Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
No problem bro. Like I said, just doing my part!

On topic though, I read those blog postings by McQuaid about his "post mortem", and to me they read not like stuff that only came in to focus in hindsight, but basic shit that should have been blatantly fucking obvious to anyone with past experience in the genre. Or game development in general. Or like, how to manage a company 101. I mean seriously, his first blog about "get it in writing" is fucking stupidity, there's no other way to put it. He expected to receive tens of millions in funding from Microsoft, but didn't have that in a clearly laid out contractual arrangement with certain milestones that result in further funds being released? What in the fuck? He seriously expected that Microsoft would start throwing money at them just because WoW was a highly polished, hugely successful game? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT HAVE A FIRM PLAN FOR THE GAME'S SIZE AND THE RESOURCES REQUIRED TO REALIZE THAT FROM THE OUTSET?

Maybe he's got some decent ideas or "vision" (lol) for gameplay. There is no way in hell McQuaid should have any role in management of this venture. I certainly won't be investing a penny in any Kickstarter. I was in on the very early beta of Vanguard, and the whole way that game's development was handled was a complete farce. They didn't just make a few mistakes here and there that prevented it from realize it's full potential. They so completely botched the game's development that it's a small miracle it was ever released.


I mean seriously, his first blog about "get it in writing" is fucking stupidity, there's no other way to put it. He expected to receive tens of millions in funding from Microsoft, but didn't have that in a clearly laid out contractual arrangement with certain milestones that result in further funds being released? What in the fuck?
That is spot on. Maybe he worded it incorrectly? There is no way one does not "get it in writing" for ANY business transaction. And while the launch and engine were a disaster, the actual game itself is fantastic. It still is. The graphics, questing system, factions, dungeons, music...there is so much right with Vangard its a shame it never took it. Hell owning your own boat is one of the frikkin coolest ideas around. When I did play and wanted to take a break, I'd break out the boat, float down a river and chill on the deck, master of my own universe. Pretty damn great idea.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Brad McQuaid ?@Aradune

Kickstarter video will be an interview w/ me. We want to include questions from all of you, so this will be a good format. Unused questions will either be used in future interviews and/or be answered in our FAQ on our future web page. Super specific questions will likely be answered later as opposed to sooner. Please email your questions to[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */-- we're excited to start this dialog with our future players!We hope to have our kickstarter page up in the next 3 weeks or so.

The game is high fantasy and if you've played EQ 1 and/or Vanguard, you've got a general idea of what the game's about and what kind of questions to ask.


Molten Core Raider
No, Vimiseh has never been negged for posting conservative ideas in the politics thread. People that actually have reasonable arguments actually have discussions.

Merlin shows up, copy pastes Rush Limbaugh, then claims it's his own idea.


Registered Hutt
The problem isn't having ideologically different opinions, it's expressing them in a consistently terrible way. We've got terrible lefties on the forum too, and I'd rather they not participate, but the moderators don't moderate on the basis of poor technique.


Trakanon Raider
Brad actually responded to a few tweets tonight. I received a response myself and he stated that the game will be designed towards a "niche" market. Honestly, I'll probably support the kickstarter. Brad also stated he reads the boards time to time but really has nothing to say. Who knows, he may get a sub-forum if he actually materializes something...

He sure can't hurt the industry.... what's the worst that can happen? Absolute worse the MMO industry gets another mediocre MMO. What's one more?


Registered Hutt
Or it goes down in mismanagement flames like 38 or limps out of the gate like Vanguard and helps erode the confidence of its kickstarters.

I hope he sticks to the basics and just delivers on functioning mechanics. I'd be fine with heavy asset recycling if the gameplay is compelling.


Member of the Year 2016


EQOA Refugee
A conservative on a board comprised of 90% liberals makes one quite popular in the political thread. I hear Brad is quite the political debater although I haven't a clue what he supports. He would be quite entertaining over here.
A conservative on welfare railing against entitlements will get you negs every time. Just saying...


I'm in awe of how one even gets in the neg. It's gotta take real levels of commitment to shitposting.
Hey I got a neg for saying that I think someone told me PQs started with WoW but that it didn't matter b/c that wasn't my point anyway... Truly means nothing. I don't even pay attention to people's reps.

But on topic, I just emailed Brad my question(s). Wewt!!!


Trakanon Raider
Merlin gets negs from the political threads on this board where the "tolerant" left is in force.
Oh look, another shit poster.

On the topic of VG 2.0, I'll probably toss a fifty or hundo at the kickstarter because I have no hope for any other MMO on the market/future.


EQ director Thom Terrazassent Brada question that's already missing the point. I hope there's enough of us out there to get this thing funded, I'm so tired of being a mega awesome hero on day one. Let me earn that shit.


Or it goes down in mismanagement flames like 38 or limps out of the gate like Vanguard and helps erode the confidence of its kickstarters.
I doubt it gets funded.

After the Vanguard debacle with the huge amount of cash he had at his disposal, I'm not sure who among his supporters would pony up money for a Mcquaid led company. This is far different from a Mark Jacobs who released an MMO on a shoestring budget, and whose last project was eaten by EA, like so many companies before it.

If he had anything worth a damn, he'd still be at SOE, not begging for coin based on his resume from 14 years ago.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I doubt it gets funded.

After the Vanguard debacle with the huge amount of cash he had at his disposal, I'm not sure who among his supporters would pony up money for a Mcquaid led company. This is far different from a Mark Jacobs who released an MMO on a shoestring budget, and whose last project was eaten by EA, like so many companies before it.

If he had anything worth a damn, he'd still be at SOE, not begging for coin based on his resume from 14 years ago.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. But I hope he tries anyways and proves us all wrong. I love that spirit. Cynicism never gets anything done.


Trakanon Raider
What kind of funding you think he's going need? I wonder if he has any backing whatsoever? Does he have any type of studio or any resources to write paychecks? He mentioned putting together a team but unlike Mark Jacobs he doesn't see to have many resources. This looks pretty similar to the state of Project Gorgon. I hope i'm wrong but honestly have a few questions where he is in all this visioning?


Even a niche MMO is going to be costly, or any game for that matter. There have already been numerous cases of Kickstarter-funded games and products that see delays, cancellations and budget issues. It all depends on what this money is going toward: is it an attempt to fund the cost of the product development and launch, or is it to get the project moving in hopes for a better pitch and more funding (I believe Pathfinder did something similar)? In a few weeks if the Kickstarter pitch is done right, we'll have way more clarity on Brad's MMO.


Trakanon Raider
I doubt it gets funded.

After the Vanguard debacle with the huge amount of cash he had at his disposal, I'm not sure who among his supporters would pony up money for a Mcquaid led company. This is far different from a Mark Jacobs who released an MMO on a shoestring budget, and whose last project was eaten by EA, like so many companies before it.

If he had anything worth a damn, he'd still be at SOE, not begging for coin based on his resume from 14 years ago.
lol! yeah, because no one in the business world has ever been given a second chance! or a third, or a fourth, or a fifth....