Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I do think he will get the most honest feedback here but there are plenty of posters here that think most of wow's features are the cats meow and will argue for them in any game.
Or are obvious trolls/idiots who hate the very premise of the game. Not talking about some of us arguing instance vs non instance and which death penalty , but the ones who can't accept that many of us prefer and like the old school mechanics over the new bullshit.

Brad needs to visit here all throughout yes , but a closed forum where everyone paid 25 or so at least to be there and is genuinely interested in the game is a nice option. I'd still be here as much if not more , but for actual polls on mechanics and such the trolls shouldn't be allowed to vote. That's more the thing I'm thinking about , not discussion , but when Brad actual wants a numbers break down on some specific issue to at least look at the results , that should be backers only.


Elisha Dushku
but a closed forum where everyone paid 25 or so at least to be there and is genuinely interested in the game is a nice option. I'd still be here as much if not more , but for actual polls on mechanics and such the trolls shouldn't be allowed to vote. That's more the thing I'm thinking about , not discussion , but when Brad actual wants a numbers break down on some specific issue to at least look at the results , that should be backers only.
It should be whatever reward level is the digital download for the game or the box (which might be 25 but could be 35 for digital download/50 for box or whatever).


Feedback is great and naturally you can't just write off what people say, but in truth I hope Brad and his team have a fairly clear vision in mind that they intend to stick to. I'm not saying to be completely rigid and unbending, but I'd rather see this be their world rather than a design by committee.


Elisha Dushku
Items don't really need to leave the system if instancing isn't used. Rare spawns in EQ regulated item influx into the economy pretty well.
I like breakable items - not item decay, breakable. Goes along with spell resistance for higher level mobs, items should have a very low chance to break (say .0001%) that goes up as you fight higher level mobs (say to .005% for a mob 5 levels higher ).

Items might have slots for a gem that grants 'Indestructibility'. And a Sword that has no other attributes but decent dmg/delay and MAGIC INDESTRUCTABLE attributes should be the hot shit for mid-level tanks.


Potato del Grande
Mark me down for some level of spell/ability limitation. I like the idea of having a set of spells for different situation. To not only plan for what might go down, but plan according to what you'd be fighting and who with. That shaman can slow, so your enchanter can load some other situation spell (or slow, just in case, depending on the situation).

Also, Vanguard had a lot of elements of timing that I liked. Even when combat was spammy, you had to pay attention to when you were casting what. With reactions and counters and intercepts and vulnerabilities, it wasn't just spam your rotation and it not mattering what you were fighting. You had to pay attention.

The problem was it was sometimes too fast, the paying attention didn't really net critical results, or the 'sometimes' abilities just became 'all the time anyhow' abilities, like the group life-tap heal on my blood mage that was triggered by crits on a character running like 45% crit rate that was almost exclusively spamming abilities that could crit. Sure, it was awesome, especially in raids, having a HUGE group heal pretty much always available, but it got to the point I had to take it out of my spell macros because my best heal was firing off too often and I couldn't get any dots or DDs down. That's a backwards problem to have on a damage-based healer and made what started out as a life-saver sometimes spell pretty mundane. :p

I'm all for spell fizzles, spell misses, resists, weapon types, damage types, mob vulnerabilities and limiting active spells/abilities and all that kind of thing. It makes you have to be ready to react and capable of it.

Planning for encounters, paying attention to circumstances, and then using your chosen tools to best handle the situation sounds awesome to me, and like something I haven't experienced in many modern mmos.


Trakanon Raider
Ohh where have I seen this movie before... Might be a bigger dumpster fire since the last one except instead of smeds/microsoft money he well be using yours. Wish that thread was preserved for history sake as the same pattern is emerging hocking a Vision plus bored reformed EQ neckbeards arm chair deving pining about the EQ99 glory days with Rose Colored Glasses so thick they might as well be ashtrays. I almost feel bad not paying for this level of entertainment as Brad attempts to give the ol dirty sanchez to a community twice. fucking Bravo

With that said I wish you luck Brad only for a longshot wish all these EQ99'ers finally get there game as I understand the nostalgia from my first MMO.

Edit: Where are the fucking internets + -
what's worse, the neckbeards that post here, or retards like you that come here, take the time to read all these posts, and then feel the need to post themselves when they have zero interest in the game? instead of wasting your time reading and posting about a game you have no intentions of playing, go upstairs, crawl into your nice warm bed, and go fuck yourself.


Feedback is great and naturally you can't just write off what people say, but in truth I hope Brad and his team have a fairly clear vision in mind that they intend to stick to. I'm not saying to be completely rigid and unbending, but I'd rather see this be their world rather than a design by committee.
100% agree , I was more referring to when brad wants actual numbers on something like he asked before about limited spell slots vs mega bars , it would be good to have a place only backers could post/vote in a poll , leaving out the obvious trolls who already are here

Definitely don't want a design by committee , but there probably will be certain mechanics here and there he'd like to see the breakdown on of folks who actually intend to support and play.


As far as the spells and ability question...Please give us a pool of many options if you want, but limit the loadout we can bring to something like 10 or maybe 15. I am really tired of the 40 button whack a mole/play the UI systems. I much prefer the newer games like GW2 or TSW where you have a limited number of skills available, but you can strategically pick from a vast amount. I find that in these games I can easily memorize and strategize with the abilities I choose to bring. In turn I am playing the game, concentrating on the encounters, and not playing UI whack a mole. For me this is a much more immersive and enjoyable experience. One other thing that is very important is to get movement/animation right. Love or hate the game, I really like how movement/dodging feels in a game like GW2.
Well said.


2 Minutes Hate
Just reading through this thread, about 10 pages back still. You got some pretty interesting ideas I must say. I like the idea of slowing things down and really planning out what your next in game step is.
My problem is that no one would give me 30M dollars in a kickstart so I can make my own game. Shame! Also y aerospace engineering degree didn't teach me how to code video games or engineer up a network. I should go to night school or something.


My problem is that no one would give me 30M dollars in a kickstart so I can make my own game. Shame! Also y aerospace engineering degree didn't teach me how to code video games or engineer up a network. I should go to night school or something.
You can't code, but I would totally go into outer space with you anytime, baby.


Dear god , the ever important poll on how to handle friends list needs to come before that though.
I think I've got it. Pirates can be friends with pirates, and ninjas can be friends with ninjas. Red Panda Pirates can obviously be friends with both, since we're just that great.


<Gold Donor>
This thread reminds me of the days of Vanguard except no Brad chiming in....

Oh shit son! Brad is here! Fuck yeah! Its on!