

Bronze Knight of the Realm
If your team got crushed and you're all gold all the medals tell you is you were the best horrible, awful, terrible player on your team. I always chuckle when the team gets rolled and someone starts talking about their medals. That mentality will ensure they always stay diamond.


Watcher of Overs
You are right, you can play an amazing healer but if nobody can hit the lucio jumping around on the cart, you'll never win. I had 8 hours on mercy until I finally realized my win rate was 40%.


Toe Sucker
The irony in people that say that is, they aren't playing Mercy either ;)

I'm kidding though, if i queue ranked i do mccree/soldier or if i absolutely have to heal i go ana. Mercy is boring, fuck that~


Lord Nagafen Raider
Today was Leg Day as Zarya in Comp. Ended up at a 25 kill streak before they finally got me. I'm calling it Leg Day because that grav was a quad kill (/picard). (Our Junkrat stole PotG with a quad tire kill.)

Screwed something up when uploading it hence the spoiler button. ;p



Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Maybe I should just go the dps route like you guys. Over the last couple of days I dropped like 500 points in games where I felt like I had no control of the outcome.

Had at least 5-10 games where someone raged out before the game even started, because someone would pick a widow or torb and instead of trying to work with it they would either throw the game or shit on the person who picked a hero they didn't like so bad they would just sit in spawn.

Then I had those games where we get 4 insta lock dps and maybe one guy will pick at least Dva so many people seem to hate shield tanks it seems. So my choice is pick a healer and try and keep this failure pile alive or say fuck it and leave them without. Sometimes I would get a Moria but that is limited on solo healing.

Meanwhile the other team seems to always have a mercy which our guys don't kill or even try and stop her from reading. Sweet we got a pick 5v6 go in oh wait they get 2-3 rez off in a fight and we don't have a mercy to even those odds.

Sometimes I can pick mercy and do the same to the other team, They just let me sit back heal and Rez then others I get flankers on my ass and no cover from my team which honestly is very frustrating because all they do when you are dead is spam for heals while Genii is shitting on the back line.

Then you get those games where it's 1 point to 1 and both sides have 99% and it's in overtime and it feels like it's balanced and fun as shit. Even so I think I am ready to throw in the towel on this sack of shit game it isn't worth 20 shitty games for 3 good ones and the roller coaster of up 500 points one day down 500 the next.

Also the sheer number of sub level 100 widows, genji, tracers that seem to be able to 1v6 our fucking team just kills it. They are more worried about selling dresss up princess skins than balancing the game or their dogshit matchmaker.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Soldier is the best value I get from carrying un-carriable teams. He has great self sustain, poke, some burst with rocket, and his ulti is a gamechanger which doesn't require much skill at all. He's the most well rounded DPS for carrying bads imo, if you can aim somewhat averagely, position ok and keep your dps up in fights (instead of running around looking for UBER FLANKS doing nothing while your team die that I see a lot of soldiers do), he will carry you into platinum single handedly.

Zen is my carry healer pick if the team can't kill anything because discord actually lets the bads dps something down without a great deal of focus.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It is very telling that most discussion about how to succeed in this game usually boils down to figuring out which hero you can carry with. There should be no appeal in having to solo carry in a team-based game. It's so apparent a large majority of players really have no true desire to work as a team, possibly making sacrifices in what they would prefer to play or in how they would play in order to win as a team. I don't know if this is a symptom of the game being what it is, or a symptom of video game players in modern times not being cut out to allow a game like this to really work.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah its not fun whatever the reason, and it seems ingrained across all games which require cooperation. Logged into hots to take a break from OW, both games had people with 50+ games of a hero and a 20-30% winrate. Nono, im sure itll work out THIS time. And those players are always the most vocal and toxic



<Bronze Donator>
you cant always solo carry though you have to hope the other dps is badass carrier too then theres a chance or you have a badass tank racking up kills too. lol


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Zen is my carry healer pick if the team can't kill anything because discord actually lets the bads dps something down without a great deal of focus.

Yeah, Zenyetta is my best hero to rank up. You fill a healer role which is always good, all you need is 1 more person healing. You provide good DPS on your own. Discord is just awesome, at my rank rather than putting my orb on someone and calling it so people focus it(not happening), I just put discord on whatever they are fighting. Exception being when there is a Pharah, I tend to leave it on her to help the DPS take her down. Finally, transcendence is one of the best ultimate to save your group.

I've switched to Moira, right now, I'm essentially about the same win rate, 1-2% lower than with Zenyetta. She's very similar, you provide healing, dps...where she's different is with her ultimate, it's not as impactful as Zen's transcendence, but you get it maybe twice as often so it impacts a lot of fight but not as dramatically. The only reason I favor her right now is that she's new, and I enjoy her playstyle more, mostly her mobility and self sustain. Overall though she isn't really better, just more fun in my opinion.

The most frustrating thing as healer main to rank up, is that you can feel a bit helpless at times when the DPS are not killing stuff, no matter how well you heal, if people are not killing you'll lose. You can win more easily if your team kills with some average/bad healing.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I focused on my alt last week since it bugged me seeing it at 1600 or so. I decided to rank it up.

This is the last 5 sessions taken from Oversumo.

Standing at 2234SR right now, higher than my main account which is at 2203SR.

Pretty good week I'd say. :)


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I usually play an hour or two during evening EST, like between 7-11pm. On and off during the day on the weekend if I am not busy.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I gained almost 200SR today, don't think that's ever happened for me before. Just playing Zen/Zarya/Soldier and ignoring everybody but I'm sure in saying this I'll drop 200 tomorrow.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Zen Zarya Soldier is a good trio for climbing I think. My only gripe is that Zen fucks up my hitscan aim. I think that if you guys just focus on staying alive and doing as good of a job as possible you'll climb. Aim for like 3-4 deaths a round max.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Aim seems to the be the least of my worries. Playing as Zen and losing a game where I have more healing over a Mercy and more kills than anybody else at the same time is my biggest gripe so far.


<Bronze Donator>
ha i just right click spam into groups of enemies or line it up far distances. i can see it messing up my hit scan aim but doesnt seem to do it much. also went up 200 SR (2300 to 2500) just playin zen last night, was fun.