Neverwinter: PC


Trakanon Raider
Worth it for a new player to try out or does it have a lop sided player base all in the high level ?
There's many people at all level ranges. Both of the above arguments are correct. You can pay cash and get whatever you want in game instantly, or you can play normally and get it all through currency earned in game, with some time invested.

It's free, and it's a lot of fun, you should give it a whirl.


Molten Core Raider
It's definitely a lot of fun, i always come back to it when i get bored with other games due to the fun factor.


<Bronze Donator>
There's many people at all level ranges. Both of the above arguments are correct. You can pay cash and get whatever you want in game instantly, or you can play normally and get it all through currency earned in game, with some time invested.

It's free, and it's a lot of fun, you should give it a whirl.
This was true until the last 2 mods. there was really no reason to buy anything other than cosmetic/convenience items which is how a cash shop should be ran, even though the cash shop for this game is ridiculous and seriously diminished the number of ppl who would fork over 2-3$ here and there for things since nothing is $2-3 dollars. everything is $10-60. it's about 10x as expensive as any other games cash shop for equivalent items.

with mod 4 they introduced artifact gear that you had to level with refinement points. This wasn't so bad initially (other than carpal tunnel inducing clicking, seriously about 3-4 hours of clicking in the UI per item) because it could easily be farmed by the legion of bots in the game and bought for peanuts. Mod 5 nerfed these drops to be bound on account, and then subsequently nerfed/banned all valid ways of farming these items yourself in a reasonable time frame, so that they could sell the RP for these items at around $700 per item from their cash shop. There was at the time I quit, 7 items per character so over 4k dollars per character to get best in slot gear. I'm sure the next mod will add even more artifact gear, in addition to doubling the amount of RP needed to max them ie $1400 per item, X items per character, you can do the math.

I've played since the beginning and took advantage of many of the lol economy and other "features" of the game, and as such was always AD wealthy. Had 4 characters full legendary and the rest full epic, all perfects, rank 8-10s on every character, etc. the p2w bs never really affected me because I was always ahead of the curve. but for a new character starting now? forget about it. unless you feel like dropping 10k on a "free 2 play" video game or wanna risk getting banned trying to farm RP in foundries. At the time I quit you could farm about 200k RP an hour in foundries using a death loop to get around the internal cooldown of the dragon hoard enchants, and they had just announced that was a bannable offense and that all players must settle with gaining 5k rp an hour instead or buyitnow from the cash shop. BTW you needed over 30mil rp to max a character then, with the new mod you will need over 60mil. That's 150-300 hours if you wanna risk banning or it's 6k-12k hours of "playing normally get and it all through normal play." Or, you can always whip out the CC and drop what is the equivalent of a down payment for a house or outright purchasing a used vehicle on it. Yes that's 250-500daysplayed to max 1 character. Except they release a new mod every 4 months with massive nerf swings which either invalidates your character for a year or two until balance switches back to you, or it invalidates all the previous gear you've been refining all this time.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, the game is top notch for gameplay. Seriously might be the best. But its marred by the p2win nature of the monetization. And the grindy nature of end game, from that.
And the zones while fun, are more or less just farm zones. No real raids, or Gw2 style dungeons, spvp, wvw, or silverwastes.

you absolutely do not HAVE to p2win though. I went from 8k to 17k gearscore in like a month when I came back to the game last. (as well as have like 9 companions, several 100-300k AD ones.)
The only thing I paid for was at release I did buy the package. which iirc gave a good horse, a char slot, and 1m AD. I still actually have 900k AD, never really spent most of it.

Ranking up your artifact is a MAJOR time sink, yes. that I did not come close to fulfilling. they are neverwinters legendaries/ascended gear, to make a GW2 comparison.


Trakanon Raider
Legendary rank artifacts are also totally and completely not needed to do anything in game. The comparison to GW2 legendaries is perfect. It's fluff items that are so far beyond overkill for any content available in the game. With a proper group and just epic quality gear which you could freely obtain in a month of playing, you can beat every encounter available.

I won't dispute that if someone wanted to pay mad cash, they can get an extra 1k gearscore and brag about it, but to give the impression that legendary quality gear is a realistic goal that all players must reach to enjoy the game is wrong and misleading.


<Bronze Donator>
If you are talking pve only then you don't need a single epic item. 8 hours to level to 60, 10 minutes to buy blue lvl 60 gear from the ah with the 2k ad you get from praying 3x, and your starter artifact will put you over 10k. You can run all but 3 dungeons which have a campaign unlock (lol, vt, mc) at 10k including tiamat and win easily. So yeah if you want you can beat this game in a single weekend and not spend a dime. this is assuming you have friends who will run you through the dungeons since gl getting a group in game with less than half the gs of an older player.

If you can find ppl to run dungeons with you, you can run dailies for a week or two and unlock some gs boons and unlock the other 3 dungeons, depending on class landing at 13-15k gs which is more than enough for pitiful amount of pve content this game has, even enough to solo some of the easier 5mans.

The game doesn't have raids or any really hard content. There is only gear progression for either pvp or ability to solo more group pve content. Not that it really matters they obsoleted all of their games content with mod 5 in their neverending effort to nerf the player players ability to earn game currency without using a cc. now you can buy a full set of the best non-artigact gear with the ad you get from a few days of dailies. The only way left to gain power is from artifacts.

The thing is, until mod 5 legendaries was the valid gear progression and you were able and expected to have them. Everyone who played before mod 5 has full legendaries. They were a realistic goal for all players to achieve. They only cost 500-1mil ad which before mod 5 was 1-2 lucky drops hence a reason to run dungeons.


Lord Nagafen Raider
no, last 2 modules killed the game really for most players. was hoping that this module would be a nice reset of the overtly stupid p2w systems implemented in the last 2 modules but it's just more of the same.

One thing this game does right is action combat. everyone (especially developers making games) should play it for that.
The thing this game does wrong is literally everything else. steaming pile of McFreemium shit that this game is.
I followed a link for hero of the north pack on the official store: it asked 190 fucking euros. Are these guys serious or what? There is no way in hell I'd spend more than 20 on this game in total, going up to 200 is not going to happen, unless they send my house a real life version of some elf (pretty, young, female) that can clean my house while I play.
Meh, I guess I'll just level up, do some dungeons then abandon it.


<Silver Donator>
I followed a link for hero of the north pack on the official store: it asked 190 fucking euros. Are these guys serious or what? There is no way in hell I'd spend more than 20 on this game in total, going up to 200 is not going to happen, unless they send my house a real life version of some elf (pretty, young, female) that can clean my house while I play.
Meh, I guess I'll just level up, do some dungeons then abandon it.
I'm not sure how the most expensive thing on the cash shop is particularily relevant, it's obviously super expensive, so like, don't buy it? That's like complaining about CEs and shit. Or if you bought every wow mount they must have by now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not sure how the most expensive thing on the cash shop is particularily relevant, it's obviously super expensive, so like, don't buy it? That's like complaining about CEs and shit. Or if you bought every wow mount they must have by now.
Right, I didn't put any context: in the character creation screen I noticed a "Drow" choice, so I was intrigued, because my EQ cleric was a dark elf and nostalgia is a bitch, I clicked on the "get this hot shit" now. There is no possibility (that I saw) of purchasing a single race, it's in a pack and it costs so much it's unbelievable in the world of gaming. It's not a single purchase for 10? to buy a skin or a mount, it's an upfront 190? that is frankly ridicolous.


Trakanon Raider
So when does group content come into play? My buddies and I all started up and have some level differentials going on already, but we're looking forward to some instances/group missions when they open up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I remember the first dungeon being in the teens. After that, there is one every "tier" where for tier I mean every 10ish levels. By following the quest flows, you end up in different overland zones and each one has its own dungeon. My highest char is 39, so I know next to nothing about the rest of the game (and I didn't play for about 1 year).

For what I remember, dungeons were very fun and group play was cool. I rerolled as cleric, because I love healing and because I wanted to refresh my memory about the game. Chat spam in the city is atrocious, but everything else is cool enough and combat is fairly entertaining. I wonder how the healing is going to work in a group, with such a limited spell selection available at once. I'll worry when I get there.
Packing up potions, I recall doing the first dungeon or two in a duo (maybe we had companions, memory is foggy), but it was excessively long (I played ranger, friend played wizard). It certainly upped the challenge.


<Bronze Donator>
Right, I didn't put any context: in the character creation screen I noticed a "Drow" choice, so I was intrigued, because my EQ cleric was a dark elf and nostalgia is a bitch, I clicked on the "get this hot shit" now. There is no possibility (that I saw) of purchasing a single race, it's in a pack and it costs so much it's unbelievable in the world of gaming. It's not a single purchase for 10? to buy a skin or a mount, it's an upfront 190? that is frankly ridicolous.
mounts in this game cost like 40 bucks. artifacts cost 700 bucks. races cost like 60-70 bucks. The pack you are referring to was one of the original launch packs. It gives 2mil ad (about $8 dollars according to the gold selling spam last time I was in game), unlocks the menzo renegade drow (there is also a free drow they gave to everyone after launch, and it is better than the $200 one), gives you a giant mechanical spider mount. there's a handful of random other bs fluff in there as well. It would be $10 or $20 in any other cash shop.

As big a joke as the packs are, that's not even the worse thing. the lockboxes should be criminal. This game is what is known as predatory F2P. PWE employs more psychologists and casino operators as consultants to build their cashshop than they do devs to make content. The game even influences your RNG based on your spending patterns, increasing or decreasing depending on what type of player you are and what you are (or are not) spending money on.

The gameplay is the only thing of value from this game. Everyone should play it for free, you can have a good time and beat the game in a weekend. Just never spend a dime on this game. Normally for f2p i'm a big proponent of supporting the devs, if you are having fun and can afford to spend a few bucks buy a hat or costume or whatever cosmetic shit from the cash shop. but for this game never, ever, ever spend a single dime.


<Silver Donator>
Right, I didn't put any context: in the character creation screen I noticed a "Drow" choice, so I was intrigued, because my EQ cleric was a dark elf and nostalgia is a bitch, I clicked on the "get this hot shit" now. There is no possibility (that I saw) of purchasing a single race, it's in a pack and it costs so much it's unbelievable in the world of gaming. It's not a single purchase for 10? to buy a skin or a mount, it's an upfront 190? that is frankly ridicolous.
Oh ok that makes more sense, and yeah that pack was retarded at launch. I played the game and I think I spent 10bucks on bags, though maybe it was GW2 instead and I didn't spend anything on that. It was fun for like a month or whatever, the combat is pretty cool and the classes are not bad at all. It's not a bad game if you don't go with super high expectations and don't buy any of the fluff shit I think.


A Man Chooses....
Someone is coercing me into playing this. Any new player tips and tricks or starter guides that are up to date?


Been Playing.. .. The Packs are super stupid expensive.. But the gold selling sites have them for what I feel is more affordable ( Hero of North 30 bucks, as opposed to 200 bucks ) Any one ever use them for Packs .. I am curious ...

That being said I have like a level 6 ranger and I am having a great time.