Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Don't forget "challenging combat"!
I honestly believe this forum could not only come up with a better pitch for a MMO but lay out a really thorough and compelling design document for one, more so than anything we've seen from Pantheon.

There should be several key tenements and they should be explained so fully and convincingly that everyone knows what you are doing instead of these obscure bullet points that don't explain anything.

There's so much passion here too, it's amazing how much effort some of you guys are putting into getting the word out for what is ultimately a terrible Kickstarter pitch. If Brad put half the effort you guys are putting in this thing would probably sell itself.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Pledge average has RISEN to $120 per. That is a SOLID average that I am betting many games would love to just need the numbers.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
been posting KS info on some fitness and firearm sites I frequent. you can find neckbeards in the most unlikely of places.

now.. to craigslist!


I'm fine with a generic world and going old school MUD. My big problem here is Jacobs and Garriot went into this full bore with tech, art, and a deep plan, as well as a sense of urgency. I don't get that feeling from this kickstarter, and I wish they had more than a weeks work done before trying to sell this.

I think Camelot Unchained and Shroud of the Avatar will both be released and I think the guys running those are dedicated to their games. This one, I'm not so sure.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I just don't see anything but a really bad name, really generic cop-out 'new world' lore, and a bunch of "yeah it will be like those old games" answers to every gameplay questions.

In essence it's fluff, but instead of the shit all the people who make WoW clones tell us, they are just telling us the opposite. I really want to hear design specifics from these so-called veterans, things that will get me excited. Paint me a picture of what I would be doing in your game, not this "group focused with a focus on groups" bullshit. Instead it's a whole lot of platitudes and buzzwords.

Tell me what old MMOs did, what new MMOs don't do, and what Pantheon does. Not 15 bulletpoints of "immersive gameplay" "a big world"

And the stretch goals are pathetic, races and classes as goals? That just tells me they have no real conviction in the world they are building and its lore
Completely 100% agree with you here. A lot of usual buzz words and a shit ton of viral shilling going on here in this thread by the fanboys. I also agree a lot of folks here (some that work in the industry) could do a lot better getting better stretch goals. Donate this amount and you can play a bard.
Wow. Fantastic. A class I have been able to play in literally any game since I bought my first 386. That isn't to say I am not wanting a hard/challenging MMOPG. I am. My wish would be Dark Souls meets EQ.

The ignorance of people here regarding Kickstarter and the silent publisher make up and Brad already falsified some information in the first 2 pages of when he came back to post here (He stated they didn't go with Hero Engine because they couldn't have access to the source code. Wrong. He can have access to the source code. He doesn't want to pay 7% of revenues. Just say that. It's time to be transparent for God's sake) is astounding to me already at this early stage. With that said, I also do not believe him if he can fudge the truth on Hero Engine, on SOE publishing once Cap Ex is paid for by Kickstarter. Pouring everything into Landmark and EQNext doesn't mean they do not have money for other projects. Not sure how he can think we can be this dense. Especially when others here know better. It's the same under handed silent publishing hiding behind kickstarter and using gamers wallets I was talking about. And about the only person (To me)that hasn't confirmed this yet is Smedley. Partly because I haven't asked him, and partly because I know he would answer in the same vein because "Technically" they are not the publisher yet. But I have been told by several people that as soon as they hit that goal, the agreement will go into effect.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That was the problem I had with the idea of pledging to this KS. It is being presented like a group of High School teenagers got together and came up with this idea of creating an MMO like what their dad's used to play back in the old days. This does not feel like a group of veterans, having been part of the industry a long time, got together and organized this.

They needed to have had a plan of what they were doing already worked out, so that any questions could be answered in detail. Just answering with a "General" attitude does not convey confidence to me.


Completely 100% agree with you here. A lot of usual buzz words and a shit town of viral shilling going on here in this thread by the fanboys. I also agree a lot of folks here (some that work in the industry) could do a lot better getting better stretch goals. Donate this amount and you can play a bard.
Wow. Fantastic. A class I have been able to play in literally any game since I bought my first 386.

The ignorance of Kickstarter, Brad already falsified some information in the first 2 pages of when he came back to post here (He stated they didn't go with Hero Engine because they couldn't have access to the source code. Wrong. He can have access to the source code. He doesn't want to pay 7% of revenues. \Just say that. It's time to be transparent for God's sake). With that said, I also do not believe him if he can fudge the truth on Hero Engine, on SOE publishing once Cap Ex is paid for by Kickstarter. It's the same under handed silent publishing I was talking about. And about the only person that hasn't confirmed this yet is Smedley. Partly because I haven't asked him, and partly because I know he wouldn't answer anyway.
Agreed, the kickstarter has needed more work on it. But about his statement. He didnt flat out say he couldn't edit the sourcecode. What he said was that he would have to check with his engineer but thought that they couldnt edit the source code. Meaning hes not 100% sure but he knew there was some stipulation about editing the sourcecode. Someone responded with the whole 7% profit sharing and he responded with "Thats it, with the $75k and 7% it wouldnt work for us."

I dont see that so mush as lying but rather answering a question you are unsure of the answer to, which, its probably best to just not answer until you have the right answer.

I get feeling as though it might be a lie given what happened with VG and all, but I still think its a stretch to claim he is infact lying.


2 Minutes Hate
(He stated they didn't go with Hero Engine because they couldn't have access to the source code. Wrong. He can have access to the source code. He doesn't want to pay 7% of revenues. Just say that. It's time to be transparent for God's sake) is astounding to me already at this early stage.
You're reaching.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think whats hurting them the most right now is:
1.) Not enough concrete information, not even the starting races/classes are known (and yes, i know they want to reveal them all over the kickstarter). They should at least name them, details can be revealed later as planned. Also combat system, level progression, and most everything else really, nothing concrete right now.
2.) The estimated delivery date of Jan2017. Thats so far out, i think a lot of people just take a wait and see approch because of that.

It would have been better to first do a kickstarter only for a working prototype/alpha with a minimal team. And after that is done, the real kickstarter for finishing the game.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
well if there are multiple continents separated by water then there MUST be water travel..
GW2 has you talk to the navigator at the dock in front of the ship and he ports you to the destination port. WoW did the same at times because their boats bugged (but WoW does have boats!).

Re: Flight paths: I dont mind flight paths if they are uncommon and make sense. Say if you have an avian race with their town high up on an inaccessible mountain. I would prefer a scenic flight upon a great eagle to an instant port. Early WoW didnt have flight paths every 5 steps, and not even in every quest hub (not that I want those). It was more like 1-2 flight masters per zone. Like most things WoW, their ideas are good if used in moderation but Blizzard went All In with all of them instead of restraining themselves.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You're reaching.
Not really. It's all semantics. He said he couldn't have access to the source code. Then was called out on it, then said he didn't want to pay the cash to have that access and lose the revenue. Just say that in the first place. He doesn't have the leeway after all the blatant lies with Vanguard. Tell it like it is here. Especially when asking the gaming public to give him cash to make his game.


I honestly believe this forum could not only come up with a better pitch for a MMO but lay out a really thorough and compelling design document for one, more so than anything we've seen from Pantheon..
Except we'd never make anything on our KS. It's the same deal with actors and movies.. Name recognition equals dollars from the masses.


Molten Core Raider
I'll ask my lead engineer for the details, but if my memory serves me correctly, I don't think you can get the source code for the Hero Engine, and we won't use an engine that doesn't allow us to modify the source.
Hmm and it sounds like you want to use Unity but its not that easy to get access to the source code for them either but maybe you got a special hook up?

We license Unity source code on a per-case and per-title basis via special arrangements made by our business development team. As this can be quite expensive, we do not generally license source code to smaller operations, educational institutions, nor to companies in countries which do not have adequate legal intellectual property protection.


You're reaching.
Well he's either right about the revenue share or Brad didn't even take the time to explore his engine options because he was flat out wrong about Hero, which despite some big budget failures is a pretty goddamn powerful tool for MMORPG construction.

So I guess which is worse, not performing that basic level of diligence at such an early stage of development or already starting with the lies. Either way, how is anyone supposed to have confidence in this project