Overwatch 2


Watcher of Overs
Show matches are starting:

I see great internet celebrity Pokimane! Very popular in poland


Watcher of Overs
Well I passed out with a stream going. Got my thingy and claimed. It appears to take awhile.

Or maybe it was a "chance" at beta. Maybe it just signs you up haha.


Watcher of Overs
It has arrived! Looks like it takes around 2 hours on average from talking to people in various twitch chats.


Watcher of Overs
Well I can confidently say they haven't fixed getting stuck on geometry or ult sounds dropping out as I ran into both in my first match.


Molten Core Raider
Initial opinion; not bad.. a few subtle qols. The 5v5 feels better, less chaotic, and way easier to communicate/read.. The whole stagger gameplay is more/less gone, and backingup/wiping is more clear cut once the single tank dies; so it has a kinda passive IGL feel to it. So far the hero changes seem to be on-path.. but also depends on who and what else gets changed since its not all in for the beta.

If its more than 40usd, then its robbery.. OW1 released at 40usd. I hope its something along the lines of a two piece release with reflecting price diff.. I don't know the formula that would be best, but I wouldn't mind OW2 PvP' be F2P w/ a BattlePass system instead of a buy in and events.. It would definitely bring more eyes into the game and build back a casual base, because there are plenty of people who play it for the "character" than the "competitive." I don't have a lot of care for the PvE, but I know a few people who aren't traditionally good FPS'rs who will eat it up.

Personally, I didn't see this game needing any dramatic changes other than some fundamental balancing to the actual gameplay(long fucking overdue). I think the formula they had was fine(tank/dps/healer in a quake/unreal shooter), and the graphics were stylized enough that they didn't have to overhaul anything. Rosetint, but textures and such do feel different and I want to say audio does too.. but last time I logged into OW1 was like 2019, and prior to that like 2017. Using Team Fortress as a extreme example, I personally didn't play TF2 because I liked HL:TFC. I just couldn't see OW needing to doing anything similar to overhauling the art style.


Watcher of Overs
Yea all the pvp is just a free patch for 1.

I played several hours last night. I queued flex and all my games got support except for 1 that put me on damage in a losing game with like 1:30 seconds left.

Lucio probably had the most success for me. There were spots where our team was low dmg so I figured zen would be best, but my level is so low people don't really know to shoot at the discorded target.

Mercy I found difficult. Flying stuff just seems to get gunned down. I noticed it in my brief stint on echo as well. Lots of bullets in the air.

Ana was just food for sombra (because I can't hit sleep darts) so I'd switch off.

I miss mystery heroes where I don't have to make these decisions :D

There's a mystery heroes custom game!
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Watcher of Overs
Played many hours of mystery. The dominant mystery heroes scenario is push maps only, and after awhile I got sick of them. I tried starting an all maps mystery game but it was hard to get enough people to join.

My problems with the game are still mostly audio. Sometimes you hear footsteps fine and other times some 4 ton robot sneaks up on you.

Also at the beginning of the game a core idea of the game was that the more dangerous the weapon the louder it was. Bastion is very quiet and needs an increase in volume by a factor of 5-10. Some skins modify the minigun sound and make it even more silent.

With sym turrets it is the same. You slow down and can't figure out why. You can't hear anything hitting you. Can barely even tell you are taking damage, and then you are dead. In the early days they were very loud as they should be.

This is my first time playing alot without a surround setup. My ancient creative labs 5.1 speaker set finally croaked, so I've been using a shitty soundbar. It sucks.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It still feels very OW1. Outside some major hero tweaks, like Orissa and Bastion, feels mostly the same. Some of the gravity feels odd, at least with Moira. The 1-2-2 mix makes it feel like whoever downs the tank first usually steamrolls the leftovers


FPS noob
yeah i'd agree i haven't played OW since launch year, thats what like 5-6 years at least? Booted OW2 beta today and it was fun but felt just like OW1 with slightly better graphics. I did enjoy the team deathmatch stuff you could play while waiting for a game, way more fun than objective game modes, but fortnite does it way better so why would I play this.

I guess hero based PVP vs loadout but that doesn't really matter much to me.

there's just too many F2P multiplayer games for me to really give a shit about this at all


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know why they left the cancer that is Doomfist in for OW2, nobody likes playing against him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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Watcher of Overs
Tonight's games felt off. I'll bet I lost 90%. Eventually I got a pretty good confirmation that something was horribly wrong.

I'm in a side alley alone in toronto. I'm moira. Another moira arrives and both of us are full health. We held right click, the siphon move or whatever, and you'd think I would win since I got the drop on the other.

Didn't happen. I slowly but surely lost. There's no aiming, no reloading, there were no health packs or orbs involved, just the enemy flat out did more damage than me with equal stuff.

It had been like that all night. I hooked an echo out of the air, shotgun blast to the face + melee, flies away.

Instantly killed by a lone sigma that threw his bouncy orbs that normally do 100ish damage. It was a strange night.

The most likely reason is that someone messed with the settings, but could you boost one side's Moira and not the other?

Also had a play of the game from the enemies perspective. A Brig that closed on me as hanzo. On my screen I saw her coming with sonic, storm arrowed 5 directly into her face.

On the play of the game replay I basically backed up and didn't fire a shot and got shield bashed.

There was another play of the game from a widow's perspective firing at me. I was standing still typing something. She fired 3 shots directly into my head as sigma. The first hit, second did nothing even though it was dead center. Third killed me.
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Watcher of Overs
I binged heavily more mystery push. Only saw one other buggy situation with a particular enemy doing double damage. Eventually I got on his team and when he'd do the hello emote thing it would go h-h-h-hey. H-H-H-Hello.

Mystery push is tainted by quickplay queue people though. People jump in while waiting on the queue. It leads to fights where things are going great, then suddenly your whole team leaves. It usually takes awhile to get refills and often they afk in the spawn.

I got control of one of the lobbies so I switched to spectator and started kicking afk people for awhile and that helped, but you never really know if they would have responded in less time than it takes matchmaking to feed you a decent person.

I ran across 3 hilarious junkrat voice lines at the start of a game. Two are him singing some nonsense, something about a sausage roll. Another is him talking to dva, and her responses are funny.


Trakanon Raider
Two are him singing some nonsense, something about a sausage roll.

Was it... "It's a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll."?

if it was... then that's an ACDC reference. It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.