Neverwinter: PC


Molten Core Raider
The only 2 successful launches I can remember being a part of was Dark Age of Camelot and SWTOR, everything else has been varying degrees of fail.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I have a top of the line PC. Dual 7970s running with a 3x 27 inch monitor system in 5760 x 1080 reso. While graphics dont necessarly make a good MMO, they sure can make a bad one worse.

As far as PS1 goes. Fable 1 has better graphics than this.As far as MMOs are concerned, this is probably the worse looking of all big name titles.

Neverwinter Nights deserves so much more than this. Its down right criminal that they wasted this IP on this title.
Well your mistake is simply that you consider this a big name title. Take it for what it is and (never played it so conjecture) it will probably be an ok-ishly mediocre game. And really, nothing I heard about it ever pointed to this being more then that.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Haven't had any issues logging in or playing personally so I can't comment on those.

I think the graphics are pretty good to be honest. I really can't see that as a valid complaint, sorry. The environments look and feel great and for an MMO they are actually very good.

The biggest complaint I think a person can have at this point is about the various roles for the classes. Qhue had a pretty good summary for how they are at this point in time. The Guardian fighter really needs to better be able to keep AoE aggro. The cleric produces WAY too much aggro so they are effectively always going to be an offtank for the adds. The Rogue has sick single target DPS and so they run away in the damage meters simply from the amount of time they get to spend hacking away on elite mobs and bosses. The GWF needs a boost in AoE damage, since that is supposed to be their forte--similarly I think the cleric's AoE damage should be boosted as well, but they provide good enough heals that it doesn't matter as much. Wizards provide some nice control and in the higher level dungeons you will definitely notice the lack of a CW if your party runs without one.

The game has a SHIT TON of adds (it's basically the only mechanic at this point), but the AoE damage of the AoE capable classes isn't quite up to par, so the Rogue appears to be that much more powerful, although it is the only class where DPS is its only function.

If you're looking for a game to play for months and months and months, this is not it. It is exceptionally fun to run around with a group of friends and do a bit of dungeoneering. I'm willing to bet the user-generated content of The Foundry will be the big selling point to this game. So if you have a small group of friends that you want to dungeon crawl with casually, this is probably going to be one of the best bets around for at least a while.


Golden Knight of the Realm
This game is not worth playing right now. Rubber banding all over the place, 5-10 seconds of lag when interacting with anything, my character fights without even drawing out her weapons because of it, then I'm 10 feet back, then 10 feet to the left.


<Silver Donator>
This lag is pretty impressive, can't even walk back to the NPC I've been stuck in a wall for a while. I guess they didn't have queues and server limits?


Tranny Chaser
Well I can say that this past weekend during the founder head start the game was smoooooth as glass and running perfectly except for a fuckup with the Daily quest resets yesterday.

I find the game to be really quite attractive and the art style to have a very western high fantasy aesthetic with a high attention to detail you often find in Korean MMOs. I do not find the charge of the game looking ugly to be a valid one at all.


Silver Squire
It was running really well prior to the flood gates opening. Considering its just afternoon time and there are a fair number of issues with latency / rubber banding I'd expect tonight to be a complete cluster fuck.

The game isn't terrible if you accept it for what it is. Casual, face roll and based on never winter. Sure, compared to the game I want to play for a year + this sucks, won't hold my interest longer than a week or two and has flaws.

Its free. Enjoy it for what it is.


Well I can say that this past weekend during the founder head start the game was smoooooth as glass and running perfectly except for a fuckup with the Daily quest resets yesterday.

I find the game to be really quite attractive and the art style to have a very western high fantasy aesthetic with a high attention to detail you often find in Korean MMOs. I do not find the charge of the game looking ugly to be a valid one at all.
Then there has to be something wrong on my end then, because the graphics are washed out, grainy, and just plain ugly to me. I can appreciate many art styles and have no issue with the way WoW, GW2, Lineage, Diablo, Path of Exile, Swtor, Tera, Aion etc etc look. However this game looks like a pre-pre-alpha of some work in progress shovelware on my system for some reason.

Maybe its user error, Ill try again...but moving the bar all the way up to quality did nothing.


It's actually pretty fun, the d&d lore is cool and there's awsome aspects, i compare it to a guildwar2 type but way better.


<Silver Donator>
Is the bug where you use invocation then change zone and lose all your celestial coins instantly still in? Or is that a feature somehow? System was complicated enough but I remember during the beta weekend I played I lost all my celestial coin like 10mins after I invoked which made it even more confusing.


Trakanon Raider
There is a sort of hidden set of sliders and settings under video options. Click the troubleshooting tab and you can select DX11 and a lot of other things. On my rig with a GTX680 maxed everything I think it looks pretty damn good.

I've been playing the entire early start and have a trickster rogue at 60. The leveling was actually very fun. Every zone is unique and has a story/lore behind it. 98% of the quest dialog is spoken and not all bad. There are a lot of dungeons as well. When you hit 60 you can do epic versions of the dungeons for epic loot. This is probably the most complete MMO I've played in a long time. Tons of dungeons with a dungeon finder, auction house, pvp, crafting and the combat is great and has a nice weight to it, unlike GW2. Probably the best thing for me is not having 40+ buttons and macros to deal with like WoW currently has. You have 2 attacks on mouse 1 and 2. 3 more on Q,E and R and a daily attack that recharges over a couple minutes on 1 or 2. Shift is a dodge, teleport or block depending on your class and thats it. These attacks/abilities can be swapped out from your skill tree depending on your play style.

My rogue is very fun and does high damage but once you get up in levels you really have to move and be careful or you can be 1 shot by some bosses and wrecked easy by groups of mobs. So far I'm having fun and hopefully more classes and races will be added. The game ran butter smooth over the head start and there were a lot of people playing. Never had a crash or any lag. Still some balancing issues and the auction house needs some work but it's pretty amazing for being free. You can also craft and use the AH from your phone.

Forgot to add the foundry stuff. There are already some really good player made dungeons available. Some of them are very long as well. The only problem I have with it is the rewards are random. I see why they did this but there has to be a way to let players add loot. I'm waiting to see someone make Sebilis or some classic dungeons from other games in this. The tools are pretty robust. The foundry stuff alone will keep me playing for a long time.


Silver Squire
I logged back in and looks like they got the rubber banding / lag under control. Server was coming down for a patch.


Vyemm Raider
Launch day for any FTP title is gonna be pretty shitty, especially with an IP like Neverwinter. That being said, Cryptic is a crap studio who hasn't done anything worthwhile since CoH yet has someone managed to lock down two of the hugest IPs you can get. I'd imagine that having the Foundry tech was probably the only reason WoTC let them get their grubby hands on it. I am curious how they managed to steal Lotro's fonts and UI.

As far as the game, it's not horrible, but I find the combat severely lacking( I play a rogue). Once you've blown your 3 encounter powers, you're stuck just holding down LMB while you wait for the long CDs. Pretty dull. Also had this problem in CO and STO. They have no clue how to make combat engaging and fun.


Tranny Chaser
Then there has to be something wrong on my end then, because the graphics are washed out, grainy, and just plain ugly to me. I can appreciate many art styles and have no issue with the way WoW, GW2, Lineage, Diablo, Path of Exile, Swtor, Tera, Aion etc etc look. However this game looks like a pre-pre-alpha of some work in progress shovelware on my system for some reason.

Maybe its user error, Ill try again...but moving the bar all the way up to quality did nothing.
Something has to be wrong then. When I first launched the game back in alpha I have a vague recollection of what you are describing as the game refused to accept my resolution settings + was streaming client so it was using only the crappiest textures possible.

Did a level 38 dungeon this AM before the floodgates opened and was actually in a group that realized 'hey... just charging in and flailing is not working...' They stopped and had the tank pull (yes... pull) groups of mobs back and we were able to control aggro and healing etc much easier that way. This gives me hope that the game may have a deceptive complexity to the synergies of tactics and ability useage that is not immediately clear in the lowest levels of spam attack and kill.