Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


At the very least he's speaking our language. He's had one huge hit and one huge miss. Unfortunately in the MMO world, that's like a decade and a half for people to dwell on it. With normal games a new Call of Duty gets shit out every year.

I don't think anybody is trying to convince the hesitant to put their money forward, but there's a lot of us willing to put a few bucks on the line in hopes that something good comes out of it. This won't be my first or last Kickstarter I back.


The messenger was a page back and multiple posts discussing it.


Trump's Staff
The only one that has cobbled together enough money solely through crowd-funding to fund a "traditional" PvE MMORPG I can think of is Chris Roberts for Star Citizen. The funding required for even small, niche, High-Fantasy MMORPG outstrips what you see on Kickstarter.
But if you can come up with enough through crowd-funding to start creating something it makes it much easier to get additional funding from somewhere else if you actually have something of substance to show potential investors/partners other than concept art and a PowerPoint presentation. It also only helps the cause if you go into those meetings and can show you have fans and customers who like the project enough to donate to its production. Thats the whole idea of "Kickstarter"'


Trump's Staff
But if you can come up with enough through crowd-funding to start creating something it makes it much easier to get additional funding from somewhere else if you actually have something of substance to show potential investors/partners other than concept art and a PowerPoint presentation. It also only helps the cause if you go into those meetings and can show you have fans and customers who like the project enough to donate to its production. Thats the whole idea of "Kickstarter"'
Maybe? That sounds extra doubly speculative to me. Not only do you have faith that whomever you are giving money to won't squander it but you are also betting it on the whims of publishers... all this based on a "game concept" which, unlike actual physical product concepts, are completely abstract as well as a dime a dozen.


Trump's Staff
Wonder if it is using assets from SOE's previous versions of EQnext.

If so, they may be much further along than we expect, and may need far less funding than we expect.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, there is the 38studios auction coming up mid Nov. They could get all the assets they need from that


I sent him an email with some questions and a picture of my dick.
I sent him an email with some questions and a picture of my dick, dressed up like a Troll SK, wielding Innoruuks Curse; Halloween and all.

My epeen has been as flaccid as the shitty MMO's we've been getting for the past few years, but I actually felt some movement while reading Brads tweets. Nerd Boner? Hmmm, maybe just gas from the 2 chorizo breakfast burritos I ate this morning.

I'm putting a few hundred into a coffee can just in case this shit gets real.


After the bullshit that had been shoveled out by major budget mmo's (SWTOR,WAR,GW2 and so on),the past several years why wouldn't some of us who prefer old school style mechanics and a virtual world over twitch,hub based,instanced everything, no real world PVP crap throw a few bucks his way?

I blew 150 on a CE for a game that proved the more money you have to spend on a mmo the stupider it gets. To this day Vanguard feels and plays like more of an actual mmo than the 200 million dollar+ shitfest known as SWTOR.

He might fuck up whatever the new project is , he also might not , but currently once I get tired of FFXIV I've got Vanguard to go back to for an actual fantasy virtual world and looking ahead a Disney Minecraft with EQ names slapped on.

Yes ,at the moment , this unknown project has the best chance to make a game Ill actually enjoy , and I really don't need it to be more than niche. Or want it to be to be perfectly honest.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I sent him an email with some questions and a picture of my dick, dressed up like a Troll SK, wielding Innoruuks Curse; Halloween and all.

My epeen has been as flaccid as the shitty MMO's we've been getting for the past few years, but I actually felt some movement while reading Brads tweets. Nerd Boner? Hmmm, maybe just gas from the 2 chorizo breakfast burritos I ate this morning.

I'm putting a few hundred into a coffee can just in case this shit gets real.
Best post of November so far.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anyone mind copy/pasting whatever he's been saying on twitter? It's blocked at work.
Massively has most of it:
"We're excited to start this dialog with our future players! We hope to have our kickstarter page up in the next 3 weeks or so... The game is high fantasy and if you've played EQ 1 and/or Vanguard, you've got a general idea of what the game's about and what kind of questions to ask

But McQuaid doesn't want to leave out the younger players: "I should also add that if you are a younger player & didn't play EQ or VG, but you want a challenging game & not a game that tries to be all things to all players, then you should feel right at home too, so please send us some questions as well
I wonder if it will be an "EQ Classic" recreation in forgelight with prior EQN art assests, a VG 2.0, or an entirely new IP using Sony tech (possibly crowd-built assets) but without the EQN sillyness.