NFL 2014 - 2015 Season Thread


Bronze Squire
Besides, if you look at the fans who are filling up Jerryworld you could almost argue that the Cowboys are always playing a road game.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Cowboys have been pretty shitty at home since they got that stadium and they were going to lose to the redskins without that injury in the 3rd quarter most likely anyways. there stats are pretty much 50/50 at home since that stadium was built pretty much right ?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Eagles have to turn around and play on Saturday. I know it's against Washington, but that team is anything if not unpredictable. Maybe Haslett can dial up the all out blitzes and shake Sanchez enough to get him to the win the game for them.
During the game last night, they showed a graphic that every team lost their next game after playing Seattle since week 7. The next game after playing the Cowboys, teams are also 2-10 this year. It would not be surprising if the Eagles lose to the Redskins this Saturday at all. Not only is it a short week for them, they are coming off of 2 straight weeks of having over 41 minutes of their defense playing in each game. It can't be good for their bodies playing that much.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Besides, if you look at the fans who are filling up Jerryworld you could almost argue that the Cowboys are always playing a road game.
Fans in that area are entirely fucking pitiful, from the Texas Ranger fans to the Cowboys fans. I was actually told to sit down a few years ago at a game seconds after Romo threw a game tying TD coming back from being down 2 TD's to NO with 4:30 left in the game needless to say he got told to fuck off.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
During the game last night, they showed a graphic that every team lost their next game after playing Seattle since week 7. The next game after playing the Cowboys, teams are also 2-10 this year. It would not be surprising if the Eagles lose to the Redskins this Saturday at all. Not only is it a short week for them, they are coming off of 2 straight weeks of having over 41 minutes of their defense playing in each game. It can't be good for their bodies playing that much.
Sanchez vs a top 10 defense, the collapse is going to be funny.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
If I were going to go to one away game. It would be gerrahs world
It's actually a great stadium for the fan, seats are good, huge screen, parking doesn't suck (provided you fucking buy parking passes in advance), traffic isn't bad at all and actually took me longer to walk to my vehicle (didn't know to buy a parking pass) all the way down at the Rangers parking than it did to get from there to the Highway and on my way back home. If you come early you can take a tour of the place and get to go to the locker room, play on the field etc etc its a really fun experience, until the game starts and you have to deal with people that look at you like you done lost your mind when you stand up and actually fucking cheer.


<Gold Donor>
Funny listening to Trent Dilfer ripping on Catler on ESPN...

Good seeing Mike Ditka "at home" at Soldier Field.