

what Suineg set it to
People have datamined an XP system that seems similiar to heroes, as well as guilds and all that. It's still relatively early closed beta.
So... no? I mean HotS doesn't really have 'progression' in the same sense as any other MOBA/FPS with unlocks. You aren't getting new weapons/abilities/stats/whatever, just cosmetic bs or what not.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People have datamined an XP system that seems similiar to heroes, as well as guilds and all that. It's still relatively early closed beta.
Good to know. And yeah there is a lot of time left. I wont hold judgement until I can play a version very close to release. I'm having fun atm so if they do add some kind of "Carrot" it would just give me incentive to play more then as an occasional spurt.


what Suineg set it to
Can you do macros or anything in this game? I gotta figure out a way to play a wav/mp3 file of someone screaming E SPORTSSSSSSS on vox every time you press your ult.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
What kind of "MMO"? Planetside-style pvp only, or something with pve/AI content? From the little bits of background I caught, most of the world would be mundane and boring. If you really must drag it towards the MMO genre, it seems far more suitable to something like a lobby-based game in the vein of GW1.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
You damn kids and your progression systems and unlocks! Back in my day we played years of Quake, Quakeworld, TF, TFC, Q3Arena, Unreal Tournament, Rise of the Triad and everything else. All with 1 class and no unlocks. Our progression system was getting better and going 30-0 and being accused of aimbot. Then getting invited to private servers and starting progression over when the real good players wrecked you.

Get off my lawn!

P.S. Will beta test your progression system.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I swear the music when in the start screen sounds so much like EQ, a part of it sounds exactly like a portion of the launch music.


<Silver Donator>
On the progression, they said back in Blizzcon that they had a system for unlocks and shit, but they scrapped it(it was the 3rd version of the system already) because it encouraged shitty play. Example they gave was like how enemy team has a Bastion so someone should switch to a counter because they had nothing good against it, but no one wanted to switch cause they were working on their achievements/progression on their current char, so they lost the game because of the progression system. So they're working on a new system which is "promising", but yeah right now there isn't shit.


There most definitly has to be some sort of progression. They'd be CRAZY not to implement one. Progression whether you love it or hate it made COD what it is today.


Toe Sucker
If there's no progression the game will be dead out the door. It's enjoyable but in it's current state it gets boring fairly quickly


what Suineg set it to
I mean, sure, but that seems like a pretty integral component of the game to need to test and figure out, especially if they've gone through 2-3 iterations and scrapped it before. Plus, we're talking about 'one expack a year jk lol' Blizzard here.


I mean, Symmetras orb (right click) goes through shields and eats away at bastion VERY quickly. That mixed with any competent flanker makes him garbage imo


<Silver Donator>
So people who have been playing a while, what do you think of this guys post?

Heroes balance. - Overwatch Forums

So far I haven't found bastion to be an issue.
Yeah no that's shit I'd say. Overall the game is pretty balanced I think now that they nerfed Mercy and Widowmaker combo which was really disgusting before. Torbjorn needs a lot of buffs/a rework, Bastion needs a better ult and maybe a nerf to long range dmg(but the ult would be a buff to compensate).


Toe Sucker
I don't think Bastion is OP at all, i think he's actually pretty bad in most cases unless the team entirely builds and watches out for him... or.... if you entirely stack multiple stack bastions, making sure they all watch the other bastions which is incredibly niche.

Bastion is pretty easily countered by tracer/genji/pharah/reaper when played correctly, people are just too stubborn to switch characters when you need to.

I think the only character that really needs to be reworked at this point is torbjorn, he's insanely weak until he has a level 3 sentry then he becomes a god once he has his ultimate. He needs to be normalized so his level 3 isn't that amazing and his level 1 isn't 100% useless. They should allow him to pick up and relocate his turret like the TF2 guy can. They also really need to rework the scrap system entirely


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah no that's shit I'd say. Overall the game is pretty balanced I think now that they nerfed Mercy and Widowmaker combo which was really disgusting before. Torbjorn needs a lot of buffs/a rework, Bastion needs a better ult and maybe a nerf to long range dmg(but the ult would be a buff to compensate).
I really agree with the Torbjorn needs a rework