Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
My problem is that no one would give me 30M dollars in a kickstart so I can make my own game. Shame! Also y aerospace engineering degree didn't teach me how to code video games or engineer up a network. I should go to night school or something.
We've seen you run a message board. You'd be lucky if you got 3 dollars from us to start a game studio.


Elisha Dushku
Many of Brad's posts are in the OP. I need to update again soon.
Tannlin also has short excerpts of this thread on his pantheonrotf reddit - nothing that gogojira hasn't covered but useful if you can't read rerolled at work and don't want to get eyestrain from your phone.


I know everyone's lost in a sea of theorycrafting, but I really hope the team does something nice with the soundtrack. I'm a sucker for a good OST and anxious to see who is handling that end of Pantheon. Whatever tier I back, that needs to be a part of the package.


Elisha Dushku
I think I've got it. Pirates can be friends with pirates, and ninjas can be friends with ninjas. Red Panda Pirates can obviously be friends with both, since we're just that great.
Maybe NewCo can sell design your own guild flags at a reward level so you can get a unique flag for RPP (you know me).


While we are talking about spells, bring back spell particles changing as you level. Even though it was entirely superficial, it was fucking awesome when you hit those milestones.
Shit bring back mass buffing and get rid of that lock to group or raid buffing crap, let me cast virtue on everyone and their pets!!!


Lord Nagafen Raider
As far as the spells and ability question...Please give us a pool of many options if you want, but limit the loadout we can bring to something like 10 or maybe 15. I am really tired of the 40 button whack a mole/play the UI systems. I much prefer the newer games like GW2 or TSW where you have a limited number of skills available, but you can strategically pick from a vast amount. I find that in these games I can easily memorize and strategize with the abilities I choose to bring. In turn I am playing the game, concentrating on the encounters, and not playing UI whack a mole. For me this is a much more immersive and enjoyable experience. One other thing that is very important is to get movement/animation right. Love or hate the game, I really like how movement/dodging feels in a game like GW2.
Well? the idea of a limited skill load out is nice in theory, but one thing I found that has been lost in that translation -- particularly by GW2 -- is the availability of abilities that aren't necessarily "combat" related (i.e. spells that do damage to other things) but are a big part of defining the class. From WoW, think Mage's Blink, Rogue's Vanish, Hunter's Feign Death, etc. I don't really consider those "combat" abilities as they don't do damage.

Sure you can use them in combat, but I think any class-defining non-damaging abilities wouldn't fall into the same category as literal combat spells that are part of a rotation.

So, in my opinion there has to be also be a load out for non-combat abilities, or anything that might be classified as a non-core combat ability.

Also, the movement in GW2 is terrible? feels like you're ice skating all the time. The dodging is a nice element, but I'd prefer to see more precise movement of my character as in WoW or even SW:TOR. That feel is a big part of the enjoyment for me, and a key reason I dropped GW2 pretty quickly.


Feedback is great and naturally you can't just write off what people say, but in truth I hope Brad and his team have a fairly clear vision in mind that they intend to stick to. I'm not saying to be completely rigid and unbending, but I'd rather see this be their world rather than a design by committee.


Trakanon Raider
Out of all seriousness, EQ's music honestly added to the gameplay at least in my opinion. I still go back and listen time to time for a dose of nostalgia.


The music is a major point of nostalgia for me. I also really like Vanguard's as well, its very fitting to the zones, good music, and its not overpowering.


I want my UI to look like this


And not like this


And for the record I like EQ2 better than GW2, but I think GW2's UI is much cleaner (the main reason for this is their lack of 90 spells on the screen at once). I also want to point out that I do NOT like that each slot on GW2 is limited to a specific type of spell. I think we should have between 8-15 slots to mix and match however we choose.


for the record I like EQ2 better than GW2, but I think GW2's UI is much cleaner (the main reason for this is their lack of 90 spells on the screen at once). I also want to point out that I do NOT like that each slot on GW2 is limited to a specific type of spell. I think we should have between 8-15 slots to mix and match however we choose.
Dear God, why? The combat? The clustered, bad zones? The shiny on the ground hunt? If I have one wish for every new MMO it's that they examine EQ2's combat system and do everything in their power to make their game not use any abomination like that.

I think it's safe to say most of us want a traditional and simple UI with limited buttons. My other issue is how many new games do 'actiony' combat. I think MMOs should focus on first person strategic combat that's group based, and not on twitchy fighting, personally. GCDs are a good thing.


Dear God, why? The combat? The clustered, bad zones? The shiny on the ground hunt? If I have one wish for every new MMO it's that they examine EQ2's combat system and do everything in their power to make their game not use any abomination like that.

I think it's safe to say most of us want a traditional and simple UI with limited buttons. My other issue is how many new games do 'actiony' combat. I think MMOs should focus on first person strategic combat that's group based, and not on twitchy fighting, personally. GCDs are a good thing.
To be fair, I agree with him. At least EQ2 is an actual fantasy MMO. GW2 is more like a first person shooter pretending to be an MMORPG. Twitch combat, running, rolling, shooting, dodging, running some more, duck, run, dodge...GW2 sucks.


Golden Squire
If we're worried about limited load outs, I'd like to see the same applied to melee.

I was playing my monk on live some, on Test...and I have like 20 buttons now. All "discs" that were originally more of "oh shit" buttons, which have now completely replaced innate skills (like kick, round kick, flying kick, etc) as extra "hit when on CD" buttons.

Yes, I know there's a proper rotation and blah blah blah if you want to get technical. Point stands though.

We all also love EQ's clickies, I'd bet? Usually those get hotbarred too though. How do people feel clickies fit into the "reduce hotbar bloat" situations?


If you think GW2 is twitch combat, there are a whole lot of other games that would like to speak with you.
Oh please. GW2 is closer to Battlefield then Everquest. The entire fight mechanics is build around a spastic, how fast can you run, jump, and click buttons. Its great if your 14 I suppose.


<Silver Donator>
In terms of hotkeys and shit, I think I'd like at most 2 full bars of skills for a given class(standard 12 slots bars, so 24abilities per class). Could have more if they're like cosmetics and super situational stuff like self illusions and what not. Then about 1 bar of items/consumables/clickies. I think it wouldn't hurt to restrict the amount of active clickies you can have. Say 3 or 4. You can slot them(so you can still use an item that has a clicky effect without using its clicky if it happens to also have good stats) and no combat swapping. Also buffs from clickies drop if you change the item, don't want to spend 10mins after every death gear swapping shit to buff myself.

24 seems like a solid number to me to have a lot of situational but useful abilities and shit. Half of that would be just that though, either longer cooldowns or situation specific spells, your main abilities should be between 6 and 10. Definitely don't want the limited bar systems, they always say shit like "oh but you can choose what you put on your bar and make builds, such novelty" but it's fucking shit when you play it, you're ultra limited in your "choices" and once a fight starts you're fucked if you didn't get the proper shit which is almost always since you don't want situational abilities on a small bar, you only want the most efficient ability that's usable in most situations. I didn't mind in GW1 because you truly had choice, there were like 120 abilities per class and like 8 or 10 whatever slot plus you could dual class, so you could make real builds, but GW2 is the complete opposite and is boring as fuck. Not as boring as Wildstar, but still boring.