Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Reading through that AMA. There were a lot of really good answers to questions in there.

I'm surprised ( not really) at the negativity considering he just described that exact game I've read asked for by tad and company for my 11 years on the board.

Oh well. Can't now say you never had a chance.
That's only if you believe he can deliver if he got the money. Most don't. That's part of the point. But keep on truckin'.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Looks like at anytime 6000+ people were following.. Let's see how much backing that results in..

Does it tell you when it's done or do we just rely on Brad to say bye? Really don't get why people like that place.. Feels like a cluster fuck.
Sorry to break it to you, but that 6000+ is how many users are actively reading the AMA sub-Reddit(that's the entire "Ask Me Anything" forum there, not just this one). There were far fewer watching this. The Brad McQuaid AMA had a total of 287 "votes", 84 of which were down-votes.


Anyone who has followed Brad's games long enough should know that chatting with fans about his games appears to be what he enjoys most in life. It's a labor of love.
Along these lines, actually thinking Brad in any way isn't serious about making the game has never occurred to me to worry about , nor about the KS being a scam in any way.

He's screwed up the KS royally , and it may not happen ,but the idea that he doesn't genuinely love to do this and wants to make the game is ridiculous.


Boogie apparently tweeting about it and going to do the interview around 4pm cst tomorrow ,will be interesting to see how much of a bump this can get.


Trakanon Raider
because he's not making a PVP game. The people too stupid to understand that are no loss. Well, they are, but they shouldn't be.
That's a strange thing to say since Vanguard and EQ were both great PvP games. I expect if Pantheon ever exists it is very likely to be too but don't let me get in the way of your anti-PvP rage.


Along these lines, actually thinking Brad in any way isn't serious about making the game has never occurred to me to worry about , nor about the KS being a scam in any way.

He's screwed up the KS royally , and it may not happen ,but the idea that he doesn't genuinely love to do this and wants to make the game is ridiculous.
I think a lot of the pro Pantheon people get the impression that some of us opposed to the Kickstarter are anti-Brad or anti-nextgen EQ. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'd happily eat crow if he could deliver a killer game under budget, on time, and lead a team to the promised land. The problem is we just don't think he can, and recent history is on our minds.

The guy has always been passionate and great at interacting with people. I think he loved gaming and MUDs back in the 90s. I do not believe he is capable of managing a small project and budget, and I don't think he is capable of getting the VC needed to get this project out the door. I also don't think he gives a fuck about MMOs. I really wish someone in the reddit had asked him what games he's played over the last 5 years, outside of work assignments at SOE.

The terrible Kickstarter and lack of product initially reinforced my doubts. More power to those he convinced to donate cash to his startup. If he does a round 2 with a valid beta, great design document, and with timelines and deliverables as well as previous ones met, then maybe some of us will reconsider.


Molten Core Raider
I'm with Dahkoht on this. Not that I prefer "grinding" so much as.. sitting for 1-6 hours at a camp, with a group of people... filling in slots from a waiting list (HHK gobbies ALWAYS had a waiting list)... That is what they say they're trying to promote. That group aspect. That community building. I really hope they don't go overboard on "achievements."
Ideally its more like Vanguard and less like eq. I would much prefer crawling large dungeons for named/drops/quest items over a few hours than sitting in one spot grinding away.. I thought VG had grouping done right.


Ideally its more like Vanguard and less like eq. I would much prefer crawling large dungeons for named/drops/quest items over a few hours than sitting in one spot grinding away.. I thought VG had grouping done right.
VG still had camp/grind spots. I remember Ceros Ilse being a major place to sit for an entire play session. Pre-nerf Rhaz Inkur also had many the camp spot. There ought to be a balance though. Vanguard was VERY quest-hub driven. EverQuest did not have a "ton" of quests, especially post 20. That being, you didn't get (find) a load of quests, meet the conditions in a quest tracker, return to the NPC, get a follow-up quest, go back into the dungeon, etc etc etc...

I hated the part of VG that was: "Run out and do quest X." "Come back out of the dungeon, turn in quest X and pick up quest N." :Run back down to where you just were and complete quest N." Rinse and repeat over and f'ing over.


Molten Core Raider
That's a strange thing to say since Vanguard and EQ were both great PvP games. I expect if Pantheon ever exists it is very likely to be too but don't let me get in the way of your anti-PvP rage.
I think the point is, pvp will be "flip a switch" not make new stats and battlegrounds and arenas and the dumb pvp mini-game that ruined PVP in MMOs. So i think if you want VG style, that is what you would be getting here.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The Anti-Pantheon/Brad Circlejeck has gone full retard over the past day it seems.

Yes Brad should have had more info at the KS launch. But you can't expect every fucking detail for a game that is 3 years out.

I would imagine with most KS you are funding the team/company making the game project as well as the project itself. The two things tend to be inseparable. Why this is causing so much rustling for people like boozecube is something I don't understand.
I will do my best to answer, and don't get me wrong I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me. I disagree that the two things are inseparable, it might seem like a subtle difference to you funding Pantheon or funding Visionary Realms, Inc. and while at first glance they might seem like the same thing but that's fundamentally two different things you are selling. Of course he knows if he came out and said hey fund Visionary Realms, Inc. so we can quit our day jobs and make a video games he wouldn't get the same support. It isn't fair to the people who overlook it and get taken advantage of from it.

Reddit AMA_sl said:
Hey Brad,

Why would a professional investor fund you if your kickstarter fails? A failed kickstarter is proof that there is no product-market fit, so why would a professional investor risk their capital to fund a failed campaign? Have you ever raised seed/institutional funding?

How long do you think your $800,000 in kickstarter funding (should you reach it) will last you in a cycle of development? Then what?

Brad McQuaid

the amount you raise and the number of people who pledged is what is important to investors, even if we didn't make the $800k (and I think we will).

It would buy us plenty of time to reach out to investors, publishers. It would allow us to continue building the game and have more tangible assets to show off, etc.
It's this kind of double speak that makes me feel the way I do, first he talks about how crowd-sourcing is awesome and through the power of the fans he can make the game he wants instead of dealing with corporate but when it gets down to it feels like he is using people to show proof of concept and interest and feels like a gaming company will be happy if fans subsidize part of the game for them. Of course this is great from an investor angle or a company angle, but not so great from the fans who were treated as suckers angle.

I do believe that Brad is trying to make this game, I do believe that he is giving it all he can, that still doesn't make it honest. I like some of the concepts and ideas and I would love to see a good MMO that we can all play come from this but how can you in good conscience feel like this game will be made with the quality of work that he has shown. Sure the ideas are great on paper but the moment it goes beyond paper it always falls apart with this guy, and some times even when it's still on paper it isn't great.

I keep reading well they are just starting and it's a kickstater and they have day jobs you can't expect more. Bullshit, you should expect more, not just of Brad but of anyone, good enough shouldn't cut it.

Are you discounting Kickstarter because it's a crowdsourcing tool? It might be small donations from various people, but the presentation shouldn't be any different than if you were asking a bank for a loan, or sitting in front of a group of angel investors, or pitching the idea to a gaming company. In any other format other than kickstarter do you really feel that they deserve $800k? Would any of the other options I listed take that risk? Kickstarter is a wonderful tool for giving everyone an opportunity, you can use it, I could, anyone here could, and that's what makes it amazing. So when someone with a fair bit of wealth and doors and opportunities open to him that most will never see in their life time uses it to cash grab and take advantage of his own fans it is discouraging.

That is why I am critical and negative of the project, it isn't because of have some personal vendetta against Brad, I don't know the guy. It isn't because I don't want a game we can all play. I would love one. It really just comes down to the fact that while he is trying to make a game and that is great, if someone has a dream and a passion they should follow it, but if anyone else was asking you to put money to an $800k goal and presented what he has, even if the ideas were the exact same you wouldn't do it.