NHL 2012-13 - Half Season Thread


Trakanon Raider

I couldn't stand PK Subban before, given his rampant diving and so on. But holy shit, if I were a Habs fan I'd be demanding he be run out of town immediately. He's played two full seasons, and is apparently asking for a long term deal north of 5-6 million a year. Is he out of his fucking mind?


Everytime Markov scores a goal, Pk's contract gets smaller and smaller

Seeing Markov and Diaz together on the pp in the game vs florida really reassured me and made me miss PK a lot less..


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm a Habs fan, and I hope he gets run out of town. I really dislike his attitude. Don't get me wrong though, he is an extremely talented player, and he'll get better but he has huge attitude problems.

In the last 2 years, he got into altercations with 3 or 4 different teammates. He got into public arguments with coaches, and assistants. He tends to not pay attention to game plans, and of course all the diving and faking stuff.

I am 100% behind Habs management in wanting a short term contract to see if the guy will mature into some sort of adult.
The latest interviews sure isn't convincing me that he ever will though, at least not in Montreal where he gets so much spotlight and attention.

Hopefully Markov stays healthy, and him and Diaz handle the powerplay the way the did the last game. We have young defensemen like Tinordi and Beaulieu that are coming up so losing PK will not make sad at all.

And honestly, as I said the guy is talented...and probably is decent trade bait.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
What do you know, an actual non shitty period from the Caps. Which isn't to say we're winning.


Trakanon Raider
Oilers/Kings tonight has to be one of the worst reffed games in NHL history. It was fucking atrocious. From start to finish they were making awful, phantom calls against both teams. Delay of game for a faceoff violation? What the fuck? How in the fuck they called back the initial tying goal by RNH I have no idea. Gagner was cross checked from behind into Quick, never actually entered the crease, and was well outside the crease when the goal was scored. I came very close to jumping the glass and assaulting the refs when they called RNH's goal back.

It really was brutal. While I think that the balance of calls were against the Oilers, it wasn't even that. LA was called for some pretty questionable shit as well. Let the fucking teams play, for christ's sake.

edit: also, wasn't sure if I liked Yakupov's celebration, or hated it. Gave me Fleury flashbacks, and that's never a good thing.


Trakanon Raider

I couldn't stand PK Subban before, given his rampant diving and so on. But holy shit, if I were a Habs fan I'd be demanding he be run out of town immediately. He's played two full seasons, and is apparently asking for a long term deal north of 5-6 million a year. Is he out of his fucking mind?
This is pretty much the opposite reaction of what's going on in Montreal. PK is loved here. It's not like he's the one sitting down in Bergevin's office saying he's worth 6 mil. Management wants to give him a bridge contract and his agent is trying to get a long term financial deal. Our PP has been performing well with Markov at the helm but that won't stop the "we want PK" chants from happening. Will be interesting to see which side caves first.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Eomer give the kid a pass. At home in front of that crowd, rookie star, after just having the tying goal waved off a minute earlier, I think there was nothing wrong with that celebration.


Golden Squire
Agreed. If I was 19 and playing in the NHL... scoring a goal like that... I'd celebrate like a retard too.

Ralph Krueger made a pretty funny comment tot he media after the game regarding it... "Well, it is obvious the kid watches a lot of soccer". Haha.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Of all the games, Im really glad I went to that one. One thing I have to shake my head at (of the many many things) is the instigator with a visor penalty. Doesnt the league want players to start using them for safety reasons but now we have penalties against players that use them? Seems counterproductive.

Also with regards to Yaks celebration, I think its totally justified given the circumstances. Had it been a regular 0-1 game and he ties it up without all the adversity beforehand then I would say he went a bit too overboard. On the other hand its nice to see a player excited and show a little emotion out there. Im tired of all these robot players with all the PC interviews.


Trakanon Raider
Eomer give the kid a pass. At home in front of that crowd, rookie star, after just having the tying goal waved off a minute earlier, I think there was nothing wrong with that celebration.
haha I was mostly kidding, hence the Fleury reference. Like others have said, I really like the kid and his enthusiasm. He's got some personality.

Fidlen_sl said:
Of all the games, Im really glad I went to that one. One thing I have to shake my head at (of the many many things) is the instigator with a visor penalty. Doesnt the league want players to start using them for safety reasons but now we have penalties against players that use them? Seems counterproductive.
Yeah, I don't really get the logic of that penalty being in the books either. And especially in that situation when the other player was ALSO wearing a visor. Not to mention he dropped the gloves first. It was a mutual fight, it's not like Smid jumped him and started pounding away. Although personally I wasn't a big fan of his decision to challenge Nolan to a fight either, I really don't like this bullshit that you can't hit another team's star. I understand if someone's running around or does something really cheap, but that was a good clean hit and both players stumbled and fell. No big deal.


I only saw the replays, but Smid went out of his way,a longs ways in fact, to get Nolan and enough time to take his helmet off.So that's 10 min misconduct,2 instigator and 2 instigator w/visor.Really no controversy there.leave the fighting to the pros and don't be a knob.


Trakanon Raider
I only saw the replays, but Smid went out of his way,a longs ways in fact, to get Nolan and enough time to take his helmet off.So that's 10 min misconduct,2 instigator and 2 instigator w/visor.Really no controversy there.leave the fighting to the pros and don't be a knob.
That's still not considered instigating, at least not in the past. Otherwise virtually every fight would have an instigator. It was reserved for guys who skated across the entire rink to start pounding on someone before they could even drop their gloves. Smid was less than 30' away, and Nolan dropped his gloves first. Why in the fuck should Smid remove his helmet, WHEN NOLAN HAS A FUCKING VISOR TOO?

"Oh yes, you're willing to fight? Excellent, you drop the gloves and jump me while I attempt to remove my helmet because I'm all chivalrous like that."

Applying the instigator rule in that instance was idiotic.

Regardless though, that wasn't the only bad or missed call. They were everywhere, all over the ice, in favor and against both teams. Smid's penalty for gloving the puck ahead was laughable, when 30 seconds later an LA defenseman caught the puck in mid air and held on to it for a solid second and a half while an Oiler forward skated by. If it was the NBA it would have been traveling. Smid's crosscheck penalty was pretty weak too, especially considering Nick Schultz had been cross checked at least as hard in the back at the LA bluelineafter a fucking whistle10 feet in front of one of the refs just prior and no call was made. Not to mention that they called Smid's barely there crosscheck concurrently with the legitimate goalie interference call on Horcoff, giving LA a full 2 minute 5 on 3.

Half of the LA penalties were pretty bad as well, although the too many men call in overtime was pretty legitimate. The LA substitution player was 30' from the bench and played the puck while the player leaving the ice was still 10' from the bench. It was pretty blatant, so blatant in fact that the linesman called it instead of a ref as is normally the case.

It was one of the worst officiated games in recent NHL history, without a doubt. Both of those refs should be buried in the fucking minors. Barely more than half the game was played at even strength, and were it not for some incredible luck the refs would have singlehandedly decided the outcome of the game.


lol I don' write the rules.He ws the instigator because he hunted Nolan down.10 minutes every time, guaranteed, plus instigators.Enforcers usually only get 5 a piece for fighting because they are right beside each other when they drop the gloves, they know when to do it,and don't wear visors.
They are cracking down on the glove plays,especially at the faceoffs. I've seen it called a few times now, but I don't have a full understanding of it yet, so can't comment on your game.
Cheer up bro you won!


Lord Nagafen Raider
The instigator should be reserved for those guys who superstars get hit and then an enforcer just mauls a guy with no notice. That wasnt the case here. I dont care about the 10 misconduct but if Smid getting an instigator is now the standard then every fight in the NHL should have one almost.

Also with regards to gloving on the faceoffs, at no point anywhere on the ice can a player use his hand to pass the puck on a faceoff. Doing so will result in a 2 minute minor. Kerry Frasor has a write up on it.



Instigator penalty is rare though,has to be clear cut.Your boy was a knob and got called on it.Lost the fight too. lol
Thanks for the link.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
why are you guys even arguing about this?

hawks are taking it all the year. have you checked the standings?


why are you guys even arguing about this?

hawks are taking it all the year. have you checked the standings?
Pretty early in the season to be claiming that already. I'm from St. Louis so I'm bias but Blues played like shit till the 3rd. Looking forward to the next 4.