New World


<Gold Donor>
If i remember correctly i do not think Smedley is involved this project at all. He is running the San Diego office while the Seattle office runs this.


<Gold Donor>
Repost since you lazies can't be bothered to read 3 pages back and I'm too lazy to respond w accurate info.

In the interview, Patrick Gilmore, studio head at Amazon Games Orange County, talks about the state of the game and some end-game shtuff.



Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Please say this isn't a PvP centric game...
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Trakanon Raider
Please say this isn't a PvP centric game...

This is very much a PvP centric game.

Please let us shitlords have our sandboxes every now and then. There are a bazillion other theme parks with bumper rails for the PvE crowd to enjoy.
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<Gold Donor>
This is very much a PvP centric game.

Please let us shitlords have our sandboxes every now and then. There are a bazillion other theme parks with bumper rails for the PvE crowd to enjoy.

Sandbox style game play does not mean PvP. I have no fucking idea where you got that from.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
This is very much a PvP centric game.

Please let us shitlords have our sandboxes every now and then. There are a bazillion other theme parks with bumper rails for the PvE crowd to enjoy.

There are SO many games with PvP or Survival though..

I dunno, I don't really need another PvP centric MMO personally. I want something that isn't fucking WoW that has GOOD story, raids, a PVP server AND a PvE server with flagging where I can play again. Wildstar was amazing while it lasted but the "HAAARDCORE!!!" aspect burned me the fuck out.

Sandbox style game play does not mean PvP. I have no fucking idea where you got that from.

Another BDO style game? Honestly I don't mind PvP but if that is ALL there is really to do TO progress or REASON to progress...I'm just gunna stick with BDO since it's an interesting world.


Trakanon Raider
Sandbox style game play does not mean PvP. I have no fucking idea where you got that from.

Sure sandbox can be lots of other things but when you’re talking MMO’s I believe it’s primarily a PvP oriented term.

Google “sandbox MMO” and look at the results.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What would you do exactly in a PvE centric sandbox mmo?
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
A sandbox MMO:

- Modular roles rather than classes, you pick/build/spec a role (tank, heal, etc) with various skills/passives that you collect/gain (skill tree? open skills)
Example: You have 500 skills with pre-reqs in terms of stats, other skills, total power. You select a number of skills ("Knightly Prestance - gives +50 CHA, +7.5% aggro on all melee actions, requires 150 STR & Veteran Squire") put XP in them, ding, you have a new skill (passive or active). You can go deep to be a high-end tank, or wide to adjust to groups ("ok, I'll heal, let me reorganize my skill bar").

- No quests, or very few long-term quests, meaning you can do whatever, including going to help guildmates at the other end of the world and not lose out on XP/gear/gold/rep/whatever.
Example: you don't have quests at all. The game simply displays your 5 most advanced achievements as a suggestion of what to do ("Dungeon Janitor - kill 37/50 different dungeon bosses" "Have Jboots, will Travel - discover 28/35 Inns"), but you can ignore some if you really don't care about them.

- No instances, a very large (procedurally generated?) world

- Multiple interlocking factions with progression/regression and zero barriers to interacting with other players

- Multiple paths to gear acquisition (crafting, random gear drop, named loot tables, AH, faction vendors, etc)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still seems like its missing the key part to a game worth playing. Youd blow through everything worth doing in a month and then what? With no conflict between players, theres no renewable content.


Trakanon Raider
As an MMO term sandbox is almost synonymous with PvP. We might as well be arguing why water is wet.
Last edited:


Potato del Grande
Oh great, PvP vs PvE debates where both sides base their perspectives on the faulty premise an interactive, online game should (or even could) attempt to deliver an experience precise enough to so easily define and everyone argues about two trees in the middle of a forest.

Early games in the genre like EQ were PvP games because they gave players control and allowed competition in the world, it's just some servers allowed the competition and control players had to extend to being able to kill other players, but make no mistake everything you did in EQ was a form of player vs player, and it was engaging because it delivered unpredictable experiences more often.

WoW was generally not a PvP game, even when they allowed you to kill other players, because they took control and competition from the players to delivering a more predictable experience, which was less engaging.

Some people liked the more engaging, unpredictable experience, and others liked the less engaging, predictable experience, but I don't think it's debatable which was more engaging, but it's a more complicated discussion, so most people just fall back to the easier PvP vs PvE talking points.

There is an argument to be had over whether or not they should allow players to kill other players, but for my money the real question is will they deliver a world that gives players control and allows for competition and is more engaging and enjoyed by people who want an unpredictable experience. Or will they follow the model that has become the standard where the devs try to maintain control and reduce competition in an effort to produce a predictable experience.

The fact it's a sandbox and players are killing each other excites people like me who want the unpredictable experience and hope the devs can deliver a world where players have control and competition is allowed, because then everything you do is PvP whether you're killing another player or not. Of course, there are people out there that are worried by competition and don't want control (or others to have it), as they prefer a predictable experience and will beg the devs to take away control and limit competition and try to ruin this game because they're filthy casuals and/or whiny carebears (and probably socialists but I'll save that for the politics thread).
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm fine with either really. I tend to not be super into pvp centric games and would rather play them in short spurts with friends, but I did get into Dark Souls PVP.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Give me good PVP with some decent PvE encounters and I am happy. No reason why you can't have a bit of both
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