Neverwinter: PC


what they did with adding the Foundry was brilliant
All the foundry dungeons I've tried so far have been absolutely terrible because, you know, they're designed by random people who have never been so much as distantly related to a professional content designer. Every foundry dungeon so far has been your typical amateur experiment slapped together in a few hours. One of them was literally just two long tunnels with fire elementals and then a bigger fire elemental in the end. It's not going to revolutionize anything, it's just a gimmick that they hope will let them get away with designing almost no content.


A nice asshole.
There has to be a fix for this:
Rubber banding in the enclave, not just a little but I can almost make it to the other side of the whole zone before it pops me back to the zone in from tutorial section. I can dodge without using stamina and can't interact with anyone etc.

Happened near end of last beta as well, any help is appreciated.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Does the game have an open world to explore? When I played the beta for just a few levels I was just basically getting herded from one little instance to another.


It has some communal zones, but the game is at least 75% instanced. The open zones are more like the outdoor Everquest "dungeons" like Crushbone than actual open terrain zones. The game is pretty much 100% on rails. I don't think it actually has anything like West Karana or Azshara where you can just explore a wide open zone. It also has absolutely INSANE mob density, you pretty much can't run from mobs, and exploration is fiercely discouraged by the fact that you don't regenerate out of combat and some classes can't really heal themselves. This is particularly bad in the earlier levels where you sometimes have to resort to just downing healing potions between fights just to recover because the nearest campfire is several minutes away.


Trakanon Raider
All the foundry dungeons I've tried so far have been absolutely terrible because, you know, they're designed by random people who have never been so much as distantly related to a professional content designer. Every foundry dungeon so far has been your typical amateur experiment slapped together in a few hours. One of them was literally just two long tunnels with fire elementals and then a bigger fire elemental in the end. It's not going to revolutionize anything, it's just a gimmick that they hope will let them get away with designing almost no content.
The Foundry in Star Trek Online has some amazing missions and the same goes for the content creator for City of Heroes. Your statement is the equivalent of saying that on Skyrim's release that the player made content at that point is the pinnacle there will ever be available.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Crowdsourced content in an MMO would be great - imagine endless content (some good, some bad) and always having a new dungeon to conquer with a few friends. I'm all about it. Unfortunately the servers are down and I'm home "sick" from work.


Downloading now, about 80% in. Off from work due to weather (yay) so hopefully I'll get to try this today. Anyone find any good Foundry levels yet?

Angry Amadeus_sl

It would be cool if users could rate foundry stuff and the creators with more accuracy. I think, when I tried the beta a month ago, that it was in game but it was totally marginalized and random ratings.


Molten Core Raider
The servers are down for maintenance, says so in the launcher. And even if they were up, the queue is completely crazy. I've tried 3 or 4 times now and every time i'm starting somewhere in the 15k range and it eventually goes up to over 100k.

But from the feedback so far, doesn't look like i'm missing much, thanks to rubberbanding and the usual lag sillyness.


Silver Squire
The servers are down for maintenance, says so in the launcher. And even if they were up, the queue is completely crazy. I've tried 3 or 4 times now and every time i'm starting somewhere in the 15k range and it eventually goes up to over 100k.

But from the feedback so far, doesn't look like i'm missing much, thanks to rubberbanding and the usual lag sillyness.
Its really not that bad. At least not last night. Earlier in the day it was an issue. The queue numbers are certainly fucked up but I started at 35k last night and it took about 30m to get in. It jumped around all crazy but you can follow your position after a bit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think the servers are down 7-11pst for maintenance.

I was pleasantly surprised by this yesterday. Had low expectations and it's definitely not The Best Thing Ever but there is fun to be had for some amount of time at least.

The foundry is interesting. Putting content generation in the hands of the players is a great idea.


Tried the open beta last night; queue was about 15mins but the countdown was glitchy. Started at 1976ish and then 1836, then 1650 over a period of 5 minutes. Went afk to smoke and came back to see 99k! However it resumed the countdown without resetting the queue within seconds. No other problems after that.

Managed to get on, roll up a wizard, and in an hour or so made it to level 5. Fun game, responsive playstyle. Going to play this again (and again and again, I can already tell....)


Registered Hutt
The servers are down for maintenance, says so in the launcher. And even if they were up, the queue is completely crazy. I've tried 3 or 4 times now and every time i'm starting somewhere in the 15k range and it eventually goes up to over 100k.

But from the feedback so far, doesn't look like i'm missing much, thanks to rubberbanding and the usual lag sillyness.
That 100k stuff is a display glitch. It was never real. I think this patch is supposed to resolve the oddities in the queue display and smooth out some of the lag.


Played a few hours last night and the game ran flawlessly. It took me about an hour and a half to get through the queue, and finally got through at 6:30Pacific or so. The game may be on rails, but it's fun as shit and looks great.

I think I remember reading you need 10 people to create a guild. A lot of people are playing on Mindflayer, so I wouldn't be opposed to getting one started up. There's no raiding in the game, but it would make grouping easier.