

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Also last night I decided just to work on my backline harass by playing Genji, Reaper, and Tracer. Reaper obviously a bit different as you just want to be up in people's grills the whole time.

Actually did surprisingly well. Most matches with reaper I was at the 30 elim mark, and it just felt right.
Reaper is a great counter to the constant Reinhardt/Roadhogs and also can get to Widows fairly easily and counters Mei fairly well. Reaper does poorly in situations where you need long range poke. I'm playing more Reaper too. Too many Roadhogs/Reins which S76 can't deal with easily. If I need to snipe some turrets or we have a Rein I can hide behind, I'll hop on S76 still. Reaper wants to be flanking constantly whereas S76 wants to be with the team.

...how do I toot my own horn?....
Just take screenshots and save us the misery of having to watch mediocre potgs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Reaper is a great counter to the constant Reinhardt/Roadhogs and also can get to Widows fairly easily and counters Mei fairly well. Reaper does poorly in situations where you need long range poke. I'm playing more Reaper too. Too many Roadhogs/Winstons which S76 can't deal with easily. If I need to snipe some turrets or we have a Rein I can hide behind, I'll hop on S76 still. Reaper wants to be flanking constantly whereas S76 wants to be with the team.

Just take screenshots and save us the misery of having to watch mediocre potgs.
Reaper is a hard counter to roadhog, but you must be playing terrible reinhardt's and mei's if you think reaper counters them.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Reaper is a hard counter to roadhog, but you must be playing terrible reinhardt's and mei's if you think reaper counters them.
Reaper can avoid being frozen easily and he bursts her down in like 2-3 shots. She can iceblock to heal back up but then he'll have Shade again to cancel out another freeze. He also walks out of Ult easily.
Reaper is a tank buster, so yea, he counters Rein fairly well. Reaper wants to be in your face and a Rein shield won't protect him against a guy dancing around. Reaper kills Rein in like 3-5 attacks? Depending on headshots.


A nice asshole.
Reaper can avoid being frozen easily and he bursts her down in like 2-3 shots. She can iceblock to heal back up but then he'll have Shade again to cancel out another freeze. He also walks out of Ult easily.
Reaper is a tank buster, so yea, he counters Rein fairly well. Reaper wants to be in your face and a Rein shield won't protect him against a guy dancing around. Reaper kills Rein in like 3-5 attacks? Depending on headshots.
As a Rein player I can confirm this, unless I see him coming reaper will face rape my Rein by popping through my shield. My only defense is to try and pin/boost away but the animation usually gets me killed before I start moving, now if I have friends around I swing on that fucker immediately and hope that Lucio or Tracer is shooting him too.


Rolled through about half the cast last night plating for the first time. No one I really disliked except D.Va. Her damage output just feels way too low. Taloo#1802 I think if anyone wants to invite me tonight. I'll double check when I get home.

Mercy, Junkrat, Pharah, Torb, Bastion who doesn't sit in a corner like a retard, and Mei were my favorites. Icewall is so fucking sick when used right.

I actually got 7 commends and potg as bastion from everyone bitching about bastion potgs haha. Dat 15 recon kills.

Fixed battlenet ID


Blackwing Lair Raider
As a Rein player I can confirm this, unless I see him coming reaper will face rape my Rein by popping through my shield. My only defense is to try and pin/boost away but the animation usually gets me killed before I start moving, now if I have friends around I swing on that fucker immediately and hope that Lucio or Tracer is shooting him too.
I mean, thats the thing, you're reinhardt, you should always have friends.


A nice asshole.
I mean, thats the thing, you're reinhardt, you should always have friends.
You would think that...

Lots of times while playing Rein I look behind and see my team, I engage the enemy look again and they are ALL gone while my shield is brought down to 200ish. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I mean, thats the thing, you're reinhardt, you should always have friends.
The amount of times I'm Rein and I see a Reaper just walk past my shield and shoot me in the back/side while my team is jerking off shooting at a Tracer who is no threat is very, very high


Molten Core Raider
Rolled through about half the cast last night plating for the first time. No one I really disliked except D.Va. Her damage output just feels way too low. Taloo#1807 I think if anyone wants to invite me tonight. I'll double check when I get home.

Mercy, Junkrat, Pharah, Torb, Bastion who doesn't sit in a corner like a retard, and Mei were my favorites. Icewall is so fucking sick when used right.

I actually got 7 commends and potg as bastion from everyone bitching about bastion potgs haha. Dat 15 recon kills.
I consider myself a fairly good D.Va player, and she is awful in every aspect. In PUGs she is fun and can win some games and generally speaking pull her own weight, but you will never see her in Ranked, and when I group up with some of the competitive peeps they don't touch her - and one game I even convinced them to try her for funzies, and she is just awful, awful at everything. She does nothing that Winston doesn't do better, and he does all the clutch important things she can do -> namely block ults like McCree/Pharah with his shield, can harass backline with leap (and doesn't have to do that pesky aiming crap) oh and can bleed past Reinhardt's shields, oh and his ult is 1000% better at disruption / holding an objective. She has no place currently in the game, and her niche role is outshined by Winston.

So, until her balance passover happens (and I have grave doubts they are going to do anything worthwhile to her) I'd stick to learning Winston if you want to be impactful and a backline harass tank.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Overwatch: Blizzard answers the big questions Eurogamer.net

* There's a big discussion about how the ranked mode works (which is still targeting the end of June). It's now a system where you can rank up and down. The game will try to match you by skill, and at equal party sizes. The seasons will last about 2.5 months.

* There will be more information about the new maps and heroes coming starting a bit later into the Summer.

* They're already working on updates all the way through to early next year so they have a steady rate of new content, though they're open to changing the rate based on community feedback.

* The first few new heroes will be released one at a time since beta players reacted very negatively to three being released at once.

* Jeff confirms Sombra is real and that we haven't found all the hints in the game about her yet. Apparently I wasn't thorough enough. Presumably she's the first new hero coming.

* They're open to the idea of Xbox and PlayStation players playing together, but have made no progress on this topic as of yet.

* Jeff notes that the server runs at a tick rate of 60, though that the client could be updated to run at 60 as well if more people are willing to test it in the custom game mode. Currently it doesn't work for about 20% of their player base and they need more people to test it before it can be rolled out to Quick Play. He does say most of the killed around corner issues are from latency though, and not the tick rate.

* McCree's Fan The Hammer damage is getting nerfed so that it doesn't kill tanks, definitely kills lightweight heroes, and maybe kills medium health heroes.

* D.Va is either going to get a damage buff (mostly in terms of lowering the rate at which damage drops off over distance) or survivability buff, but not both. They're testing both options currently. This will be later than the McCree nerf, which sounds like it's soon.
Credit:Blizzard shares info about Overwatch updates, heroes, ranked, server tick rate, more - NeoGAF




Trakanon Raider
Reaper is a great counter to the constant Reinhardt/Roadhogs and also can get to Widows fairly easily and counters Mei fairly well. Reaper does poorly in situations where you need long range poke. I'm playing more Reaper too. Too many Roadhogs/Reins which S76 can't deal with easily. If I need to snipe some turrets or we have a Rein I can hide behind, I'll hop on S76 still. Reaper wants to be flanking constantly whereas S76 wants to be with the team.

Just take screenshots and save us the misery of having to watch mediocre potgs.
Mediocre potgs? Fuck you. I killed an entire team with Junkrat while hidden (King's Row up top near the end on attacking point B) only using nades and two mines, knocked two off the cliff, one of them being bastion. And then I killed 5 players while simultaneously dodging another junkrat's nades a few feet away from me (among other fire) only to run right at him, kill him and run right past his deathnades like I was Batman on Lijang tower, 3 of the kills I did 100% damage and the other 2 I did 75 and 80. 1v1 me bro. These were NOT mediocre potgs. These were insane. Suck a dick! Any potg where you kill 4+ players without an ult and you do 80% of the damage are NOT mediocre. Those are the potgs people like to see.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Mediocre potgs? Fuck you. I killed an entire team with Junkrat while hidden (King's Row up top near the end on attacking point B) only using nades and two mines, knocked two off the cliff, one of them being bastion. And then I killed 5 players while simultaneously dodging another junkrat's nades (among other fire) like I was Batman on Lijang tower, 3 of the kills I did 100% damage and the other 2 I did 75 and 80. 1v1 me bro. These were NOT mediocre potgs. These were insane. Suck a dick! Any potg where you kill 4+ players without an ult and you do 80% of the damage are NOT mediocre. Those are the potgs people like to see.
hahaha. Doesn't sound very spectacular at all.

And sure, I'll 1v1 you if you want, but heroes aren't designed around 1v1 so we'll need to use same hero, but not sure we play the same ones. I don't think we're friends on b.net though. Friend me and lets go.


Trakanon Raider
hahaha. Doesn't sound very spectacular at all.

And sure, I'll 1v1 you if you want, but heroes aren't designed around 1v1 so we'll need to use same hero, but not sure we play the same ones. I don't think we're friends on b.net though. Friend me and lets go.
I'm taking the piss asshat. You're obviously just trolling me so it's okay. To say that a solo player killing an entire team and then 5 players without an ult all while dodging enemy fire and not being healed at all isn't spectacular is clearly trollbait.


<Bronze Donator>
No. He's just saying the user group here doesn't give a shit about watching endless amounts of POTG videos/gifs. Reddit is your friend for that.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It's not spectacular though. Practically every potg is someone killing 4+ people. That shit isn't impressive, especially with nade spam where you can accidentally get a team kill. Not many potgs are impressive, actually. Only really impressive ones I've seen are watching pro players with the insane mechanics, like Seagull on Genji/Pharah.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
As a Rein player I can confirm this, unless I see him coming reaper will face rape my Rein by popping through my shield. My only defense is to try and pin/boost away but the animation usually gets me killed before I start moving, now if I have friends around I swing on that fucker immediately and hope that Lucio or Tracer is shooting him too.
I own reaper...care less about him. McCree is all I really avoid. A good Roadhog also. Reaper...meh. Care less.


While hero stacking might be frustrating at times. I think it would be worst in terms of team composition without it. I think it would end up with 1 or 2 team composition for each map depending if you're attacking or defending.

Hero stacking allow for more options, even though those are not necessary used right now because of balance issue.

I still think one of biggest issue, and I am very much guilty of this, is that people tend to stick with one hero for a match, and get stomped by a team composition that counters theirs which can lead to lopsided match and be very frustrating.

Also, and this is kinda specific to RR, but related to previous issue is that almost noone plays Widowmaker, and even few Hanzo so that any match that would require a sniper to counter what we're facing we end up doing poorly.

The game is still fun for me even with all the issues. I ended up playing for about 2 hours solo last night trying different classes...the evening was a mixed bag in terms of win rate...but I had fun trying new classes I hadn't played or hadn't played much.

My Widowmaker still suck, but I had a few games of 15-20 kills which is tons better than when I started with her and had 4-5 only. Hanzo is the same, but I like him less for some reason.

I cannot for the life of me play Mei effectively, I like her play style but I just can't seem to make her work.

I did a few games as Reinhardt, he's kinda fun. I could see myself learn him a bit more.

I tried Pharah also, which was fun...but hated her on some maps.

Then I finished the evening playing McCree. Seriously even without having the flash bang+right click automatic reflex, it's so easy to pull that almost any time I would turn a corner and run into someone they ended up dead.

I haven't really tried Symetra, Roadhog, D'Va and Genji yet. Roadhog I think I'll like, I'm pretty sure I'll be an awful Genji though.

Looking forward for some more Overwatch tonight.
I don't think hero stacking is at it's basis poor, it's that certain hero stacking allows for specific abilities to be combo'd/utilized, often times with no diminishing returns. This is very clearly shown by Mei, and Mei being able to freeze constantly with no DR period, especially with two, is sort of nuts when you think about how many games have diminishing returns for this reason. (Including Blizzard's own games, and MOBAs, that while have different gameplay, still has a lot of similarity champ wise.)

I also am not 100% against it; there's a very specific feel they wanted when allowing you to swap chars at any given time. Trying to counter the comp/champ, and if you can't stack, you're going to run into times where someone is playing the champ you might desperately need to win a matchup, but they aren't doing what they need to be/utterly suck, so being able to swap to the same char and get shit done is a real boon.

However, in looking at it, as others have said, we're seeing some of the same champs every match, and multiples of the same champs especially. It feels real bad to successfully counter one champ and feel like you removed the cockblock preventing progress, only to do so and have yet another of the same champ to get around.

Admittedly, a large majority of this exists in soloQ. It's a lot harder and a lot rarer to find similar things happening in team matchups, though our team encountered a few Winston/Tracer stacks and then later a Mei stack that were stupid successful and just made for an extremely unfun experience.

We changed champs to counter them, and cracked them, but instead of the rush of, OMG CHECK US OUT, it was more a sigh of relief and pent up frustration than anything.

It's similar to how I feel about say, Bastion and Torb. I cannot for the life of me say if they're overtuned, but it feels like real shit to get destroyed by a turret that auto targets with 100% accuracy, no dmg fall off and ridic range or to turn the corner on a Bastion and feel like I just ran into McCree or most champs with their ult. I always look for Bastion, but someone has always died to him before I can even get to him.

Again, this exists mostly in SoloQ; I don't see many Torbs when we're running as a full team, though I do see a bunch of Bastions. I've done some ridic holding on a match by switching to him but felt like an utter pos doing it.

The hero stacking and turret reliance is most heavily seen and felt when SoloQing, and tends to make those games ridiculously unfun. It's the result of not countering them correctly, but I don't know if soloQ ever gets smart enough to get passed it.

I still say turrets probably need a balance pass; a turret should guarantee a kill, not get them for you, and Bastion should probably have reduced range/dmg fall off, but that's just me. As mentioned, I spend a lot of time as D.Va specifically knocking widows from perches and taking out bastions/Torb. Torb's turrets die real easily to me, but Bastion usually shreds my mech. In soloq I can bounce around with just my pistol and bring him down anyways, but that utterly takes me out of the game, and setup time for those two is generally faster than counter time for me. Essentially, I use D.Va to dive on grenades, including junkrat tires, and diving on a turret mode Bastion and Torb machines feels similar to diving on other champs ults.

And they're NOT ults. Feels like turning a corner into a McCree flashbang/fan the hammer.

I haven't been playing the last few days; Evernothing tried to grab me but I was like naw, man. About to sleep. It was my last soloQ match and it just utterly eviscerated my will to live. I was literally begging for people to focus the objective to no avail.

Christ almighty.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That is me except one time. I was playing reaper a reinhart was rampaging and murdered most of the people on the point then I hit my ult and killed a couple people that caused reinheart to charge me probably by reflex. Both of us went flying over the cliff me yelling DIE DIE DIE all the way down. Even being the person who got PTOG against them it was god damn hilarious.