New World


<Silver Donator>
Some PTR stuff is being discussed/discovered. Among some changes

1) 10% speed boost if you are on a road (that's pretty damned tiny, needs to be buffed IMO)
2) Datamines reveal that crafting XP needed to level is being MASSIVELY increased. It sounds like they want crafting to be like leveling furniture (which takes like 5-6x more XP than all the other crafting lines currently). Shit change, IMO
3) Weapon slow effects getting buffed - sounds like 50% instead of 10% for some abilities
healing nerfed (good)
IG nerfed

if they boost the crafting XP needed they are literally just penalizing non-sperg / casuals.

damn these retards needed to do all this shit before release.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Supposedly later crafting takes way more xp but high tier (4 and 5) crafting gives even more than that, so basically it should be a hard nerf to 200ing off thousands of shit combines and a slight buff to doing it off your 100/150 req stuff with good mats. Supposedly.


Trakanon Raider

Great Axe
“Gravity” passive updated to “After you cause a pull, your foe is rooted for 0.25 seconds”
Whirlwind now has grit.

wrecking ball fortify buff duration increased 4s → 7s
wrecking ball damage increased 120% → 130%
mighty gravel cooldown reduced 22s → 20s
mighty gravel base dmg increased 160% → 170%
mighty gravel final upgrade dmg increased 200% → 220%
armor breaker rend upgrade buffed 15% → 20%
armor breaker does 25% bonus dmg to full hp enemy instead of 15% (final upgrade)
warhammer exhaustion from abilities passive now reduces enemy stamina regen by 20% instead of 15%

leaping strike dmg buffed 135% → 150%
leaping strike cooldown reduced 25s → 18s
shield bash weaken extended 4s → 10s

aoe disease cloud duration 3s → 6s
disease throw debuff durations 5s → 10s
disease throw on <30% hp enemy debuff durations upgrade 15s
rending throw cooldown reduced 15s → 8s

Cyclone base dmg increased 110% → 130%
Sweep ‘coup de grac’ bonus attack buffed dmg 125% → 150%
Perforate base dmg of each hit increased 70% → 80%
Skewer bleed DoT/tick dmg increased 10% per second → 20% per second

Poison shot cooldown reduced 35s → 30s
Poison shot direct hit upgrade nerfed 200% → 150% dmg
Poison shot can no longer headshot.
Rain of arrows aoe radius reduced by 0.5 meters
Rapid Shot cooldown reduced 20 sec → 14 sec

sticky bomb base dmg increased 175% → 235%
power shot cooldown reduced 15s → 12s
shooter’s stance cooldown reduced 20s → 18s
stopping power cooldown redcued 18s → 15s

Tondo (bleed) cooldown reduced 11s → 6s
Riposte stun base duration increased 1.5s → 2s
Riposte stun duration upgrade increased 2s → 2.5s
Riposte cooldown reduced 20s → 12s
Momentum final passive buff increased 25% → 30% damage

Fire Staff
Fireball can no longer crit.
Over 50% mana passive nerfed 10% empower → 5%
Bonus ability crit chance passive nerfed 15% crit → 10%
No dmg taken in for 3 seconds bonus dmg passive nerfed 10% → 5%
Holding fire staff crit damage passive nerfed 20% → 15%
Rune of Helious bonus dmg nerfed 30% → 25%
Flamethrower base dmg increased 34% → 50%
Dmg when under 50% max hp passive nerfed 20% → 15% bonus dmg
Pillar of Fire base dmg buffed 134% → 170%
Singe/Watch it burn swap places (makes it hard to reach rune of helios)

Ice Gauntlet
Ice shower cooldown increased 20s → 30s
Wind Chill base damage increased 16% → 20%
Bonus crit dmg at full stamina reduced 15% → 10%
Ice Storm damage ticks 3 times a second instead of 4 times a second
Ultimate chill nerfed from 35% damage to 25%
Heavy Freeze roots now have 5 second cooldown

Life Staff
Blissful Touch (LMB heal) → 20% —>16% (20% healing nerf)
orb of protection HoT nerfed 7.5% → 6% weapon dmg
beacon HoT nerfed 20% → 16%
light’s embrace base heal nerfed 100% → 80%
divine embrace base heal nerfed 150% → 120%
splash of light base heal buffed 50% → 60%
sacred ground HoT nerfed 20% → 16%
sacred ground duration nerfed 15s → 12s
sacred ground stamina/mana regen buff nerfed 100% → 50%
enchanted justice passive nerfed 10% HoT → 8%
Light’s Embrace Connection —> Increase from 1% mana per buff to 2% mana per buff
Splash of Light’s shared recovery → 5% mana restored for people under 50% health

Sacred Ground cast distance increased:
distance: 20 → 25 meters 58

Not skill tree related:
Light armor is 20% damage and 30% healing bonus
Medium armor is 10% damage and 15% healing bonus


Trakanon Raider
As someone who plays a lot of bow holy shit those are retarded…and still no change to the left tree capstone??????
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As someone who plays a lot of bow holy shit those are retarded…and still no change to the left tree capstone??????

I play a full Dex/Light Armor Bow build, and I don't know why the christ they nerfed the radius of Rain. I like the Penetrating Shot change though.

I'm more interested in how they plan to adjust the overall feel of weapon swapping. I've been submitting feedback for the past year. It's so janky it's off-putting.

Even movement feels sloppy and stilted. When you have to hop down a little bump, your character comes to nearly a complete stop and then you can resume full speed movement. It just feels bad imho.

Hopefully now that I am going to devote some time to BF2042, they'll be able to fix these issues.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Supposedly later crafting takes way more xp but high tier (4 and 5) crafting gives even more than that, so basically it should be a hard nerf to 200ing off thousands of shit combines and a slight buff to doing it off your 100/150 req stuff with good mats. Supposedly.

They are buffing some of the higher combines, but the increase doesnt match the overall increase in XP for the skill ups, so it will still take much longer.

Based on the XP tables, everything is turning into furniture leveling. If you have leveled furniture, then you will understand the pain about to be unleashed. People are still going to go for the lower material combines


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The increased exp on trades is being blown out of proportion. Most of the people complaining wont ever get a full suit of +quality gear, or even have tier 3 trophies in their house to make gear that'll be worth af. I know people that play all the time, have sunk tons of money into gear and trophies and still dont have 3 tier 3 trophies. So how long is it going to take a f'n casual to get them? Just pointless bitching if anything. God forbid they throw some flavor into the grind instead of crafting 1000 of the same item from 150-200.

I personally am paying attention to a lot of the dungeon shit, cause I'm just not that much into PVP. Im curious if you do a +2 mutation for example, what the reward for that is? Is it just +20% luck? Or will it have some kind of water mark upgrade? When are they going to do the reduction in cost to tuning orbs? I dont mind making an orb, but the holder of the orb should get some kind of benefit for it being their own orb if their still going to be BOP. Make it desirable enough that people will want to use their own orb over someone elses. Should be no reason that I have a stock pile of tuning orbs in my storage.
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Vyemm Raider
Orbs are dumb.
Eh I honestly think they're fine. Sure you gotta farm a lot of portals for them but you're also gaining a ton of loot from those portals anyways and everyone farming the portals gets the key pieces so if you're doing them with your guild and you got 10-20 people farming them, that's 10-20 keys which is a lot of runs. Only a couple people need to be high enough to make the keys and you can just funnel the resources to them. The only change I think should be made is that the keys should become tradeable.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
official response on mini map
Sounds a lot like "Overwolf has dictated how our game is going to be played by assuming that since they were white listed by Easy Cheat from the get-go, that there is no way to fairly penalize players that use it." I've experienced what they are talking about and I see what they are talking about with my g/f when she plays. She completely ignores shit to get an Iron Vein that may or may not be there, for example. Either way, it's a conscious choice and that should be within the players control, regardless.

What really pops to my attention with the PTR is that 620 gear is available on that server and all the questions that come along with it.


<Gold Donor>
IDK why they are making a big deal about this mini map bullshit. Even if it shows the nodes and shit, who the fuck cares? Most of us by now know all the farming routes and nodes by heart anyway. So instead of opening up the main map every 10 seconds to get our baring, because you do get turned around at times, especially in areas that look all samey, we have a mini map.

So a bit of an update... Our company and like 2 other sister companies all transferred to olympus this past week. We were on a dying ass server, I think like 500 peak players before we left. We controlled most of the territory with not enough tax revenue to even make profits. And we are partially to blame since we took down the unstoppable purples and their 3 100 man companies, most of them dipped when we took everfall. The server literally went from 1.2k down to 700 right after that war and a slow decline since. The war scene got stagnant, we were being attacked by many, green and purple and most wars ended up being a farm fest at their compound gates.

So on olympus we pushed everfall into conflict and our first war is this saturday. Against a ruling company which is pretty much talked up as some sort of undefeated monster that chews up and spits out anyone that attacks. But we watched the vods, from both attack and their defense plus me and our guys have been in a few attacking wars already and let me tell you its nothing like ours. Barely any coms,, barely any coordination just one big zerg and coms that say "GET ON POINT" Attacking the same point over and over with a zerg and if tht does not work they attack another. That shit might have worked in the beginning weeks of the game, but it does not work anymore. Anyways its going to be a tough fight for sure, no doubt, but we have a shot caller thats a fucking ace and we have not lost a war ever. This dude is like a fucking Patton that sees the entire battlefield and calls out wins every time. Our flank squads are nuts, some dudes that get 50+ kills with 3+ million dmg per war. Lets put it this way, in the 2 wars we have been in on this server as attackers helping out, our 5-8 guys placed top 4-5 in their wars.

Only big disadvantage is the gear difference. This company were going against makes like 1.5-2 million weekly, if not more, from the properties they own, so they can essentially buy whatever they want. Plus olympus is one of the big starter servers which is weeks if not months ahead of our old one from the sheer amount of farming being done there. But they are prob complacent and think they cannot lose, and I dont blame them from the bullshit wars we have been in attacking them, lol. So this might be a good thing. But gear does not really matter in PvP like people make it out to be. It might in PvE but not so much in PvP. Its all about tactics and people which listen to commands.

Anyway its been a great move for us. Constant 5 min queues for OP rush, pop any time of the day even off hours. The farming scene with mats might be tough, but the shit is so cheap to buy that it really does not matter in the long run. Saves us from farming shit like we had to on the old server. Higher GS gear still sells, for even more than the old sever, so we have a good influx of cash still since most of us have a 580-600 watermark. Im still making about 2K-5K gold just from our daily elite runs. Plus the constant OP rush means even more cash if you want to run them.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
official response on mini map

Not sure how they plan on enforcing those mini map limits (range, etc). They can't keep their own database straight for gold and item dupes, and that one guy on here who lost a whole shed :p Kind of a pointless dev post.


Trakanon Raider
Also, with how buggy the compass range is in game, the Overwolf addon will be vastly superior. I don't see how they don't see showing your location as not an advantage either, but alas, guess I'll use it than.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
IDK why they are making a big deal about this mini map bullshit. Even if it shows the nodes and shit, who the fuck cares? Most of us by now know all the farming routes and nodes by heart anyway. So instead of opening up the main map every 10 seconds to get our baring, because you do get turned around at times, especially in areas that look all samey, we have a mini map.

So a bit of an update... Our company and like 2 other sister companies all transferred to olympus this past week. We were on a dying ass server, I think like 500 peak players before we left. We controlled most of the territory with not enough tax revenue to even make profits. And we are partially to blame since we took down the unstoppable purples and their 3 100 man companies, most of them dipped when we took everfall. The server literally went from 1.2k down to 700 right after that war and a slow decline since. The war scene got stagnant, we were being attacked by many, green and purple and most wars ended up being a farm fest at their compound gates.
Im not a fan of people being able to transfer at the drop of a hat after whats happened on Vingolf. You can see the ripple effects of a company transferring off in server population. What may just be an active 60-80 company, has another 30-50 friends, which also has friends etc. Not even counting the people that are in that faction that all of a sudden are seeing 100+ less of their faction and deciding to transfer or quit the game. That happened when a Marauder guild lost FL a few weeks ago, and about a week ago when Marauders lost MB.

I mean I get the emotional toll that losing a town you've held for weeks and have poured gold into just to draw people to that town would cause. But its just such a bitch move, literally and figuratively. Fight back for your shit if you're that invested in it. Or do what Purple is doing on Vingolf and create an alliance with all the lesser guilds to really punch a single target or two, repeatedly.

Which reminds me - Getting fucking sick of doing the god damn influence runs in Windsward, that shit is aids. BW it takes a couple minutes to reach your objectives. Windsward, you feel like you're running all the god damn way to Shattered Mountains. The Bear cave at the top of the mountain on the north side exit of Windsward would have made a fine "stand your ground" area. Instead, you run allll the way past the fort to what amounts to a dead zone in the territory. Worse yet, WW isnt the only zone thats unfairly balanced with run time versus influence gain. In BW, I can gain 1% worth of runs solo in about 20-25 minutes. WW, it takes 5 minutes to and 5 minutes back for just one run. Never mind that in a true group, in WW you have multiple opportunities to stop people and in BW - if you dont stop them on the first attempt, then you lost that round. Shit is just so unbalanced from territory to territory and its halfway discouraging to do PVP at times.

Also, with how buggy the compass range is in game, the Overwolf addon will be vastly superior. I don't see how they don't see showing your location as not an advantage either, but alas, guess I'll use it than.
I got a kick out of them thinking that they could set the rules for how the addon is going to work while they "discussed it with Overwolf." A minimap is fine as long as it doesnt show nodes blah blah blah - Yea ok, so lets say Overwolf bends over for you. How long is it going to take for another third part site that uses the same rule sets within EAC to restore the minimap function of the original? Hell, before the mini map - I had a map up on my other screen most of the time anyways. Disabling any functional way to have a Minimap would basically put me at an advantage over a player that has one screen for nodes and chests. But to further your point - I dont even need to look at it after Ive done the same thing a few times. If anything, the minimap encourages exploration.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Lumi Lumi - I hit a round of 65 portals this morning with a small zerg but not a single Lodestone dropped for me. But at least you know you can hold onto your mats now. :D
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The 60 dungeon orb mats are extremely hard to get because of drop rates, another reason orbs suck

And we are partially to blame since we took down the unstoppable purples and their 3 100 man companies, most of them dipped when we took everfall. The server literally went from 1.2k down to 700 right after that war and a slow decline since. The war scene got stagnant, we were being attacked by many, green and purple and most wars ended up being a farm fest at their compound gates.

This is why “play to crush” pvp mmos fail - the people who get crushed quit more often than not, or go elsewhere.

server xfers then help accelerate death spirals of servers, because hardcore pvpers tend to be the most transient of all mmo players. They want their next pvp fix.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Lumi Lumi - I hit a round of 65 portals this morning with a small zerg but not a single Lodestone dropped for me. But at least you know you can hold onto your mats now. :D

Am I getting too old and grumpy for MMOs? I feel like I'll never bother to farm mats to craft an orb just for the privilege of doing a dungeon over again. Or running for hours to do my daily faction quests just so I can afford to pay off repairs and maybe part of my weekly taxes. It seems to be all stick and no carrot.
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