Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Tranny Chaser
I'm wondering how there could be a shortage of this thing... not one aspect of the technology is cutting edge and while the various widgets that are part of the joy-con are arranged in a novel fashion there shouldn't be any supply-side reason that they couldn't scale manufacturing of this thing to the Nth degree.

Of course it is in Nintendo's interest to CAUSE a shortage or at least the perception of a shortage to drive Day One sales through the roof.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They made it a full on console, that is a full generation behind in specs mind you, that you can pick up and game on the go with it, versus making it the next gen handheld that you can dock to your TV. $199 was the sweet spot they should have been aiming for, with full compatibility (through virtual emulation) with the already huge (3)DS library. This company has been run by morons for years, they absolutely refused to adapt in the console space in the mid 90's and they have been doing a terrible job of trying to catch up ever since. The only bump they had was when they released the Wii. Why? Because they caught lighting in a bottle, and captured a market that would never have otherwise touched gaming just before the onslaught of mobile gaming.

Yet they were wildly successful in their handheld markets, and on first glance, they seem to be kind of ignoring that ecosystem. I know it's all just one thing now, and over time there will be no line between the two, but right now they appear to be pushing a living room console experience first with a price that is more expensive than more powerful alternatives. (once you consider the price of a game to go along with the 299 for the system). It just sucks that a staple of my childhood began it's final death throws last night, and it's all because of bungled management dating back for over 20 years. Ugh.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They made it a full on console, that is a full generation behind in specs mind you, that you can pick up and game on the go with it, versus making it the next gen handheld that you can dock to your TV. $199 was the sweet spot they should have been aiming for, with full compatibility (through virtual emulation) with the already huge (3)DS library. This company has been run by morons for years, they absolutely refused to adapt in the console space in the mid 90's and they have been doing a terrible job of trying to catch up ever since. The only bump they had was when they released the Wii. Why? Because they caught lighting in a bottle, and captured a market that would never have otherwise touched gaming just before the onslaught of mobile gaming.

Yet they were wildly successful in their handheld markets, and on first glance, they seem to be kind of ignoring that ecosystem. I know it's all just one thing now, and over time there will be no line between the two, but right now they appear to be pushing a living room console experience first with a price that is more expensive than more powerful alternatives. (once you consider the price of a game to go along with the 299 for the system). It just sucks that a staple of my childhood began it's final death throws last night, and it's all because of bungled management dating back for over 20 years. Ugh.

I was really hoping we would get a big influx of 3DS ports/re-releases as part of the Switch launch. That is something that would actually have gotten me to pick this up on day one, because there are so many awesome games on their handhelds that I (and many others, I imagine) have never had a chance to play.

It's amazing just how wildly off target they seem to be with every aspect of the Switch so far. It's almost like they're trying to destroy themselves.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think creating a shortage for something no one wants in March is going to drive anything through the roof other than the nails in the roof of the coffin.
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with full compatibility (through virtual emulation) with the already huge (3)DS library.

Are you certain that the Switch has the power required to emulate 3DS titles? I'm not.

Also, the 3DS is a vertically-tall system. How would those games fit on a horizontally-wide system like the Switch?

Your idea doesn't make any sense.

I'm personally not hype for the system but I think it could do well with normies. Internet forums are full of hardcore gamers who do not represent the video games market at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was really hoping we would get a big influx of 3DS ports/re-releases as part of the Switch launch. That is something that would actually have gotten me to pick this up on day one, because there are so many awesome games on their handhelds that I (and many others, I imagine) have never had a chance to play.

It's amazing just how wildly off target they seem to be with every aspect of the Switch so far. It's almost like they're trying to destroy themselves.

Same here

Are you certain that the Switch has the power required to emulate 3DS titles? I'm not.

Also, the 3DS is a vertically-tall system. How would those games fit on a horizontally-wide system like the Switch?

Your idea doesn't make any sense.

I'm personally not hype for the system but I think it could do well with normies. Internet forums are full of hardcore gamers who do not represent the video games market at all.

I keep forgetting they have a second screen. I just know the DS had a much more classic feel to many of their games and where many of the Japanese developers flocked to, and my hope was they would continue that on an affordable machine that could be hooked up to a full on TV (I actually hate the ergonomics of playing an actual dedicated handheld). The former may still happen, but that won't be worth $299 to me. The problem with Normies is they will look at the Uncharted 4 bundle, or the Xbone S (bundles? I have no clue) and see that they will get much more bang for their buck, both in power and library than the switch at this point. Hopefully you are right, because I'm not ready to see such a large piece of my childhood die yet.


Vyemm Raider
Even the timing of these livestreams shows how clueless Nintendo is to common sense. They run the livestream starting at 11pm on the east coast and now the Treehouse stream starts before 7am on the west coast.... what are they thinking?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm personally not hype for the system but I think it could do well with normies. Internet forums are full of hardcore gamers who do not represent the video games market at all.

What exactly are "normies", though? I consider myself a normie, as in I'm not super plugged into the happenings with consoles and games, but I enjoy casually playing games. It seems to me that your average video gamer nowadays plays stuff like Battlefields, Madden, etc. I'm in my early 30s and literally every person I know in my age group owns either a Playstation or an Xbox, and none of them would be considered hardcore gamers. Hell, I'm not sure most of them even know what an internet forum is. None of them owns a Nintendo system, and given the kinds of games they enjoy playing, there is absolutely zero reason for them to pick up a Switch.

Not enough people care about this gimmicky shit Nintendo keeps pushing. Like someone else said, the Wii was an anomaly, a flash in the pan. Your typical gamer nowadays just wants to chill out on the couch with some friends and play some shooters or sports games.

*Edit* Nintendo systems live and die by their games. That's what they have going for them: their awesome, storied franchises. They really dropped the ball by focusing so much on the gimmicky bullshit that the system can do instead of hyping up new Mario, Metroid, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, etc. games.


Trakanon Raider
I agree the presentation was stale at best but i'm not so doom and gloom about the console as many. I would have rather the $299.99 included a game and the Gamestop bundles seem a bit high to me as well but I'd bet this sells well. I thought Zelda looked beautiful as a couple of other games so the specs don't bother me. If it has good games, I could care less how it stands up comparatively to other consoles.

The biggest disappointment to me was the Mario game. It looked really out of place and awkward. It looked like he was buzzing around New York instead of the Mushroom Kingdom. Heck, I can go to New York with a red hat and run around so it's not very immersive as a retro gamer. Also, it has a holiday release timeframe. It needed to ship with the console.

I'm going to preorder this just for Zelda. Probably going to grab the Master Collection of BotW. I'm a little worried about this however... I felt to be a long term success they needed a strong Nintendo exclusive catalog with the right pricing point. If they would have showcased a Mario, F-Zero, Smash, Metroid, Mario Kart, and Zelda (maybe a Mega Man and Castlevania) with a $249.00 console or $299.99 with a game this would have made some serious noise. So now, people are going to probably be 50/50 on where they stand but more than likely BotW will be Nintendo's immediate saving grace.


Molten Core Raider
Remember this playstation plus video?

They actually did it! Are you ready to play Ice Climbers for free for one month?! Are you not excited?!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So now, people are going to probably be 50/50 on where they stand but more than likely BotW will be Nintendo's immediate saving grace.

I was thinking that too until I saw you can buy the Wii U version 3/3 as well. Being that there are hardly any power increases over the Wii U at this point, and I already have a Pro Controller ($70 for the switch and you cannot even order them), I am not paying $359 to play Zelda with an option of taking it with me for 3 hours of game play before the battery dies.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Here is what Nintendo needed to do, and they didn't.

Nintendo Switch bundled with Zelda - $249.
Pro Controller: $39.99
Games Available at Launch: New Metroid, New Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash. At Launch.
Games to be coming by the end of the year: New Pilot Wings, New Animal Crossing, New Castlevania, New Luigi Mansion game.
Games to be coming by the summer 3rd party: Fallout 4 GOTY Edition, Witcher 3 GOTY edition, pick your poison for a 3rd party you would want to play mobile.

Full USB 3.0 drive support (They do not even have USB 2.0 External drives drive support yet as of today)
No Charging for Online Multiplayer (They are charging for online and suck at it beyond belief, but in addition to that, are releasing an app that for full functionality you will have to pay for the companion app too!)

I mean honestly, I hope this is all a planned implosion. I mean, it has to be. No one can be this stupid.
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Trakanon Raider
Is that sandwich eating thing real?

Anyways Nintendo is fucking retarded. They aren't staying relevant at all. I've asked several kids what they think about some of Nintendos IPs like Mario, donkey kong, samus, they either don't know who they are or don't really care.

They need to knock it off with these garbage consoles and release games for other consoles and tablets / phones or they are going to die. Not bullshit Mario run games but real tablet games. I'm not a fan of gaming on mobile but id buy Mario Kart, metroid, etc for my ps4 in an instant. They aren't going to bring kids into the fold unless they get their shit on the only device they care about, their phone, and adults are too choosy with their money to buy some underpowered gimmicky bullshit like this thing.
Exploiting 30-something's nostalgia is much more profitable though.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was thinking that too until I saw you can buy the Wii U version 3/3 as well. Being that there are hardly any power increases over the Wii U at this point, and I already have a Pro Controller ($70 for the switch and you cannot even order them), I am not paying $359 to play Zelda with an option of taking it with me for 3 hours of game play before the battery dies.

This is one of the craziest things for me. Their primary selling point for the new system will be available on the system I currently own. Why the fuck would I pay 300 extra dollars for it? The more I think about these decisions of theirs, the more my mind is blown.
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Trump's Staff
Also, the 3DS is a vertically-tall system. How would those games fit on a horizontally-wide system like the Switch?

Your idea doesn't make any sense.
Gee, if only they could figure out a way to rotate the system 90 degrees like every other god damn tablet in the world.


The Big Mod
Wtf Zelda available for wii u are they fucking on crack?

What's the point then?
They did the same thing with Zelda at the Wii launch which turned out to be a huge success. Then again that was a November launch and people weren't bored to death with the gimmicky motion tracking shit at that point.