Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
Obsidian lives by publisher request and used Kickstarter because it gave them the ability to do something they actually wanted to do with their own IP.

A company like SOE doing it's looks a lot more shady because they are the big publisher that gets to control their destiny and can afford projects like H1Z1. They need to bring that concept over to Norrath.

Harmonix is in the middle of a Kickstarter that's getting some negative response because there's some level of Sony involvement. It looks shitty when you're not the scrappy dev doing a passion project.

Brad had no idea how to operate with an indie mindset. Actually, none if then did. Using the "we're not Kickstarter experts" was just a load of shit trying to excuse them of the horrible campaign.
So are there "Obsidians" of the MMO space ? For some reason I am drawing a complete blank when I try to think of one.


So are there "Obsidians" of the MMO space ? For some reason I am drawing a complete blank when I try to think of one.
Not really, not that I can think of. Any new MMO development studios play out typically like the TES model where Zenimax invests large amounts of money creating a new team to build what they want.

MMOs and small budgets don't really go great together and people like Brad walk in and take a giant shit on the idea which surely sours the idea altogether.

Obsidian was what, Black Isle. They live on through Obsidian on a game to game basis. The equivalent would have to be something like a Visionary Realms that wasn't completely terrible.

There are a few dudes trying it with games like The Repopulation, I suppose.


EQ isn't coming back. /thread.


LOL @ you faggot complaining about the eq talk yet NOT ONE new thing about pantheon in the mean time has been posted. The Brad circlejerk was getting old anyways.


Millie's Staff Member
In my opinion it's not another EQ perse that folks are jonesing for, but rather the notoriety, respect, and entitlement they enjoyed in EQ. No other game has since reproduced that.

There are certain things that I miss from EQ that I wish mmos had, racial hatred and dynamic factions. Roll an Elf? Hated by Ogres. Roll a Dark Elf? Hated by Elves, and so on. Doing quests to gain friendship with a particular group that's KoS to you and opening up quest opportunities or new areas, and so on. I really miss that aspect of EQ. WoW had some of it, but it felt forced and seemed to have been integrated into the core progression. In EQ it was a side thing, and although Kunark expanded on it, it was so cool to meet someone who was friendly to a faction you normally hated.

But the thing about EQ that I miss the most which no other MMO has been able to reproduce since, is the feeling of importance I enjoyed. Getting whispers for help some place, people inspecting me and checking out what gear I had. I remember getting efreeti boots and the many people congratulating me. The first time I evaced a full group where everyone had a sliver of health left in Seb, and so on.

The death penalties, the grind, the drop rates, they all created a divide between the haves and have-nots. It was a game that rewarded risk. There was no instance running into Lower Guk. You wanted to have some of that pie, you had to invis/camo or something to get through the place and find the spot and hope the party had a spot for you, or coordinate with groups remotely and work your way down. It took major balls to do the things people did in that game and you gave respect. I mastered some crazy kites towards the end of it all, but I never quite mastered kiting a room, it was just not possible in my mind. After witnessing a wizard do it over and over (working on AAs) solo, I had to respect that guy. Personally, that was the "genius" of EQ. The shit people who had the nerve, the wit, the balls, and patience to do it and get away with it successfully. EQ created divides between people. Some folks just didn't have the time and patience to sit on a random camp for days hoping for a particular mob to spawn, or the dedication to level all the way through, or the nerve to go some place where death was on a stick but the rewards were awesome.

In modern MMO's, no one gives a shit about you. You're just another number. DPSer #129480. You're just an exact copy of all the other ones of your same level. Someone have something badass you don't have? Just a matter of time before you have it too. Join a group in a modern MMO no one even acknowledges you. When certain people would join my group in EQ, I immediately snapped to attention and it was "Yes, Sir!". Why? Because they knew their shit and they did stuff that I didn't have the balls to do and wasn't willing to risk.

And that is what modern MMOs are missing.
this x 1000


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey friend,

I was in one of those top guilds in WoW. I was in one in EQ. I was one of the most well known players on Cenarius for years. I have a deep love for early WoW and I'm not some EQ nostalgia maniac - I know what I'm talking about here. And yes, I am serious. Sure, the audience is wider for WoW, and millions of players know the names of certain guilds/superstars to a degree that EQ could never hope to match. I'll give you that. I'm not talking about surface world-wide 'fame' though. I'm talking about individual players in their small server communities.

The systems in place in EQ simply allowed you to do more to 'gain reputation' as an individual on your server. You had far more power over other players. You could monopolize or block content for hours or days on end. You could grief other players to a far greater degree due to the nature of leashing, agro, and collision detection. Trades were done person-to-person rather than through an NPC menu etc etc.

Ya, in WoW you could gain guild notoriety by accomplishing world firsts, and online leaderboards/wikis/etc were far more evolved allowing guilds to get kinda 'famous', but you've never had as much power of other player's experience as you did in early EQ. That's just a fact, and has nothing to do with 'rose colored glasses' or whatever point you are trying to make here.
Did WOW ever have something of an All Stars event as the EQ server BOTBs?

I don't know about WoW, but some players from that gained a reputation that lasts till this day. Back on VZTZ someone ran around impersonating Reefman for awhile, the winner of the Rogue BOTB, iirc.

I still remember that mother fucking undead rogue that struck fear into the alliance before battlegrounds came out.

In fact that mother fucker was STILL feared even after battlegrounds came out. I don't know how many battlegrounds people left after they saw him.
This is why I fucking loath the hard coded division between factions in WoW. Instead of the amount of infamy and shittalk that came with EQ Red server battles and names of old foes instantly coming to mind, you get "some undead rogue" because all the other side really was in the end was a highly intelligent mob you fought that had little to no personality outside of their ability to gain notice unless you bought a second account to talk to the other faction like Blart did.


Musty Nester
Yeah. We were all kinda a big deal in EQ. Quick, lets tell each other our EQ names and see exactly how big of a deal we were. kekekekeke

People aren't dumb enough to stick around while you grief them anymore. lol.

Archeage is gonna be a lot of fun for about a month.


Millie's Staff Member
our guild was the top guild on the server but we also had competition, one guild(a euro guild) we worked with and shared spawns so they could get a chance at stuff we were currently farming. then we had this other guild that raided when we raided and wanted to do what we did when we did it and did not want to work with us, this guild also did not want to work with the euro guild. this guild's leader had told our leader that he was going to push us out of the game and take every single spawn from us. our GL posted screencaps of it all on our message board and after that we were at war.

when we did dain, we always found muzzles of marduus or whatever its called on the corpses we were always trained when we went to raid somewhere. didnt matter if we were going after the big worm in luclin and this other guild wasnt raiding at all. they would send people to train adds on us. it had gotten to the point that we decided that not only were we going to win every spawn race but we also were going to destroy this guild. we ended up putting everything we could kill on lockdown at night and this euro guild kept everything on lockdown in the early day (est). GMs were always at our raids because this other guild had petitioned us as taking their mobs even when they were not in the zone in force or even able to kill the mobs. eventually the gms got annoyed with this guild and either told them to fuck off or they had to try the encounter we were going to kill right then. hilarity ensued after that as they died trying to pull mobs to the boss itself. was a great time for our guild because loot was rolling in like crazy and we were picking up this guild's members because their morale was so low from their guild leader trying to fight us on everything. our war ended by the end of pop because this other guild had been decimated and defeated at every turn.

moral of the story, little timmy doesnt deserve shit if he is going to be an asshole about it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Obsidian was what, Black Isle. They live on through Obsidian on a game to game basis. The equivalent would have to be something like a Visionary Realms that wasn't completely terrible.
Black Isle, then Troika which made Bloodlines and Arcanum before it went under and then made Obsidian.


Musty Nester
TROIKA SO GOOD. Seriously there's overlap between them and Black Isle? That explains a lot. I had no idea. In retrospect it is obvious, but I had no idea.

I kinda felt ashamed to be playing a gay vampire game. But then I did the haunted house and was like, "Oh. I get it. This is a SUPER gay vampire game. SO GOOD."


LOL @ you faggot complaining about the eq talk yet NOT ONE new thing about pantheon in the mean time has been posted. The Brad circlejerk was getting old anyways.
I tried to get the thread back on track like 4 pages ago, but people are too busy blowing up about who likes what games and how everyone else is wrong.


Trakanon Raider
I tried to get the thread back on track like 4 pages ago, but people are too busy blowing up about who likes what games and how everyone else is wrong.
it's pretty obvious brad isn't going to give us anything juicy to talk about any time soon. so we have to do something to keep this thread going. might as well circle jerk about EQ again...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Was Arcanum any good ?
Did you like Fallout 2? Arcanum is fucking sex. It's the truest sequel we've had to FO2 ever. That said, turn it into turn based combat IMMEDIATELY. Sierra made them include a real time option cause of Diablo and it's terrible. It's also the default.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
One of the things I haven't seen mentioned in a while that I think contributed greatly to the original EQ feel was that it was really built on the bones of a PnP D&D campaign. Nothing else seems to have that complex interlocking of factions and "sides" that EQ brought to the table.

Also allow me to lament that WoW, through no fault of its own, effectively smothered the MMO playing field. I really thought back in 2001-2003 that we were going to see much more diversity in the MMO space, in much the same way the success of D&D gave us tons of PnP rulesets: Traveller, Gamma World, Top Secret, etc. I guess some of that logjam has started to clear in the last few years but we could certainly do with a ton more small teams and a few large ones competing over those players rather than having them all in one game. Does anyone even bother trying to make a game for 100k audience these days?

Edit: after deciding I should actually do a little research and looking at the list of games that have come out, it's probably unfair to say that there hasn't been any diversity. It still seems like WoW sucked all of the oxygen out of the MMO space.