Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


btw I applied to join everyone of those pages last night. Already in about 10 of them and am evangelizing there. Thanks big time for this list -- extremely helpful! *bow*
Glad I could help, and good luck! Took me over a week to get accepted into just one.


So, two of the three $10K backers backed out. I feel like when you make a $10,000 decision you think about it for a while before committing and know you're game.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
part of what made classic Eq so different, so alive was that it was a totally open world. all content was contested, and while instances can alleviate overcrowding and aid in storytelling its inclusion changes everything, IMHO, about the feel of the greater world. cheapens it. beginning with a stance of some uncontested content and some instances seems to be the slippery slope further away from the core design principals your name and vision evoke. if I wanted uncontested content and instances, in whatever ratio, there are plenty of games to choose from currently.

*forgive typeos and shifty formatting, I'm on the worlds shittiest tablet*


part of what made classic Eq so different, so alive was that it was a totally open world. all content was contested, and while instances can alleviate overcrowding and aid in storytelling its inclusion changes everything, IMHO, about the feel of the greater world. cheapens it. beginning with a stance of some uncontested content and some instances seems to be the slippery slope further away from the core design principals your name and vision evoke. if I wanted uncontested content and instances, in whatever ratio, there are plenty of games to choose from currently.

*forgive typeos and shifty formatting, I'm on the worlds shittiest tablet*
It's not a slippery slope with us. I hate a lot of instancing, I don't care for games that have a lot of instancing. I've rarely seen it done right, but when it is done right (sparingly) it can be a really cool way to tell a story. I'm talking 90/10 here, or maybe even 95/5.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
part of what made classic Eq so different, so alive was that it was a totally open world. all content was contested, and while instances can alleviate overcrowding and aid in storytelling its inclusion changes everything, IMHO, about the feel of the greater world. cheapens it. beginning with a stance of some uncontested content and some instances seems to be the slippery slope further away from the core design principals your name and vision evoke. if I wanted uncontested content and instances, in whatever ratio, there are plenty of games to choose from currently.

*forgive typeos and shifty formatting, I'm on the worlds shittiest tablet*
I'm not a fan of instances, but I don't think instancing Nagafen's lair, or even Fire Giants, suddenly cheapens the game. It probably just means the most important boss fights will have the least lag, most stability, and be able to deliver cutscenes and 'story' and shit.

Fully contested content is done. Hell, it was done when EQ servers started making schedules.


It's not a slippery slope with us. I hate a lot of instancing, I don't care for games that have a lot of instancing. I've rarely seen it done right, but when it is done right (sparingly) it can be a really cool way to tell a story. I'm talking 90/10 here, or maybe even 95/5.
I agree that instancing or extremely limited phasing can be used to add a bit of story without disrupting the world around you. I just feel that any place where it's possibly to tell the story AND effect the world around you it's obviously the superior choice to do the latter. Even if it's easier to just use phases to get what you need.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
lore and storytelling are great, but if i wanted a sanitary narrative experience id play skyrim. I play mmos to make new pals in unexpected places, fight over a choice spawn, get trained, etc etc

maybe my background from exclusively PvP servers in every mmo ive ever played since 1996 is impacting my opinion on this, but thats my take.


95/5 would be fine with me, i can imagine some instancing used right could take away some of the idiotic cockblocks that EQ had. (always been in the no. 2 guild so i know what a cockblock is). But I rather have cockblocks then everything instanced.



Brad, i would LOVE to see this game be really really dark at night, imagine having to keep a torch or lightstone again. What are your thoughts on this?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
KS page looks better now, not perfect but way better then last week! If only the pre-alpha screens would look a bit better (nicer assets, there are a shitton of them on the unity asset store).... also, Brad, can you tell us a bit about the style of graphics you are shooting for? I guess realistic looking and not cartoon-style?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
waking the sleeper on just wouldn't have been the same, as exciting, or. impactful if it was instanced.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
On the pledge chart, at the botton there are 2 rows where no tier is checked (item:vanity pet & name a boss), plz check!


Brad, i would LOVE to see this game be really really dark at night, imagine having to keep a torch or lightstone again. What are your thoughts on this?
Total darkness in dungeons, for sure. Not really a fan of super dark outdoors... people start to hate when it's night and wish it was morning again.