.
My girlfriend eats well done steak.

She also listens to pop music and plays casual facebook style games.

That should not be a target audience for an MMO.


Trakanon Raider
Played a Trickster Rogue to 22. I enjoyed playing far more than I expected I would, but considering how low my expectations were, that's not really saying a whole lot. I agree with most of what's been said so far. Linear, arcade-like, solo-oriented and redeemed mostly by foundry stuff. Graphics didn't really bother me but then again graphics never make or break a game for me. Difficulty rather abruptly goes up around 20 which I find to be a good thing. As a squishy rogue I had to use my skills a bit more wisely to kill as efficiently. Still, sadly, mostly just a spam fest but saw some potential there. If difficulty steadily ramps up in subsequent levels then justmaybethere will be more of a need to partner up or group but I remain skeptical. All in all I plan to play through the few weeks worth of content it likely has to offer upon release, and casually check in from time to time to check out the foundry. I think once the DM nerds get their hands on the foundry stuff (and the tool set receives advancement over time) that's where the game will shine. If your a fan of D&D and can keep your expectations in check, it's not a bad little game considering the price point.