
Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
If you're sleepy and want to wake up just load that stream up and turn the volume up and wait for Ut to talk.


Buzzfeed Editor
Dont get roadhog hate. Seemed like everyone was dreading him and now it's changed? I think it definately matters if the person playing them has a clue. When I first started seemed like chained people were falling short and I was somehow missing near point blank melee/shots (Bad about using thumb button so hard it moves my aim since I rarely use it.) On other hand I think he certainly wrecks if you think of him kinda like dva where he isn't a tank that should be taking much fire. I started playing him like a big fat Mccree kinda, bunch of flanking near the fight and just insta gibbing folk and running for a top up and repeating. As long as you arn't running into 3+ all at once generally can do well. Ended up playing a few rounds on Anubis getting like 15+ kill streak and breaking a lot of capture pushes. (hi2u2 mercy.... /oink)

I didnt care for symetria on first try, but from what you guys are saying there's a charge up for the ray? (Thought it was the charged slow orb or just plain short ranged ray vaguely like zarya?) I always did orb and couldnt stand trying to use it past point blank, may have to give her another go if it's really that strong? I certainly love having teleport is kinda clutch on those maps where D has such a long run.

Sidenote, everyones kicking and crying about bad pubs in general, class stacking etc. And I'm not boohooing a neg, but after I lamented a lot of games had most of the team dying in pits headed to the objective I get "HAHA go spoon with your tranny overwatch buddy, faggot". Like I'm just confused wtf is this little puss going on about? What tranny? What buddy? Is this another case of some retard thinks my name is very vaguely similiar to a_skeleton_03s and assume I'm some alt?


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Ut is so excited and amped listening to him is like audio redbull!


<Bronze Donator>
Dont get roadhog hate. Seemed like everyone was dreading him and now it's changed? I think it definately matters if the person playing them has a clue. When I first started seemed like chained people were falling short and I was somehow missing near point blank melee/shots (Bad about using thumb button so hard it moves my aim since I rarely use it.) On other hand I think he certainly wrecks if you think of him kinda like dva where he isn't a tank that should be taking much fire. I started playing him like a big fat Mccree kinda, bunch of flanking near the fight and just insta gibbing folk and running for a top up and repeating. As long as you arn't running into 3+ all at once generally can do well. Ended up playing a few rounds on Anubis getting like 15+ kill streak and breaking a lot of capture pushes. (hi2u2 mercy.... /oink)

I didnt care for symetria on first try, but from what you guys are saying there's a charge up for the ray? (Thought it was the charged slow orb or just plain short ranged ray vaguely like zarya?) I always did orb and couldnt stand trying to use it past point blank, may have to give her another go if it's really that strong? I certainly love having teleport is kinda clutch on those maps where D has such a long run.

Sidenote, everyones kicking and crying about bad pubs in general, class stacking etc. And I'm not boohooing a neg, but after I lamented a lot of games had most of the team dying in pits headed to the objective I get "HAHA go spoon with your tranny overwatch buddy, faggot". Like I'm just confused wtf is this little puss going on about? What tranny? What buddy? Is this another case of some retard thinks my name is very vaguely similiar to a_skeleton_03s and assume I'm some alt?
I think as a Hero Roadhog has a place, but it's certainly not in every game. I think he shines on defense on things like Hanamura or Temple of Anubis where you can get some picks and ruin enemy pushes. The amount he charges ults is insane. When you play Tracer and into a Roadhog it's basically a free ult


what Suineg set it to
Maybe I'm missing it but... you can JOIN another person's group if they're in a group already and then you observe the game and wait until the next round but if you want to join up with a single other person you can only invite them which makes them quit the game or force join the game which doesn't group you but just lets you spectate and drops you on either team next round?

It seems there's no way to 'group up' and wait on someone else, you have to coordinate with them to drop game after this round and just wait in the lobby? Seems dumb.


<Silver Donator>
I dont understand why they let widow shoot uncharged shots. Wouldn't that prevent a lot of the lameness if you couldn't fire unless charged?


Trakanon Raider
I didnt care for symetria on first try, but from what you guys are saying there's a charge up for the ray? (Thought it was the charged slow orb or just plain short ranged ray vaguely like zarya?) I always did orb and couldnt stand trying to use it past point blank, may have to give her another go if it's really that strong? I certainly love having teleport is kinda clutch on those maps where D has such a long run.
Both of Symmetra's gun attacks charge up. Her left click charges up the longer you are beaming onto someone (charges very fast, it has 3 levels) and stays charged for a good 3 seconds of not targetting anyone. Like you can kill someone and then run to another target and start attacking them and maintain your full beam, reload mid fight, and still have full beam. Just jump / circle strafe like a maniac because your weapon homes in and you only need the tiniest bit of LoS and even if you lose LoS for a moment, you'll still be homed in doing damage (kind of like how Mercy's heal has like 1.5 seconds where once you lose LoS it still heals/boosts). You will melt people at full charge. Her right click you charge up by holding it and then letting it go once your inner circle meets the outter circle. If you hold right click on Symmetra's weapon, it'll fully charge a good 1.5 seconds before it actually automatically flies off. So you get more shots in by manually letting go of right click once you notice the crosshair circles meet one another. I've played over 8 hours of Symmetra and have about a 55% win rate, most of those pugs, so I feel pretty competent with her.

One of my favorite things to do with Symmetra is something nobody expects and that is to sometimes use her charged shot at close range rather than the beam. It's almost always better to beam in CQC, but sometimes if you have great map awareness you can charge up a shot around a corner and as soon as someone pops around it you can fire it right through them with them having 0 chance to dodge and it insta kills a lot of people. It's good shit. Symmetra and Junkrat play quite similarly in that you need to be aggressive with them. They are usually thought of as defense and staying back, but if you are good and evasive, being aggressive with them is really great. I regularly get POTG with Symmetra and regularly end up with multiple golds, including damage and elims. She's probably my favorite POTG to see, because everyone is impressed by the squishy turret lady melting an entire team during a team fight. A good Mercy will recognize that in many team fights, if Symmetra is being aggressive, she's the one you should be boosting/healing. Lots of people ignore her during big team fights and if Mercy is focused on you you melt the other team while your teammates die and then mercy just res's them after you cleanup. Symmetra on Anubis is bae.

I dont understand why they let widow shoot uncharged shots. Wouldn't that prevent a lot of the lameness if you couldn't fire unless charged?
Hmmm. Interesting idea. Perhaps, but I think that might be too big of a nerf. Perhaps make her shots that aren't fully charged have a bit of RNG. Make her charge not only affect power, but accuracy as well. That might be all the change she needs to be okay. I'll admit to having no clue what to do with Widow though. I haven't played enough against high level Widow players (played with a few, got a guy level 170 in my team that wrecks) and the pros know best how to fix her.


<Silver Donator>
I dont understand why they let widow shoot uncharged shots. Wouldn't that prevent a lot of the lameness if you couldn't fire unless charged?
She charges super fast anyway so only a little. I'd say the issue is more how fast she charges that she can shoot uncharged. A lot of times it seems it doesn't really matter she can shoot uncharged cause she can afford to charge between every shot and still keep a high enough rate of fire especially if the shots are accurate. Problem with the hero is tweaking her sniping is going to put her in a position where she's either very strong like now, or completely garbage, the balance between the 2 seems hard to achieve. Might be better to look into nerfing a bunch of her other non role centric abilities instead, like nerfing how far she can grapple/how often she can grapple/how much damage the mine does/her unscoped gun/her health/her reload speed/her movement speed, this kind of stuff.


Trakanon Raider
She charges super fast anyway so only a little. I'd say the issue is more how fast she charges that she can shoot uncharged. A lot of times it seems it doesn't really matter she can shoot uncharged cause she can afford to charge between every shot and still keep a high enough rate of fire especially if the shots are accurate. Problem with the hero is tweaking her sniping is going to put her in a position where she's either very strong like now, or completely garbage, the balance between the 2 seems hard to achieve. Might be better to look into nerfing a bunch of her other non role centric abilities instead, like nerfing how far she can grapple/how often she can grapple/how much damage the mine does/her unscoped gun/her health/her reload speed/her movement speed, this kind of stuff.
Perhaps even make her Widow Mine do no damage but instead temporarily reveal the character. That way it doesn't help charge her ult and guarantee that she will win the 1v1 fight with her SMG thanks to the dot from the mine. And then her E is more of reconnasiance. Like a Junkrat's steeltrap alerting you to the fact that someone is coming to get you. As it is, it alraedy does that and it damages them too much. I think it's definitely hard to balance her without making her shit, but it's certainly not impossible. There are so many ways to tinker with her since her entire kit is so good. That leaves many routes open for changing her and reducing her lethality and gamebreaking potential. I mean I know the jumped scope headshot is an achievement and all, but I still think a potentially very good/fair way to nerf her is to disallow her from sniping while in mid air.

Also, maybe force her to reload every time she kills someone with scope? Would that be too much?

I'm glad the Overwatch subreddit has changed the rules on POTG posts. It has turned that subredit into repetitive shitposts. Everyday I scour that subreddit looking for actual substance and discussion. But I've still yet to see it despite the changes? Like, everyone is sick of POTG posts on the subreddit by now. We've seen them all. Maybe 1 in 20 is actually worth it and cool. When will the discussions happen? Is there somewhere else on the internet to find good healthy (intelligent, e.g. not the official forums filled with "Nerf mei posts") discussion about the meta/heroes/potential nerfs etc?