Now You See Me


Lord Nagafen Raider
wait for a download. super cheesy, and went in with my 'summer fun time movie' cap still. really over the top and nothing about seeing CGI magic is cool, you know it's not actual magic when it's a live show, so seeing half an hour of just rehearsed and post production magic is just really hard to sit through or give a shit about

I say the movie's main flaw though is not having a character we really cared about. All the magicians were incredibly snarky, sarcastic or comedic, and then they vanish for the second arc of the film, so you just never get really invested in anyone



<Prior Amod>
I say the movie's main flaw though is not having a character we really cared about. All the magicians were incredibly snarky, sarcastic or comedic, and then they vanish for the second arc of the film, so you just never get really invested in anyone
Quite the opposite, this is why I liked and cared about them.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I agree. One of the only reasons the movie is as fun as it is, is because it's got some great, likeable actors (Eisenberg, Harrelson, Fisher, Ruffalo).


<Prior Amod>
Off topic, I've always liked Fisher (what guy doesn't amirite?) but I heard her talk for the first time in an interview the other day and while I knew she was an aussie I'd never heard her accent before.

blew my mind.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Her being Scottish but raised in Australia is neat and cool.

Her being married to Sacha Baron Cohen is sad and depressing. Guess she's happy with it though, converted to Judaism and 2 kids later.

I'll still see any movie she's in. MMm, redheads.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Her being Scottish but raised in Australia is neat and cool.

Her being married to Sacha Baron Cohen is sad and depressing. Guess she's happy with it though, converted to Judaism and 2 kids later.

I'll still see any movie she's in. MMm, redheads.
Why is it sad and depressing? It would be a lot more depressing if she was married to some dumb clunkhead.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Why is it sad and depressing? It would be a lot more depressing if she was married to some dumb clunkhead.
While I may have laughed during a few scenes in his movies, I can honestly say I haven't really liked any of them. I tend to avoid comedies. /shrug


<Silver Donator>
I just saw it with the wife.

It was a fun movie, I enjoyed it a lot.
I can pretty much ditto this review. It's not a cinematic masterpiece, but it was enjoyable. And the ending was one neither my wife nor I guessed or saw coming. And of course, as usual, they pay Morgan Freeman to explain everything (to a certain degree).


It's out and about in the usual places and I enjoyed it this evening. My copy was a bit dodgy as it interspered earlier scenes from the film during later sequences were I initially thought was a rather strange narrative device I was failing to understand until it did another one right after the padlock at the end which gave the game away. Avoid the 720 YIFY rip and well, yiffing in general!

Likeable cast, interesting set pieces and like others have said, left a lot of things unexplained and was better for it.

If I had to quibble at all
it didn't really say where the hell Ruffallo got the seed money for their little venture but I suppose he used his skillz to sort that offscreen.

Morgan Freeman is starting to really look old, his bit at the end I was worried he was going to keel over >.<


The main problem of this movie is that we want to spend time with the magicians, but instead we spend time with the poorly written cop duo (and I love M?lanie Laurent to death! Check "I'm Fine, Don't Worry" if you can). The other problem is that it suffers from a chronic form of 'why make it simple when you can make it complicated' (a symptomatic offender being the whole machinery at the NY meeting point... oooh aaaaah oooh... oh... it means nothing). The general pacing of the movie is good though, so it's entertaining, which is something.


Avatar of War Slayer
i thought it was pretty bad. agree that it would have been better if it had spent more time with the 4 instead of the cops.


And of course, as usual, they pay Morgan Freeman to explain everything (to a certain degree).
And in the end he is the one who doesnt know anything

I thought it was a great movie, i liked it a lot. even the rather cheesy last 10 minutes. imho the writers showed such imagination and the actors carried that movie extremely well. and you are not supposed to look at the magician the whole time ... you have the assistant (the cops in this case) as distraction.


Any movie that involves magic and attempting to fool the audience I inevitably compare to The Prestige. Now You See Me is entertaining enough, butisquite cheesy when it tries to be comedic or suspenseful, and is no where in the same realm of quality as The Prestige.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This movie had a few too many main characters. When you can't tell who the protagonist is, something is usually wrong.

It also wasn't particularly well made from the standpoint all the typical movie making aspects, like cinematography or acting.

And yet, it was still fairly entertaining. Reminded me a lot of the first National Treasure movie.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ya it was entertaining enough. For some reason I had a very hard time just accepting things that I knew were CGI and would be (to my knowledge) impossible to do in a live show (like the actors dissolving into various states of matter/particles and whatnot).

I agree that the story telling could've definitely used a second pass before the film went into production. We spend most of our time (or at least I felt like we spent most of our time) with the least interesting characters.