NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The thing with the Dak/Romo debate is whatever ends up happening is just what will happen, and that's the only relevant data we'll really have to judge. Because if they win with Dak, it will obviously be the right decision, and no matter how much people will try to claim Romo would have won it will only be speculation. If they lose with Dak, the tone will change depending on how he played, but again the only relevant data will be they couldn't get it done with him...any speculation on what Romo would have done will simply be speculation, and not based in any facts.

Same thing in reverse if Romo eventually gets the call and goes on to win or lose. A win and it'll be the right call whoever actually wins it...a loss and it'll be far more murky, but there won't be any definitive answer that the other guy would have done better.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Why the fuck five him an extension and then can his ass in the same week? Are you Rams fans sure Fischer is the issue and not that front office that put them in that fucked up LA situation? Seems like there is heaps of blame to go around here and a lot of crazy. Given his trolling ability, they should of at least let him try and sweep the Roidhawks next week, but then I guess firing him would have looked even more retarded at that point.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
PS- Yeah I would take him to replace McFatty in a heartbeat. Our team has needed a motivator for a long time. I guess the Harbaugh rumors might be true and I could see him pissed off enough to want to come back to shit on the 9ers in their own division.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sad he was only one loss away from all time losses record as a coach. Rams ownership protecting his legacy guys, wake up.