

Bronze Knight of the Realm
hmm.. in like 40 games now I don't remember ever switching sides lol. Strange.
I think I've had it happen like once. But since generally people play the game and get the score screen then immediately leave you are often bounced around from game to game yourself.


<Bronze Donator>
Hanzo seems broken. He shoots me in the toe once and I die from max health. At least that's what it feels like every time


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know about broken because he absolutely sucks dick if you get the jump on him or really even know where he's at but he does seem to be the superior Widowmaker


<Silver Donator>
Team balancing happens, fucking sucks when you have to play the map twice on the same side but in different teams, especially if you won first because you're now probably gonna lose. And yeah leaving and rejoining goes faster than next map sometimes, but I think in general a lot of people leaving are the people on the losing team. Unhappy with their team or whatever so they'd rather just move to another game than just queue for another. If you get stomped hardcore on a map, there isn't really any incentive to staying and playing again against potentially the same team and getting stomped again. Especially if they're a stack, there's not gonna be any team swap.

And I feel Hanzo is kinda poop? You need to be really good to do well with him, most of the time in the games I play, he's a shitty Widow. He does do good damage though if he can aim/you run into his arrows. He also can one shot almost everyone in the game at close range with a scatter, so you need to be careful on how you approach him, but he's way less annoying to chase down than a fucking widow who just rope the fuck away as soon as she hears footsteps around her.


Toe Sucker
yeah, if you're playing Hanzo you generally want to aim right below their foot so the multishot will bounce and do like 500+ damage if all arrows hit. I don't think it's all that easy to hit consistently though so i don't mind it much.

If you enjoy playing McCree and have problems with somebody like reinhardt you can conc nade above his head and it'll still hit him. I wish they would buff him a little more though, he got overnerfed now that S76 outplays him in every way lol


So can anyone get us all in yet? lol
I'm fiending ever since I had stress test beta, watching streams again but honestly the streams are just killing my hype boner not being able to play


Bronze Knight of the Realm
yeah, if you're playing Hanzo you generally want to aim right below their foot so the multishot will bounce and do like 500+ damage if all arrows hit. I don't think it's all that easy to hit consistently though so i don't mind it much.

If you enjoy playing McCree and have problems with somebody like reinhardt you can conc nade above his head and it'll still hit him. I wish they would buff him a little more though, he got overnerfed now that S76 outplays him in every way lol
Yeah I haven't found a great use for McCree. It feels like there isn't a time I wouldn't prefer a different damage dealer.


Log Wizard
McCree last beta was amazing. He could basically do Widow damage from anywhere with his left click, he just had a small reticle. Then they nerfed his dmg at range and now he's like a worse Reaper.


Toe Sucker
McCree was pretty busted originally imo he could two shot anybody from across the map with a faster fire speed than widowmaker lol. Pretty sure his conc nade lasted a lot longer and his right click had less spread?

would be nice if his right click was more accurate at the very least, because hes actually a fun character but he just isn't strong enough anymore :\

edit: 140mb patch, what could it beeeeee


Golden Knight of the Realm
Game is fun, im fucking bad at it though.

Does anyone else find attacking a bit of a slogfest, more specifically when they just fill up with bastions and torbjorn who seem absurdly good at defence and it feels very hard to get through?

Mei is by far my favourite character, but I think she's probably not that strong when compared with someone like soldier (why freeze people when you can just shoot them?). Shes very enjoyable though.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So can anyone get us all in yet? lol
I'm fiending ever since I had stress test beta, watching streams again but honestly the streams are just killing my hype boner not being able to play
Yeah tell me about it. I played the one open beta weekend and been pining for a beta key ever since.


Toe Sucker
Game is fun, im fucking bad at it though.

Does anyone else find attacking a bit of a slogfest, more specifically when they just fill up with bastions and torbjorn who seem absurdly good at defence and it feels very hard to get through?

Mei is by far my favourite character, but I think she's probably not that strong when compared with someone like soldier (why freeze people when you can just shoot them?). Shes very enjoyable though.
One of my favs too, seems like they toned her damage down a bit though? i'm like 90% sure theres a lot of hidden changes since last beta


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I must be watching a different game cause people streaming like seagull don't have the same issues you guys have.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Probably because he himself is constantly playing Torbjorn. If you get two of them on the opposing defensive side it is just plain anti-fun. He's OP as fuck but also anti-fun as fuck. The game is so heavy on movement skills and his turrets just don't give a flying fuck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pharah is the Torb counter, she can outrange his turret but I agree it can suck when there are a ton on defense. That said literally no one played him last round so glad they made him relevant now. Still awful at the game but taking my licks and trying to learn some of the more fun Heroes like Junkrat and Hanzo. Still leaning on S76 as my go to dps though, Zarya and Zenyatta to round out the roles.


Toe Sucker
I think torb is fine, bastion has wayyyyy too much armor though he's tankier than some of the actual tanks which is ridiculous


<Bronze Donator>
Played a ton of Pharah, Roadhog, and Lucio. Pretty good at those 3. Pharah is so ridiculous on capture stuff. Her ult just destroys people on points, and then you stroll in and cap it. I don't think I lost a payload map when I played Lucio. Just being able to sit there and passively heal everyone and still do solid damage makes it such a joke. Roadhog is just good fun being able to hook people out of position.


Log Wizard
Reaper/Tracer are counters to Bastion, Torb. TP or run behind them, shotgun/stickybomb them. Profit.