

Golden Baronet of the Realm
Luckily I haven't ran into much class stacking. I just had one I joined that was trying to stack Torb's but I left. Personally I think there should be a 1 Hero limit because I hate to see Blizz start nerfing hero's because of class stacking. That's going down a road that I think that will ruin the game.


Widowmaker nerf will be increasing charge time on snipe shot, I'd bet. And possibly lowering base snipe damage while keeping 100% where it is.


Log Wizard
They need to:

Lower her clip to 6 instead of 10 (keep the AR the same, maybe make sniper shots use 5 bullets instead of 3)
I think her body damage is fine at 150 though it feels like it does 200, but that's just wonky huge crit boxes.
Make her personal hitbox bigger. She's a fucking twig. I've had them stand still and my Genji left click can't even hit them unless I take a second and a half to line it up.

She should be able to kill smalls in 1 body shot, mediums in 1 headshot, and bigs in 2 full headshots. All at full charge. Having her be able to put out 10 shots in like 15 seconds is ridiculous. That's 1,500 damage before crits in a clip. That's a lot of fucking damage.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Zarya - I don't understand how to play this one at all. The random character event keeps giving me Zarya!
She is tricky to figure out at first, but once you understand her mechanics, she is a great hero. So you have a few abilities

1) Your gun. Left click is the particle beam. Although it is a beam, it is only single target (closest target). Rclick fires the energy ball things that have an arc fire trajectory. These do AOE damage and take multiple ammo usages per shot.
2) Self shield. This creates a barrier on yourself that absorbs all damage for the duration. It only lasts about 1 seconds.
3) Ally shield. You can cast barrier on an ally that absorbs all damage for the duration. It only lasts about 1 - 2 seconds. 10s CD I believe?
4) Ult. Basically Engima's blackhole in DOTA. Sucks all enemy heroes towards the center of the blackhole for the duration. You want to combo your rightclick with this, since you damage everyone in the blackhole AOE. High energy rclick is best to make the most of this. Keep in mind: Blackhole DOES NOT disable people, so they can still use abilities, including Reinhardt shield.

So Zarya basics. When you play her, you'll notice a number below your target reticle. That is her energy level. When you respawn or just start off, it is 0 at default. The highest it can go is 100. Higher energy = higher damage. Energy building and management is what Zarya is all about. At high energy, you do insane damage, so your goal is to always try to get your energy way up so you became a massive damage dealer.

But how to build energy? Your barriers. Basically, any damage your barriers take will translate into energy. The barrier has to take the damage. So if you bubble a Reinhardt using a shield himself and his sheild eats all the damage, then your bubble gets no energy generation. So if a Hanzo ults and you pop your barrier and sit in the ult for a second, you'll get some energy. Bastion shooting? Energy. Just keep in mind your barrier has a VERY small uptime and a decent cooldown (8-10 seconds depending on barrier used), so you need to get good at choosing when to pop the barrier. Ideally, you want to use it when you know the enemy will be doing lots of damage to you or whoever they are trying to kill on your team (Phara using ult, people targeting Mercy, frontline DPS, people getting ganged).

One thing to note is the energy generation is capped per barrier usage. So if you pop your barrier with 0 energy and eat a Junkrat tire explosion, you'll probably only generate 50 energy. Same if you shield a teammate who eats a tire explosion. But combine both and you get into the high energy state.

Zarya ult is also the ultimate combo machine if you coordinate. Using your ult, then another teammate using their ult (high noon, justice rains from above, tire, blizzard, tactical visor, hanzo dragon), will guarantee in most cases that you'll murder everyone caught in the blackhole, since they are all clustered. My recommendation vs. a Reinhardt is to make sure his shield is dead or he is dead before you use it near him, otherwise he can shield block all the damage you or your team tries to inflict. Your ult is also eaten by Dva defense matrix, so don't use it when she pops that.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
What about their random, shitty as disconnects in the middle of the game? Yesterday I got dropped from 10 games in a row about 4 mins after starting.

/vent off
What about being booted for inactivity while you're waiting at the load screen? That was a huge WTF a few days ago.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Widowmaker nerf will be increasing charge time on snipe shot, I'd bet. And possibly lowering base snipe damage while keeping 100% where it is.
Which would be pretty reasonable for her. Maybe lowering the kill power of her machine gun mode too. Her gun is a bit to effective of a counter to her counters.


Trakanon Raider
You get "back fill" XP.
I have never once gotten the back fill exp and I have never once had the loss counted against me. I too have joined games that say Defeat the moment I get in. Tons of them. And many more with defeat in the next minute. And every single one has counted as a loss and every single one has given me either no exp whatsoever or certainly no bonus. It's a bug but it affects the vast majority of people.


Trakanon Raider
Good. She's the only one thatreallyneeds it imo. Every single thing in her arsenal is absurdly strong, I'm glad they're addressing it.
We had an amazing enemy widow earlier today. I asked our Tracer why she hadn't ever once used her pulse bomb to take her out and she said "because I am not going to waste it on one player". smh. How do people get to level 60 and think like this? I don't get it.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Good. She's the only one thatreallyneeds it imo. Every single thing in her arsenal is absurdly strong, I'm glad they're addressing it.
Yeah, make sure to leave Spa... Hanzo alone too. Wouldn't want those arrows to need accuracy to hit someone in the head.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, make sure to leave Spa... Hanzo alone too. Wouldn't want those arrows to need accuracy to hit someone in the head.
There's some wind up time to the arrows at least. Widow can fire off six shots in a row if she wants. It's pretty absurd for a sniper. I really don't care if they nerf her or not though.