New Progression Server confirmed


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You don't get to define what meaning players derive from their playtime. I'm sure for some it's about loot. For me and most of my friends it's about the thrill of the race. We've given loot to like four guilds on our rotation after winning a race. Yeah we're not handing out CoF's or anything but it's definitely not greed that motivates us.
He wasn't - read what he actually said... Brad absolutely felt that way from interviews he had on the subject. He didn't like restricting people (although he relented with Vanguard and Pantheon plans) but his utopic version when he talks about it makes zero mentions of racing other people - always entirely PVE talk.


Trump's Staff
You don't get to define what meaning players derive from their playtime...
What I think or assume about people's motivations is irrelevant. EQ was still never designed to be a competitive game in that sense. As soon as instancing became a possibility SOE began to implement it, because races and poopsocks were not what they wanted the game to become.


TLP Idealist
The intentions that had back then are one thing, but the current design team has said a few times now that they want to preserve the competitive atmosphere and are opposed to instancing content even if they had the resources to do so. Also, everyone knew how it was going to be coming into the server, and we all came back. Some people came back just for the competitive PvE atmosphere because it's relatively unique among MMO's.


<Bronze Donator>
the current team didn't mean it when they said that. just like they didn't mean it when they said it was impossible to make a queue system. just like they didn't mean it when they said there was no way to nerf pets.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Competition between guilds is actually something they dev's have said they wanted to preserve repeatedly over the history of multiple generations of progression servers.

Yes it leads to a giant clusterfuck as a result but that hasn't seemed to matter.

No other reason why they couldn't have multiple instances of vox, naggy, hate, fear with named mobs giving lockout timers when they died except for the fact they wanted the clusterfuck to happen.


<Bronze Donator>
If everyone gets the same boss every week, then that isnt classic. I for one go to "TLP" "classic" servers to compete with others, thats what classic is to me. I didnt care for PoP and beyond cause it was like why do I care if I have top end loot, so does every joe and bob that can form a raid


Molten Core Raider
They should just make them spawn randomly but all at the same time within some primetime window. I get giddy just thinking about that forum drama unfolding.


Molten Core Raider
Dima's current ideas for the new new new new new new new new new new rotation (did I miss a few news?) is so fucking funny. He wants notification to all guilds when a ffa mob pops, 30 mins to engage, and only one ffa per cycle. Seems for FFA mobs he wants us to tank and heal for him so he can bring 72 monks/wizards/necro w/e is the best for that encounter.

He was able to get TL to quit fippy over his rotation bs so I dont blame him for trying to get us to quit for him now.


He was able to get TL to quit fippy over his rotation bs so I dont blame him for trying to get us to quit for him now.
You do know that TL didn't quit Fippy until after PoR launched, right? lol. That rotation shit was so far out of the window at that point, it literally had 0 to do with TL folding. TL folding was due more to attrition on the server, and a large group of core members all pretty much hanging up their hats in the days leading up to PoR.


Molten Core Raider
You do know that TL didn't quit Fippy until after PoR launched, right? lol. That rotation shit was so far out of the window at that point, it literally had 0 to do with TL folding. TL folding was due more to attrition on the server, and a large group of core members all pretty much hanging up their hats in the days leading up to PoR.
ahh I was told that it was partially due to dima. That's what I get for taking one source as fact.


<Bronze Donator>
In my history on fippy, and now RF, there has been a high burnout rate of guild leaders/officers, so I dont remember exactly why we broke up, I just remember it was either quit and sell or join citizen. We've had many leaders quit then come back to lead again, and officers quit and come back to officer a few expansions later. It's pretty drama filled being in our management lol, or at least it was, things seem to have calmed down.


TLP Idealist
Dima had claimed to me that he "crushed TL off the server".

The way I always interpreted it was that when the GoD vote failed a lot of people got bored and left (all guilds). This hurt TL the most because it had been in Time the longest, and thus would suffer from boredom the quickest. After GoD TL stopped getting the server firsts, and Citizen started getting them. The thing is for a reigning "top guild" getting the server first kills and being the best is part of the guild identity. Once you start losing you're not really TL anymore and so things kind of fall apart from there.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah we got burnt out, we had THREE time raids a week, main raid then two alt raids, so some people were goin hard. The multiple vote fails in a row hurt too. Officers being on less, no one stepping up to take position when leadership stressed need for more help. Having to box many clerics in raids in OOW. It does suck they dont have the first kill ladder here, people should cry for that. That was one of the cool thigns to me about TLP.

Not to mention that one LDON raid with that shaman + other raid boss combo at same time, hated that instance !


Golden Knight of the Realm
Dima had claimed to me that he "crushed TL off the server".

The way I always interpreted it was that when the GoD vote failed a lot of people got bored and left (all guilds). This hurt TL the most because it had been in Time the longest, and thus would suffer from boredom the quickest. After GoD TL stopped getting the server firsts, and Citizen started getting them. The thing is for a reigning "top guild" getting the server first kills and being the best is part of the guild identity. Once you start losing you're not really TL anymore and so things kind of fall apart from there.
you can interpret it all you want, but the truth was we got so bored grinding demiplane we were all bored to tears. Dima was a sore loser who got his ass kicked in classic to and to past PoP. They only started pulling ahead after that when shit didn't even matter anymore.

Biggest cry baby ever


Blackwing Lair Raider
you can interpret it all you want, but the truth was we got so bored grinding demiplane we were all bored to tears. Dima was a sore loser who got his ass kicked in classic to and to past PoP. They only started pulling ahead after that when shit didn't even matter anymore.

Biggest cry baby ever
Dima was probably sore from live, we kept him and every other guild out of current content until GoD. He most likely is living the EQ life he missed because he couldn't compete on live.


<Bronze Donator>
Dima's new rotation draft is literally the Apok rotation. Except with the additional retarded rule

"Anti-poopsock measures: 30 minute frame to prepare and engage any FFA targets. FFA targets are announced and coordinated. "

Lockjaw Server Rotations - Google Sheets
that is a really dumb rule. who's going to make the announcement if no one is there poopsocking? seems like they just want other guilds to do the tracking for them.


If I had to say why Twisted Legion fell apart I'd say it was definitely because of the leadership turnover at the time. I quit around PoP when GoD vote failed twice, the reason for this was because I was in my last year of University and the amount of stress I was taking on from leading the guild, mixed with my workload at school was extremely high.

I made what I feel a reasonable decision that my education was more important than Everquest so I gave leadership back to the original creator of Twisted Legion, Zain. Zain ended up quitting shortly after (As he always does). After school was over I came to Fippy only to find the leadership was just a hollow core of people and just didn't care anymore; they had no motivation to push the guild forward. The people that remained in the guild were terrible and had no idea how to play their classes.

The leadership never wanted to call raids to farm Demi, anguish or DoN. PoR release day was what put the stake through the guild when the expansion released, there was very little research done on the raid mobs in ToB and the guild just got absolutely blown up. Few days after that the guild was straight up disbanded.

You definitely need leaders to have a spine with high stress tolerance to play Everquest. The politics, the drama and surreal amount of idiots that can occur on this server or with a raid of even 54 people is obscene. If there's something to complain about, people will find it. The end result is typically the leaders get grinded down to the point that nobody wants to even play anymore. It's super easy to replace people in a guild, however it is extremely difficult to replace quality players and smart leaders.

The worst thing I've seen is when officers stay officers but stop doing their jobs, which forces other officers to pick up the slack. Typically you can't have 1-2 people carry an entire guild and expect it to flourish, I find being a good leader is someone who is extremely good at micro-managing as much as possible. Internal controls are extremely important as well.

Being a strong guild starts at the top with the leadership, having a leader that never goes anywhere is extremely important. Twisted Legion had probably 5-6 difference leaders. Being that I'm done school and have a career I do not intend on leaving the Everquest scene until they officially remove the servers.

Why anyone wants to lead a guild is beyond me, the only reason I'm doing it is because if I didn't, none of my friends would and I enjoy playing games with my bros. I think people should always remember that their life>EQ, you should never ever put EQ before anything important irl.