Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
Honestly, I think this has been the worst sign of the KS. Things shouldn't die but there is very little to talk about. After review a lot of the comments today, if it wasn't for the trolling and bickering, there would be even less on the comments. It's not over but this is not something I would want to see if I ran this KS campaign. Someone would be stirring the pot every night and there would be more visual work (concept art, videos, etc.) everywhere. It almost feels like they are working in pure desperation to get out of page of lore or class/race description per day. I'm hoping, for their sake, they have people really putting in some time to show off something because words under a class icon is not going to cut it.


Awesome , just awesome. Brad's taken my beloved idea of a an old school mmo and running it into the ground , and my hopes now depend on interwebz superstars bringing it along.

So , now my genuine hope is that SOE is really releasing fully fledged dev tools with EQL that will allow everything from class design to PVP rules and so on. If so I know there are enough hard core folks out there to make me a Black Company setting PVP continent or remake of EQ or whatever.

Not pulling my pledge, in it for the long run , but just have to laugh to not cry at this Kickstarter...........
Only thing new on the page is that they revealed the revenant race and an unnecessary $25 tier that Goemoe and Chris said would bring in the hoards of fence sitters; which seems to be causing more people to down their $35 pledges than attract new backers.......


I guess I have to put in my critique of the day , as I still genuinely want this thing to get funded and am not bitching to just bitch. I got caught up on the KS forum back to last night and found this jewel, a response from Brad/Ben/Sil someone official , to someone asking about more informative and often videos.

"@Graye - we do want an updated video too. The problem is that video production takes a while and a good deal of resources. We're looking into what can be done here."

Seriously Brad and Co, I'm sorry to tell you , but your current videos scream anything but videos that have been "produced using a good deal of resources". There's nothing in a single video yet that should have taken much time at all. I don't understand the entire line of remarks from the team implying they have spent so much time and effort on
this KS and want us to understand that. I realize it's a dead horse but the fact they can't make more videos and quicky because of the high production time and values is a fucking joke.

The face palm moments from the launch of this kickstarter have just been too numerous.


I guess I have to put in my critique of the day , as I still genuinely want this thing to get funded and am not bitching to just bitch. I got caught up on the KS forum back to last night and found this jewel, a response from Brad/Ben/Sil someone official , to someone asking about more informative and often videos.

"@Graye - we do want an updated video too. The problem is that video production takes a while and a good deal of resources. We're looking into what can be done here."

Seriously Brad and Co, I'm sorry to tell you , but your current videos scream anything but videos that have been "produced using a good deal of resources". There's nothing in a single video yet that should have taken much time at all. I don't understand the entire line of remarks from the team implying they have spent so much time and effort on
this KS and want us to understand that. I realize it's a dead horse but the fact they can't make more videos and quicky because of the high production time and values is a fucking joke.

The face palm moments from the launch of this kickstarter have just been too numerous.
Most likely the don't have anyone with much video editing and producing experience on their team; seriously they should hire someone to help them with making a better game trailer.


Agreed, I'll even go as far as to suggest that if they had put out feelers a couple months ago , be it in PM's to folks like Draegan and others here , (or others sites ) , they could have found some very interested fans who have better experience/talents in making videos and trailers and would have done it for free. Maybe in return getting some first interview shots or something minor like that , but while I'm no "arteest" at all , I know there are some talented folks around here and other places who would have pitched in to help.


Vyemm Raider
I fear the headline may have been buried on this. It feels to me as though 99.9% of players out there that are truly looking for this kind of game are missing the message.
I dont think we need more videos, content, screenshots etc. We need a succinct message.

When you describe Pantheon to a friend - how do you sum it up in three sentences or less? I start to talk about old world EQ but sadly that isnt relevant to most gamers anymore. I try to talk about risk vs reward and what has been missing from a challenging MMO. The concept of a true power curve and the idea that some players should have more than others based on their effort/skill/time invested.

How do you explain the need for this game? That is what I think we need a viral video about. The problem statement to identify with target gamers needs to be better presented.


I don't disagree on the message part is needed somewhat , but strongly disagree on the not needing more screenshots. Tangible even rough content , especially screenshots is what is needed to actually sell the Kickstarter. Too many people come to the KS and look it over and see two total rough screenshots and that's it that's tangible. Many of the true believers and folks like me that just want this type of game badly have pledged decent money even though we think the KS is beyond shitty.

To get anyone who needs at least minor convincing , or someone who hears about it and comes to check out the KS site , you need immediate and easily seen visual representation to hook them and think it's at least semi-real. Too many other KS's have far more visual content in comparison.

I personally don't give a shit about videos as I think Brad and Co has proven they need to be kept far away from the camera , but screenshots and actual drawings of races and classes would actually get people to look at the KS and follow it and consider backing it.
You can't put screenshots when you have literally nothing to show. Some screens of stock Unity footage thrown together in under an hour is just insulting. If I were trying to sell a Kickstarter for something purely in the idea stage, you'd bet I'd have tons of concept art though. Well, that and an actual plan.


They had months to share and express ideas here. but chose to post a picture of a kickstart on a bike and cryptic lore from the god nexus. And ask us how many spells we wanted in our hotbars. I dont know if i should laugh or cry but im in it to the end cause what else is there?

and also this working for free thing? I dont know what im meant to feel? so many people are making games for nothing in hope of a pay off one day, it nothing special.


Trakanon Raider
I wonder how many tiers they could have sold by having a video of their devs testing unity's weather system at the start of their Kickstarter. Would have sold a world more than their lore without concept art. (Well, they do have a couple pictures.)
And further, I wonder how many people newer to mmos see the Aradune avatar and assume the game will have art assets of a similar quality. It isn't like the page shows much that would disprove them of that belief.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I know I get shit for it but these hacks don't deserve money for what they have produced. That's about as cut and dry as it will ever get. If this kickstarter gets funded great but it really doesn't deserve to be.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I know I get shit for it but these hacks don't deserve money for what they have produced. That's about as cut and dry as it will ever get. If this kickstarter gets funded great but it really doesn't deserve to be.
It really boils down to one ultimate question.. Even KS a side.. Do you think this crew can build this mmo??


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It really boils down to one ultimate question.. Even KS a side.. Do you think this crew can build this mmo??
Not the current team, maybe if they had a respectable project lead or CEO calling the shots and keeping them on track and some funding, even then a long shot.


You can't put screenshots when you have literally nothing to show. Some screens of stock Unity footage thrown together in under an hour is just insulting. If I were trying to sell a Kickstarter for something purely in the idea stage, you'd bet I'd have tons of concept art though. Well, that and an actual plan.
Yes , I think sketched out drawings of concepts of characters , mobs , in game locations would have been x1000 better than stock footage shots, with "SLASH" being the infamous thing that represents this entire KS.

They had months to share and express ideas here. but chose to post a picture of a kickstart on a bike and cryptic lore from the god nexus. And ask us how many spells we wanted in our hotbars. I dont know if i should laugh or cry but im in it to the end cause what else is there?

and also this working for free thing? I dont know what im meant to feel? so many people are making games for nothing in hope of a pay off one day, it nothing special.
I wondered if I was the only one a bit peeved at hearing Brad through out multiple times the whining about doing this pro bono. So fucking what ? Most of the KS's and tons of modder's for other games have put in far more effort into their "free" work than we've seen.

I wonder how many tiers they could have sold by having a video of their devs testing unity's weather system at the start of their Kickstarter. Would have sold a world more than their lore without concept art. (Well, they do have a couple pictures.)
And further, I wonder how many people newer to mmos see the Aradune avatar and assume the game will have art assets of a similar quality. It isn't like the page shows much that would disprove them of that belief.
The weather video for Unity looked amazing to me for a simple display of what it could do. Showing something like that , tweaked even a little with a mob or two and just something custom they threw in , would have been an excellent first/intro video to the KS. Thunderstorm , rain , shadow'd figure stomping through the scene and a bit of generic but dramatic music would have been much better than bored Brad followed by "SLASH".


So , uh , yeah, I just read the description of the new 25.00 tier. Sorry I'm late to this party I'm sure ,

But , umm, is the point of it to lose money ? Because unless I am really missing something ,all it's doing is encouraging anyone who had bought the 35.00 tier to drop their pledge by 10 dollars ?