
Not a bad game, but i played tf2 so much that this is just that but with more classes. But my real reason for this post is to point this outPledge to Creator, as i was watching a streamer play this and was curious why she always has a hat on and then i found that. Sorry to derail with this but read that shit and enjoy the laugh =).


Trakanon Raider
They really need to limit the amount of duplicate characters on a team.

There is no reason to allow 4 bastions on a defense map. Yeah it doesn't work at high levels but in a pub game they just shitstomp everyone. Waste of my fucking time trying to play a healer for that crap.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They really need to limit the amount of duplicate characters on a team.

There is no reason to allow 4 bastions on a defense map. Yeah it doesn't work at high levels but in a pub game they just shitstomp everyone. Waste of my fucking time trying to play a healer for that crap.
Or just use Genji, Diva or Roadhog to easily counter it. There isn't anything they can do to keep bad players from shitting up teams. This is true in every game that requires teamwork.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And peep character can pretty easily dominate Bastion. His model is enormous. Just peep so you can barely see the Bastion (like his leg or armor) and shoot him. Don't peep out so much you can see his cannon because then he can see you as well and will probably shred you during the peep. Widow and Junkrat also completely shit on Bastion or like Abe said just go Genji and deflect. Bonus points if you're smart enough to realize they've stopped focusing you during your deflect and throw your body infront of a team mate they're shooting at.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I get peoples frustrations but it's the same problem that happens in any game where you have to group with strangers not willing to communicate. I think the easiest solution is to have a no switching game mode or no duplicate characters game mode. If that is what you want they you can have it. One of the major draws for me personally is I am not locked out of any character just because someone has already picked it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If you couldn't stack heroes the meta would grind to a halt. Teams would pretty much always consist of: Best tank, Best support, Best DPS-A, Best DPS-B, Flex (Zarya, Zenyatta, Widow). Then if you tweak numbers so Reinhardt isn't Best Tank you'll get get a different hero filling the Best Tank role.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also for the love of God on defense set up at logical points. For whatever reason new players tend to love running so far forward on defense instead of defending at the most defensable location. So you'll run forward, get rolled (they have near-instant respawn to battlefield time) and then they'll just push momentum through the logical point of hold. For some reason people love running through the choke on Volskya and Hanamura and also love to try to defend at the train wreckage instead of the cafe on 66. I'm somewhat torn on Dorado because it feels you can lose at the spawn entrance and still have time to set up at the actual defense spot.

Also Gibraltor. Its easier to defend the "go under the bridge" part than the front. You can very easily lose out front and have the momentum carry the payload to the hanger doors.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mass Bastions are easy to counter, because most stay in turret mode most of the time and they typically don't have a Reinhardt acting as a buddy shield. Bastion's run n' gun weapon is surprisingly powerful, but lots of new players don't recognize that and just try to find perfect camp spots as turret.

Also for the love of God on defense set up at logical points. For whatever reason new players tend to love running so far forward on defense instead of defending at the most defensable location. So you'll run forward, get rolled (they have near-instant respawn to battlefield time) and then they'll just push momentum through the logical point of hold. For some reason people love running through the choke on Volskya and Hanamura and also love to try to defend at the train wreckage instead of the cafe on 66. I'm somewhat torn on Dorado because it feels you can lose at the spawn entrance and still have time to set up at the actual defense spot.
It all has to do with LOS. Dorado is probably the easiest to setup your defense right at their spawn, because it is very hard for them to fight from inside their spawn and they have to come out a bit. I've had plenty of games where they have trouble even getting to the Plaza with the payload.

Route 66 I agree the train doesn't hold long and on Volskya it is always best to actually setup D at the point instead of the war memorial. Hanamura also, although as defense it is pretty easy to keep folks busy at the entrance if you have certain heroes on the highground.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
His assault mode AR does do pretty decent damage but it doesn't fix that he has a massive hitbox so spread weapons will more-than-usual damage to him and his bonus hp/armor doesn't make up for it. If you are not planning on staying in sentry mode on Bastion you may as well just play 76.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Watching Seagull's stream today is very entertaining because he's duo Q and his team mates he's getting are beyond abysmal. I don't see how he's not punching his monitor.


A nice asshole.
Watching Seagull's stream today is very entertaining because he's duo Q and his team mates he's getting are beyond abysmal. I don't see how he's not punching his monitor.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just remember he's getting matched with and playing against baddies. I left the closed beta thinking I was the world's worst Genji NA and I can go into some of these open beta games and carry with him. Now imagine someone who is probably the #1 Genji in the world playing against these mouth breathers.


I still can't decide if I'm going to buy this or not. I've played the closed beta over 60 hours, but solo queueing took it's toll on me. This game is even worse than a moba if your teammates are terrible. I hadn't played in a while and went to play a game last night and of course it put me on a team that was getting completely shit on. My problem is that I try to fill in the tank or healer role because one of those is always needed, but they are extremely unfun to play if your teammates can't kill anyone or counter the heroes they are supposed to.

If I just said fuck it and played whoever I wanted every time maybe I'd have more fun I guess.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I still can't decide if I'm going to buy this or not. I've played the closed beta over 60 hours, but solo queueing took it's toll on me. This game is even worse than a moba if your teammates are terrible. I hadn't played in a while and went to play a game last night and of course it put me on a team that was getting completely shit on. My problem is that I try to fill in the tank or healer role because one of those is always needed, but they are extremely unfun to play if your teammates can't kill anyone or counter the heroes they are supposed to.

If I just said fuck it and played whoever I wanted every time maybe I'd have more fun I guess.
If you think you're better than everyone on your team don't play tank or support. Play a fragger and carry.

And yes Quick Match kind of sucks but I enjoyed Competitive mode. I'm not looking forward to having to re-grind levels once Open finishes because I can only take so much QM until I want to die.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You get XP from the weekly brawls as well, so can avoid the QM if it is a decent brawl mode.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TL wrote a really, really good overview of the basics of the game. Probably not very compelling read for players who have logged a ton of hours but is probably worth your time if you just recently got in the beta.

An Introduction to Overwatch


Did anyone else notice if you have a leaver it takes FOREVER for the system to replace them now? In the game I played last night we had a guy leave and it took like 5 minutes for him to be replaced. I remember in closed beta people were replaced in in less than 15 seconds usually, which makes no sense since there is MORE people playing now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not in my experience. Mostly I've had been leave and get filled almost immediately.