Neverwinter: PC


Avatar of War Slayer
nude mods are downloaded more then improved water textures in skyrim.
whats your point?

Policing potential exploitation is something that needs to be done after allowing creators free reign to make compelling and diverse quests. not before. Tieing the hands of players in creating good quests ensures there will never be any.
no shit that the kind of people that want a 50 ogre box hallway won't want a robust dialogue driven dungeon crawl.

The foundry caters to ogre box's atm. and that is a real problem.

Implement the same code that prevents farming main quest line craft nodes if you must.
if you haven't noticed that, the quests you get for story often have 1 or 2 of every kind of craft node. and if you leave before completion, they reset.
you can do this 3 times each I think. not sure exactly what the code is. could be time related.

or how about instance hopping? find a world craft node. loot it. jump to another instance. loot again. etc. but hey limited in how quick you can hop.

how about, players can only place 3 chests, and 1 of each craft node in a foundry
then apply a limit to 2 of the same foundry quest per day

you really think the best option is to cripple the game for everyone to prevent exploitation?
are you EA Ceo? did you invent drm?


<Silver Donator>
On the chest farming, here's a fun fact about chests. If you leave a dungeon and rejoin, all chests respawn. I did that when my quest progress bugged out in the spider queen lair dungeon thing with the drows, didn't get credit so thought I didn't click something and went back in the dungeon after everyone left. Turns out the 12 or so chests in the dungeon were all respawned. Ran to the end and it didn't fix the quest, however re-entering reset the chests again. I left after that so there might be a 3 reset limit haven't checked, but point is chests aren't hard to farm, nor do they give anything worth farming in the first place. It's fucking shit greens, shit enchants and sometimes random crafting basic mats, I don't think I've ever gotten anything worth anything in a chest. Crafting nodes are a bit more valuable, but having a daily limit on the amount of crafting nodes you can loot while in foundries would work just fine and be easy to implement(most likely). Make it high enough so that you can do a few normal foundries and not run into the limit, but you could cap it daily by just entering a "crafting node farm" foundry instead. Who cares really.

Anyway they limited the foundry too much for the sake of balance and whatever the fuck, so it's very boring for the most part and is just about text flavor and otherwise a very basic experience, probably even worse than the actual ingame quests too which had some interesting places and shit.

Maybe they'll fix shit later on and I'll check the game again then but at the moment I don't really see much that's interesting.


Is the AH not working or something? The last couple of days I have been getting "Your bid has failed. Please try again later!" any time I try to bid on something. Getting frustrating.


A nice asshole.
Foundry system should have been awesome.
50 ogres on a ledge
Force push them off to their death
Two levels for you
That is all there is to do
This is wrong as you reported
Haha no more orges for you


Log Wizard
It'd be awesome if I could get into a group during Dungeon Delves that could complete the instance. Usually they give up or run out of pots/kits at the last boss. Huge blue balls.

Also, having players leave the instance and not automatically getting a replacement AS WELL as NOT being able to invite some one to instance is, in a word, dumbtarded.


It'd be awesome if I could get into a group during Dungeon Delves that could complete the instance. Usually they give up or run out of pots/kits at the last boss. Huge blue balls.

Also, having players leave the instance and not automatically getting a replacement AS WELL as NOT being able to invite some one to instance is, in a word, dumbtarded.
You cant get a group through group finder to complete anything t2-3. I keep getting 4 cw and 6 gwf, and thats assuming everyone can actually get in the instance lol. Last night after having so many bugged groups going in and out trying to get the whole group in I just logged. The game is boring as shit tbh. 200 seals per t2 item for what....reason now? Full pvp gear almost sprinkled in with some t1 gear and buying new shirt pants you can be tier3 gear score and skip t2 completely.? The games in serious beta mode still.. literally.


Has anyone found a quick way to level up, or is there even any way to do it other than just going through the story and quests? Our group of 2 rogues/wiz has obvious problems getting good dungeon groups and I wanna make a sword and board but would rather not have to go through all the quests. The couple exp foundry missions I've tried are real slow.


Dungeons should give a bonus for completion. find 10/10 hidden features or whatever. get 1000 AD. +500 AD for every side boss you kill.
Ya that would work good. You can't even get most parties interested in collecting the pieces to spawn the last chest in the dungeon, they're surely gonna get off the beaten path for a bonus. I have literally had to train bosses on groups to get them off the damn beaten path.


Molten Core Raider
It would be cool if guilds could design their own guild halls and perhaps dungeons that other guilds could attempt to raid or something.

As in the stuff above made with foundry of course.


Golden Squire
Anyone else feels that the mechanics are shitty? I play GF and am only level 25 now, but seemingly there is no way to interupt animations? I don't know how often I am stuck in an attack animation (which seem to queue sometimes?) and then cannot block, because my char simply wont do it. Same with moving, I get a fat red circle on the ground, but my char insists to finish his backhand cleave before we can try to move out.
I mean the game is so far incredible easy, so it wont make me die or even close to that, but it pisses me of hard.

Somehow it wants to be action based, but it doesn't really do that hands on and that doesn't work for me.


Trakanon Raider
I had someone rip into me when I talked about animation locking saying that it was "latency" in the TERA thread back on FoH. Animation locking is just fucking annoying when the combat is all about movement. Firing off an ability to only have the mob move, or some cunt knock it back grinds my gears -- when I can't break the move, or just reposition on the fly. Knowing that there is an animation lock and working with it will alleviate most of your aggravation, but not all of it.

If you think you've got it rough, try working with that lock and add a delay of 400ms two ways and then see how much fun you think it is. =(

General PvE dungeons won't get rough until you hit Mad Dragon, and outside it's pretty hard to get into trouble. Just don't go trying to swarm mobs or crash around on your mount, that's a good way to get killed very, very easily. Kinda wondered why I bothered with a mount in the first place.


<Silver Donator>
Animation locking is part of the design, it's used instead of casting times(granted they also use casting times on a few spells) and acts as a balancing point for the most powerful abilities. You have to figure out when you want to use your skills so they will land safely. It's a bit like waiting until it's safe to pop a 10secs cooldown in wow raiding, and it has obvious uses for the pvp balance(which arguably is a moot point for neverwinter since pvp is mostly shit anyway). I can agree that you should be able to cancel the animations(via a jump or specific abilities), however that also means those animations would need to be wasted(go on cooldown/do no dmg) as a compensation.

It's a good concept overall but the implementation here is a bit lacking. The dodge/block mechanic should simply cancel the current animation regardless of what it is, but the cooldown of abilities should be spent on cast so there is a downside. Mind you, this is how the GWF sprint works, ironically. If you sprint it'll cancel whatever you're doing, so you can animation cancel a lot of stuff with proper use of sprint in combat. Sadly the lack of invuln frames still makes it frustrating as fuck.

TERA had it right, you can cancel stuff with any of the dodge moves. There's a few things I'd change in the TERA combat but overall it's probably the best combat in a mmo, assuming you want to play the game and not just have a social chat room with some RPG elements mixed in.


Golden Squire
Yeah I agree, I played Vindictus quite a bit and since it was a while ago, I am somewhat unsure which animations could be cancelled by what. However I also played that shieldtankygirl there and I can't remember having issues with the block mechanic. Also in such action oriented games, I tend to expect abilities to fire instantly and do a hitcheck somewhere when it feels it should hit.
This doesn't hold true in NW, range-, hit- and block-checks are at weird times, abilties can hit even if the animation doesn't and the other way around. I loathe the "cannot free move while standard attacks run" design.
It simply feels like crappy combat.

Together with the shallow character development and the non existant difficulty and bland boss design, I don't think I will play anymore. Thats kinda sad, because I really wanted to like it and thought that quite alot of things were done with alot of love and also kudos to them that they strayed from the total WoW-Clone path for EU/US markets and did something else.


Trakanon Raider
This AH exploit giving out millions of AD could just about see this game go the way of the dodo, painfully. Can't wait to see what the devs do to fix it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah I don't see what they can do other than a rollback, there is a guy streaming right now giving away the Cat pet to anyone who wants it, he said the exploited had something to do with the Gateway auction house.