[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't disagree with you, bullet time would most likely be completely out of place in Star Wars, but shaky cam, I suppose we'll see, it's hard to argue about that right now. However I will mention that shaky cam or "handheld" technic was already prominent since the 1960s by directors like John Cassavetes. You can even see some hand held style in Dr. Strangelove, and a more shaky style in Battle Royale which I believe it's from the early 70s.
Honestly, I can see where Abrams would want to incorporate more modern cinematography in the new trilogy. This is the first time the (official) Star Wars universe has moved forward in over 30 years. It makes sense that he'd want to give this trilogy a fresher feeling so the progression in time is more discernible.

That, and the fact that Star Wars is no longer the revolutionary, ground breaking series it was nearly 40 years ago. That trilogy had very little to be measured against, whereas that obviously is no longer the case. It's not often there isn't some big budget, special effect laden blockbuster in the theater. Sure, Abrams should be trying to make this an authentic Star Wars experience, but I don't think that's necessarily at odds with today's filmmaking techniques. At the end of the day, Abrams still has to be making this film with today's audiences in mind.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I guess if I don't cum my shorts over a 5 second shot of the Millennium falcon then I'm not a star wars fan any more. I think now is probably a good time to duck out of this thread for at least a year.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, i saw the first star wars twice when it originally played in theaters, had the full set of kenner toys, dressed up as darth vader for halloween 3 years in a row and have seen the trilogy countless times, come to this thread and i am told because i only like a few things in the SWVII trailer i am not really a star wars fan. its a bit shocking.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I can't believe people are so invested into a discussion of the merits of camera perspectives of a CGI rendered Millennium Falcon barrel roll vs. a model based shot of the same. I'm not saying that part of the trailer was cream in your shorts amazing, merely that it evoked more of the original Star Wars feel than any other part, in spite of the fact that it was from a perspective that was never used in the originals.

It's in no way on par with the way that Lucas used CGI to "enhance" the originals either. Those additions added nothing to the story and were distractions to the dialog or the feel of the particular scenes they were plopped down into. The rolling camera angle in the trailer adds to the flying by the seat of your pants vibe that was often present in shots of the Millennium Falcon in action.

if thats a crude light saber then when Luke constructed his first light saber why wasnt his light saber crude like that one?
Luke had previously possessed a more refined light saber to base the one he made off of.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I guess if I don't cum my shorts over a 5 second shot of the Millennium falcon then I'm not a star wars fan any more. I think now is probably a good time to duck out of this thread for at least a year.
I feel the same. If you are not a kid from the late 70's, early 80's you don't get what Star wars really is blablabla

Born in 1985, saw the first star wars movie in 1990 on tv and it was love at first sight.
Saw in 1999 the so-called episode 1, and left the cinema thinking "where is the gritty and dark star wars i love?"
Whatever....the only thing i found silly in the trailer was the 'swordsaber'. Other than that, you can't see much more.
I am a cautious person and after 1999, i don't care about the millenium falcon is spinning or whatever. It's a good sign but lets just wait to what more they could give us.

And shaky cam is not a technique, is just the director being lazy.


Tranny Chaser
my hopes for this are fading after reading this article and learning that Lucas still had/has some influence and inputHow Disney Bought Lucasfilm-and Its Plans for 'Star Wars' - Businessweek

""I was pulling away, and I said, 'Well, I've got to build this company up so it functions without me, and we need to do something to make it attractive.' So I said, 'Well, let's just do these movies.'?"

Lucas and Kennedy hired screenwriter Michael Arndt, who won an Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine, to begin work on the script for Episode VII. They enlisted Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote the screenplays for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, to act as a consultant. Lucas started talking to members of the original Star Wars cast, such as Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford, about appearing in the films. "

"At first Lucas wouldn't even turn over his rough sketches of the next three Star Wars films. When Disney executives asked to see them, he assured them they would be great and said they should just trust him. "Ultimately you have to say, 'Look, I know what I'm doing. Buying my stories is part of what the deal is.' I've worked at this for 40 years, and I've been pretty successful,"

"Once Lucas got assurances from Disney in writing about the broad outlines of the deal, he agreed to turn over the treatments-but insisted they could only be read by Iger, Horn, and Kevin Mayer, Disney's executive vice president for corporate strategy. "We promised," says Iger. "We had to sign an agreement."

When Iger finally got a look at the treatments, he was elated. "We thought from a storytelling perspective they had a lot of potential," he says."


Just to be clear, I honestly don't care if you came or not at the moment the Falcon made an appearance, I don't even care if you liked the trailer or not. I know that I am still skeptical myself but it's still too early to lay down judgment. The thing that triggered me was people bitching about little details like a 3 second shaky cam shot on a 80 second teaser of a movie that is still over a year to come out, and then going on and spewing shit about cinematography or editing techniques they seem to have zero clue about, but whatever, I'll let it rest.

Will they capture the magic and feel many of us felt when we first saw the originals? Highly doubt it, expectations would be too damn high for that. Will that stop me from enjoying them if they are still good movies? Definitely not. At the end of the day, most of us will be happy if they are better than Episodes 1-3, and that will most likely be the case being that Disney really wants to make this work and make their money back as quick as possible. So far I don't think they've made a public decision that proves this is only but a sinking ship, but rather that they do care about giving us something we'll love.


Musty Nester
Those previously posted plot points are bad and make me feel bad.
You could break down Empire Strikes back in a similar fashion. It could be just fine.

At least it isn't 5 pages of "And then the two jedi have to go and negotiate a trade contract, for some reason, with the fish-head guys but while they're waiting poison gas comes through the bottom of the door and we cut to a scene of a blockade and then"


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't disagree with you, bullet time would most likely be completely out of place in Star Wars, but shaky cam, I suppose we'll see, it's hard to argue about that right now. However I will mention that shaky cam or "handheld" technic was already prominent since the 1960s by directors like John Cassavetes. You can even see some hand held style in Dr. Strangelove, and a more shaky style in Battle Royale which I believe it's from the early 70s.
yeah. Original series, used alot of static shots, panning, and gliding to put it in motion.
And 3rd person POV in cockpit shots.

Speeder bikes, same thing.
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi - Speeder Bike Chase Scene with Score on Vimeo


<Prior Amod>
I must be the only person on these forums that gives no fucks when it comes to lens flare. I never even knew it was an issue until I read it here one day like 4 weeks after JJ's first star trek came out.


Filmmaking techniques aside, having the least possible knowledge about this movie would go a long way toward capturing those old feelings. We have a teaser trailer a year in advance and a bunch of people convincing themselves that the movie will suck. Extras are posting selfies and set photos on Instagram while the rest of the internet scrutinizes the whole process.