Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
doesnt sound like bullshit to me. whats more likely, that all the devs left the project when they found out brad took a large chunk of the cash while they received next to nothing and now the project is bankrupt. or all the devs got together, hatched this plot to quit out of the blue, even though this was some guys only source of income and claim that they were not paid, the project was broke and brad took a large portion of the money for himself?
im going with this not being bullshit especially since the second wave of suckers agreed to a contract where they would be paid zero money and the website may be hosted for free while they ask for donations to keep the site running. even if the web hosting is not free, with the traffic the pantheon site is getting. is 2k a month or whatever its generating more than enough to cover their site fees?
Sorry the conversation was a little confusing cause I got lazy with quoting, the part I was calling bullshit on was:
This was posted on the Facebook site yesterday but has since been removed:

"I am going to be upfront with you on this. I was considering making a sizable donation but the bottom line is there is a lot of drama currently surrounding this project with reports claiming that Brad McQuaid misused funds for his own personal needs.
When I see these words coming out of numerous sources with the addition of how he dealt with both Vanguard and, most importantly, his staff at Vanguard (and there are many write ups about that) I feel compelled to back off. Frankly, I think I am not alone on this either as I would be willing to wager that a considerable amount sit in my shoes on that stance. I bring this up because donations are obviously going to play a large part in the production of this specific project so I would suggest a public statement on the recent accusations of mismanagement that isn't filled with "dreams" and "hopes" and "tears" but rather a blunt and forthcoming statement on the current level with the game itself and (more important) why potential investors should even consider the undertaking given the previous issues that go back quite a long time.
If this post is deleted I will most certainly remove any idea of an investment but that truly is my suggestion and, frankly, I think it is a more than fair question/request when you consider the many factors involved."
He is doing his best to avoid addressing the issue and also doing his best to try to appear things are going as planned.
As in, I don't think the guy was planning on donating shit and just wanted to trash the game and use a fictional donation as leverage to prevent them from deleting his post.


Millie's Staff Member
Sorry the conversation was a little confusing cause I got lazy with quoting, the part I was calling bullshit on was:

As in, I don't think the guy was planning on donating shit and just wanted to trash the game and use a fictional donation as leverage to prevent them from deleting his post.
agreed, that was just trollbait


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I can't wait for people to find out that Tuco is donating his time to Pantheon to help code the AI


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That asset store is pretty damn cool, if I were looking for yet another hobby I could see hundreds of hours dinking around with that stuff. The thing I find interesting is how easy the atavism software seems to be to use. Could you imagine if we had this stuff 15 years ago?


I haven't seen the full version of this linked here yet so here it is (so many pages in this thread but I don't think it is here). Most of the ones out there are cropped on other sites (for whatever reason):

I'm the one who took that screenshot, and I posted it here soon after. You really should go and review the old threads instead of re-reporting news that's been hashed out several times now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That asset store is pretty damn cool, if I were looking for yet another hobby I could see hundreds of hours dinking around with that stuff. The thing I find interesting is how easy the atavism software seems to be to use. Could you imagine if we had this stuff 15 years ago?
Had we had this stuff 15 years ago, the crowd now would instead of WoW play DonkeyQuests latest expansion Rise of the Hoofs and this community would swim in money.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Had we had this stuff 15 years ago, the crowd now would instead of WoW play DonkeyQuests latest expansion Rise of the Hoofs and this community would swim in money.
Would have loved to see what Zhen would have come up with.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The videos still don't answer the real questions. Prior to Brad looting the guild bank, the team was working on different systems. Are those systems being worked on internally?? Take combat.. Silius thought he'd have a solid combat prototype in 2-3 months. That was a few weeks before shit hit the fan. Do they have anything to show is that regard? Building terrain is great and all but eventually the more complicated systems will have to be shown off to demonstrate to any real investor these people can make a mmo.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Brad on official web.

Hi all

We just released a couple of videos showing the two zones, one indoor and one outdoor, that we posted screenshots of recently. The videos are on FB, youtube, etc. The videos show the player zoning from the outdoors into the cave dungeon, which is great measurable forward progress! On the latest video, you can also see the proto-chat-box.

Lots of work is also being done on the behind-the-scenes tools, which will allow us to create NPCs, Encounters, Items, etc. Over the next month the world and zone servers will start to load this data, allowing us to place NPCs into the world, after which we can turn on and tweak combat again!

Thanks all for your support and continued pledges & donations! Pantheon marches onward!

-Brad "Aradune Mithara" McQuaid


Building terrain is great and all but eventually the more complicated systems will have to be shown off to demonstrate to any real investor these people can make a mmo.
That cave from the video is the exact underground environment Arcee posted. You can see the same bridge/chasm in the asset video that Arudane walks across in the Pantheon video.

I think they did get the zoom tween system in place for their logo at least.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ok which one of you guys is this?

Ok Check it out...
What would it take to get a quick link to donations for the game?
What I mean is as a guild leader and officer in other guilds. We need a way to get a more positive cash flow coming in to help progress the development of the game. One of the ways I thought this to be possible is in a quick link we could attack to our guild websites.

I have alot of members that would kick $1 - $10 here and there to help the progression. I dont think it would be the best source for revenue, however all sources only make the game go to ALPHA faster. At current rate of what I have seen and read through out the forums we are looking at 2017 - 2018 for a release. In order to speed that up there needs to be a steady flow of cash.

Now that I have went through the complete members list I have found 22 Guild leaders that all have websites of one kind or another and even if those 22 sites only generate lets say to be real $25 - $30 a month your looking at $6600 - $7900 extra a year which is above and beyond what alot of us are already donating. Who knows maybe some site would produce more than others.

Needs to be a quick link that goes straight to the donating page with out a bunch of surveys and random game questions. Just a simple proof of who you are and how much. Then debit or credit. Something simple like that.

This is just my first idea on how to increase the cash flow to make this game happen sooner. The dev's have to eat too. If we can do anything to help or boost the brain power of others to get this funded it benefits all of us. I list the game and support on my front page anyway just needs a link to donate straigh to the Pantheon game there as well.

Another thing. I am donating on a monthly basis just like a sub to a game at $15 a month a meer drop in the hat compared to the 7 canceled VG accounts. I challange all who boxed or played other games that are not currently sub'd to Pantheon to do so with the money you would normally spend on a sub.


Secondly- Can we get a Pantheon donation button on the forums?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The videos show the player zoning from the outdoors into the cave dungeon, which is great measurable forward progress!
translation:"This is for the fucksticks over at Rerolled who want to see quantifiable progress. FINE!!"[Brad flips over table]

Note to self: if I ever meet Brad IRL somewhere, never tell him who I am online or what forums I post on.