Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


It takes a very long time to conceive and create art assets. At this stage they are simply looking at creating a prototype. I'm totally fine with them using in engine assets to get that prototype up and running. Part of the funding is to hire more talent which is going to be artist. Art and world design is one of the most expensive parts of MMOs and that's why they're going zone based, to reduce the amount of artist and world designers needed.
Even if they stick with asset store things, if the gameplay is good, I'll play it. I wonder if the people who want the high-poly super big-tittied character models are just there to fap over themselves, and playing the game is secondary to their own virtual cosplay nonsense?

Lost Ranger_sl

I wouldn't worry about any of that stuff. As has been pointed out those pictures are almost completely "fake". Those are Unity assets and I can't see them using any of it for the real game. The picture was kinda pointless really, but whatever.


I understand that and agree. But what's the point of putting screenshots on the kickstarter with 99% store assets? It's slightly disingenuous.
Not at all. First off, most people won't know they are purchased assets. Secondly, the success rate for KickStarters that show no in game work have a very low success rate. Theyhadto show something.


So maybe my imagination is carrying this but the bullet points hit fine for me. I don't really get the disappointment this early on.. This is much closer to my kind of game than anything out there..

An MMO developed by gamers who aren't afraid to target an audience of like-minded gamers.
A fantasy themed Massively Multiplayer Role Playing game (MMO) with a heavy focus on character development, an immersive world, and teamwork.
An MMO for players wanting a challenging and rewarding experience.
An open world in which you explore to obtain not only more powerful items but also new spells and abilities.
Travel where and when you want to in a non-linear world.
A huge world to explore, trade, and adventure in.
A complex back-story that players may gradually discover as they grow in power and explore the world.
A constantly expanding and evolving world.
Group-focused social gameplay using a class based system to encourage teamwork.
Customize your class by bonding with the spirits of fallen warriors.
Reactive combat where you can determine what the NPC is doing and react to it. (move, counter, deflect, etc.) .
Combat will be challenging and involved -- your decisions will matter and directly affect the battle's outcome.
Travel the world and profit from selling exotic items collected from distant realms. Different cities and outposts may have local Bazaars.
Limited and class based teleportation may get you close, but in order to reach many destinations you will have to traverse the planar scarred lands of Terminus through the use of your own two feet or on the back of your mighty steed.
Earning experience is only part of what it takes to level up. Exploring the world you will gain knowledge and power allowing you to overcome more powerful enemies.
The game will run on PC, Mac, and possibly other platforms in the future.
Other than that horrid "SLASH" and the mini map you are correct, everything out there is just crap atm and ESO is not looking good at all, EQN might be interesting as a time sink but nothing more. I guess we shall see how this all turns out.
I picked up the $100 pledge. I considered the pledge that got me in the dev guild, but then I figured I would just get kicked out the first day after yelling at Silius in guild.

Seriously though, I am giving Silius one last chance to not screw up. If he fucks this one up or acts like an ass (again), I will never fund anything he is involved in in the future even if they are offering virgins with every pledge. Don't fuck up Brad's chance to redeam himself. Just saying.


Trakanon Raider
if rhode island can give curt schilling all that money, a guy who knew next to nothing about MMO design, surely there's a state out there that can give a few mil to get this game up and running?


Elisha Dushku
Disclaimer: I'm looking forward to the game, onboard with the vision and have already backed.

Brad has said it's placeholder content intended to illustrate their ideas, but wow... every piece of the screenshots are purchased models from the Unity store. I understand that store content is one of the benefits to using Unity and that there is much more to a game other than art assets and perhaps they've built an awesome combat engine and lots of gameplay. Hope there are some nice game systems under this and it's not just models posed in a scene.
That and the mini-map are not things people should be worrying about. The one and only thing people should be worrying about is that Brad doesn't seem to have a boss. He's CCO, but the CEO seems to be an empty chair. Brad has good ideas, but he does need someone other than himself managing the company and the project. Without proper project management - which Brad can not provide - the company will run out of money before Alpha.


Potato del Grande
First off, most people won't know they are purchased assets.
Isn't that sort of the definition of disingenuous. They're showing something that people will think is one thing, when in reality it's another.

Whether having to show something was critical or not is certainly a valid point of debate. I personally think more concept art and some specifics on systems and how they'll work would be enough, with more tangible footage of the actual game being shown as funding provides that opportunity. But if showing "in game" something was so important, they should have shown something that wasn't the same something anyone else working with the same engine could have shown. It's either going to mislead people, or pointless. Either way, what's the point?



WTF Slash?

Brad, they don't call me Chief Slapaho for nothin'. Take that comic book shit, and GTFO.

Man, one second I'm all in, the next I'm picking my jaw up off the floor 'cause of the stupid shit I am seeing.
I didn't notice that, but yeah, that needs to get yanked.


Isn't that sort of the definition of disingenuous. They're showing something that people will think is one thing, when in reality it's another.

Whether having to show something was critical or not is certainly a valid point of debate. I personally think more concept art and some specifics on systems and how they'll work would be enough, with more tangible footage of the actual game being shown as funding provides that opportunity. But if showing "in game" something was so important, they should have shown something that wasn't the same something anyone else working with the same engine could have shown. It's either going to mislead people, or pointless. Either way, what's the point?
*Pre-Alpha Footage.

Anyone that understands how games are made knows that many things change between milestones, especially between Pre-Alpha and release.

But you see, that's the thing with KS. Because YOU are the person paying for it, you have to see the progress, even if it's just a prototype. If the game was being privately funded, there would still be prototypes that look absolutely nothing like the finish product, you just never see them as the consumer.

Expand your mind.


Trump's Staff
*Pre-Alpha Footage.

Anyone that understands how games are made knows that many things change between milestones, especially between Pre-Alpha and release.

But you see, that's the thing with KS. Because YOU are the person paying for it, you have to see the progress, even if it's just a prototype. If the game was being privately funded, there would still be prototypes that look absolutely nothing like the finish product, you just never see them as the consumer.

Expand your mind.


Elisha Dushku
*Pre-Alpha Footage.

Anyone that understands how games are made knows that many things change between milestones, especially between Pre-Alpha and release.

But you see, that's the thing with KS. Because YOU are the person paying for it, you have to see the progress, even if it's just a prototype. If the game was being privately funded, there would still be prototypes that look absolutely nothing like the finish product, you just never see them as the consumer.

Expand your mind.
We need the Mickey Mouse of Alpha Vanguard stat. Tuco?