Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
VG still had camp/grind spots. I remember Ceros Ilse being a major place to sit for an entire play session. Pre-nerf Rhaz Inkur also had many the camp spot. There ought to be a balance though. Vanguard was VERY quest-hub driven. EverQuest did not have a "ton" of quests, especially post 20. That being, you didn't get (find) a load of quests, meet the conditions in a quest tracker, return to the NPC, get a follow-up quest, go back into the dungeon, etc etc etc...

I hated the part of VG that was: "Run out and do quest X." "Come back out of the dungeon, turn in quest X and pick up quest N." :Run back down to where you just were and complete quest N." Rinse and repeat over and f'ing over.
Yes agree. I like being able to collect everything, for all parts of the quests at once. Like Vol Tuniel. And although I loved TK, TK was what you described... although tbh it was so long that i rarely did more than 1-2 parts per night and the break, was welcome. Damn i loved TK.


I hate to admit it but....

Boozecube's final point, in his last post, is exactly why theMMOForge's project lost steam. We were not about to crowdsource funds to get started. Who would back 3 unknown engineers and a lawyer to make a video game?

(And we had, it seems, much better documentation & planning. We lacked a prototype & artist(s).)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's a strange thing to say since Vanguard and EQ were both great PvP games. I expect if Pantheon ever exists it is very likely to be too but don't let me get in the way of your anti-PvP rage.
I don't even know where to begin...


Eq was a great pvp game? lulz

It was a crazy no level limit pre nerf gank fest on rallos ,but a great pvp is not something I've ever seen anyone say.


Musty Nester
The pvp communities in those two games were probably decent, which is different than them being pvp games.

Which is exactly (no offense, literally -- I MEAN NO OFFENSE) the sort of shallow analysis of what made the game good I would expect from anyone giving Brad money. The unwillingness or inability to recognize that distinction -- that is where Brad is getting you, that is what he's exploiting for cash dollars.

It is your money. Spend it as you please. I just don't want you to get hurt. BUT when Brad does crush your dreams on purpose... again... I'm going to be first in line to laugh at you.

Nothing personal. It's just fuckin' funny.


All depends on what kind of PVP you enjoy,

Personally I'll take Zek (any of them ) and Vanguard PVP over any "designed" PVP.

Designed PVP usually means instanced , balanced crap that is boring to me. The idea of doing PVE while always having to look over your shoulders and protect your group makes PVE x1000 times more fun. While at the same time being able to gank someone who took your camp , kill every gnome you see , and so on is the fun kind of pvp. Never knowing when it will happen nor from where or who. No to little rails in PVP just as PVE should be also.

Capture the flag,10 on 10, in a colorful little instanced zone is boring as all hell on the other hand.

Basically I enjoy PVE with the PVP turned on and nothing else changed. I don't really call them PVP games , just PVP is occurring in the midst of PVE.

Separating them takes away the fun to me.


Molten Core Raider
The pvp communities in those two games were probably decent, which is different than them being pvp games.

Which is exactly (no offense, literally -- I MEAN NO OFFENSE) the sort of shallow analysis of what made the game good I would expect from anyone giving Brad money. The unwillingness or inability to recognize that distinction -- that is where Brad is getting you, that is what he's exploiting for cash dollars.

It is your money. Spend it as you please. I just don't want you to get hurt. BUT when Brad does crush your dreams on purpose... again... I'm going to be first in line to laugh at you.

Nothing personal. It's just fuckin' funny.
Dood seriously, throwing 50 bucks at the last hope for a group based MMO is nothing. All you will have for the next XX years is solo to cap crap. That alone makes it worth it even if the rest of the game is EH. Dungeons, groups = win.

50 bucks is not a big deal to me for something that might actually demonstrate why i loved MMos in the first place and the bean counters have overlooked for years.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dood seriously, throwing 50 bucks at the last hope for a group based MMO is nothing. All you will have for the next XX years is solo to cap crap. That alone makes it worth it even if the rest of the game is EH. Dungeons, groups = win.

50 bucks is not a big deal to me for something that might actually demonstrate why i loved MMos in the first place and the bean counters have overlooked for years.
Rather give some else 50 bucks..its not even the money at this's GP thing


Trakanon Raider
The PvP communities in EQ was great but the one in VG was terrible. There was one PvP server, it was mostly dominated by hackers/cheaters.

But group and in-the-wild PvP is the kind of PvP I enjoy. Both EQ and VG had it. Fighting over PvE content. Most peoples idea of PvP in an MMO is the ready-set-go (BG/Arena) type or the zerg (GW2/RvR) type and that is all well and good (I enjoy a bit of instanced PvP myself) but for me the epitome of MMO PvP is fighting other players for control of dungeons/PvE content. Something you can't do in almost every MMO since everything is instanced.

So yes EQ and VG were both great PvP games. Or perhaps I should have said, they were great games to PvP in.


Tor Anroc ruined WAR for me. By the time I was 40 I was already so sick of the game I quit in disgust because of Tor specifically. It's all anyone did for 10 solid levels.


Anticipation of the Boogie interview I guess ?

It's a longshot as it is , but if it doesn't get a decent bump from that , no sort of New Age math can be used to say it's going to fund. It's got to get a noticeable bump out of it.

Was that the lava one?
Yeah that was it.

Enjoyed it the first 10 times , then realized it was all anyone was doing.


<Gold Donor>
They did have some cool ideas in those PvP instances. Like king of the mountain, hot potato...etc... But yeah that lava one did get old.