Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


<Gold Donor>
OMG, I was just thinking really hard about something: what if my personal experiences in a game aren't necessarily true for everyone and aren't even how things were in that game when it was designed initially. So, like, what if the game BECAME a spam-fest zerg-roll, so that's all I can ever say about it, and I'm not experienced or smart enough to see the game initial design wasn't like that at all, and that initial design is what people are referring to when talking about the.... wait, hear me out, I think I'm onto something.... when talking about the design of an upcoming project, what if people are referring to the initial design of a prior project the person making the new project was involved in, and those people are referring to that initial design because it was the portion of the old project the new projects main designer was a part of during design....? Nah, no fucking way. Hai gais, I was thinking, have you ever thought that WoW is like McDonald's!?

I was just thinking. A game like WoW has, what, 5 man groups? And WoW is like the most obviously WoW clone out there! So, any new game with 5 man groups will obviously be bad... so a new game should have 4 man groups, right?! That would make the content designed for 5 man groups harder, because 4 is one less, and all content is designed for 5 man groups and the only way to make content harder is not to make content harder, but to reduce the number of players in a group! I was just thinking.

*You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to popsicledeath again.


<Gold Donor>
I'd love for all those survival mechanics to be in! And doors! And doors to outhouses! And if you don't take your character for a shit every day your character gets slowed down and cranky. And then sometimes you have to sit out of fights, which cripples the 4-man group, because your character has the shits. Talk about immersion! Everyone will love the game, and at the same time hate how unreliable your character is and it'll be a huge confusing mess for people who want a game they wouldn't actually enjoy playing!

Oh, and there should be illness, too, so if your character catches a bad virus they won't be able to log in for a few weeks. Sorry, guys, I haven't been logging in because my character was sick. Hey, it's no problem, it's just so immersive we were glad our 4 man group couldn't keep progressing!

There's a very fine line between aesthetic flavor being added to a game, and having it become tedious. Actually, no, it's a really broad line. Anything that makes you log into the game and then have to spend time getting ready to spend time getting ready to play the game means you're not playing the game. If the game becomes as much about preparing to play the game, it will suck. So, log in, prepare to play by talking to friends about grouping or running to a group, then play. Not, log in, prepare to play by checking your food, prepare to play by sleeping off your tired meter, prepare to play by waiting out weather patterns, etc, and THEN prepare to play by organizing and running to a group, and THEN finally getting to actually play. No thanks. The more steps you create between logging in and actually playing, the more it sucks.

I used to hate in EQ having to wait on people because they had to run to town to bank to exchange their money to lighter currency and buy food. It didn't make it feel more like a world, but less like a game I was actually getting to play as I waited for fuckers to finish their chores.
I honestly think some of the people in this thread are looking for "EQ" meets "The Sims".


Potato del Grande
I honestly think some of the people in this thread are looking for "EQ" meets "The Sims".
A lot of the EQ nostalgia is due to the nature of the game, it's timing, etc, guilds/groups were forced to admit members we didn't really like or want to invite. Such members were asocial fuckwads and mistook others 'needing' them in the group/guild for 'wanting' them. While the rest of us had problem members to deal with as a necessary evil, in their minds these players had finally made friends!

So, 15 years later, they want a game that forces as much grouping and dependency and downtime as possible, because they subconsciously know it's the only way others will want (errr, be willing) to play with them and they'll have made friends once again.

Because for all the bullshit about how EQ made player reputations matter, there were a few examples of players getting blackballed, but far more instances of putting up with some asshole or idiot because you needed their character and they were at least smart enough to re-roll for the 3rd time to a class that was needed.


<Gold Donor>
A lot of the EQ nostalgia is due to the nature of the game, it's timing, etc, guilds/groups were forced to admit members we didn't really like or want to invite. Such members were asocial fuckwads and mistook others 'needing' them in the group/guild for 'wanting' them. While the rest of us had problem members to deal with as a necessary evil, in their minds these players had finally made friends!

So, 15 years later, they want a game that forces as much grouping and dependency and downtime as possible, because they subconsciously know it's the only way others will want (errr, be willing) to play with them and they'll have made friends once again.

Because for all the bullshit about how EQ made player reputations matter, there were a few examples of players getting blackballed, but far more instances of putting up with some asshole or idiot because you needed their character and they were at least smart enough to re-roll for the 3rd time to a class that was needed.
Damn, haha.

I mean, this happens across the board, so there's probably a bit more to it than a person's social aptitude or EQ neckbearding. You run across all sorts of people (both good and bad), so I'm hesitant to follow the forum trend ofbroad generalizations, even though this one's pretty hilarious.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Popsicle is the only reason to visit this thread right now. We could talk about the same old tired shit or just watch Popsicle ridicule the ignorant. At this point in 'development', Popsicle is giving me reason to check this thread.


Trump's Staff
Popsicle is the only reason to visit this thread right now. We could talk about the same old tired shit or just watch Popsicle ridicule the ignorant. At this point in 'development', Popsicle is giving me reason to check this thread.
Meh, he's right about a few things, and pretty ignorant himself on a couple others... But at least he's moderately funny.


Potato del Grande
I think poopsockdeth underestimates the importance of doors. Functional doors...
No way. Functional doors let you go into any building you can see, sit in a chair, play a mini-game with another player, then jump if you win and your in-game reputation is improved... you know, all the important things in game design start with doors that open!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just think we need to be realistic in what it is Brad and company will be capable of doing with this project to get it out the door.. Let's not get carried away lol

I'll be happy with a good class/combat system. Large world with mystery and real danger, non candy store loot system, solid tradeskills that actually make up a large part of the economy, etc..


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm finding it interesting that people are throwing around the word "team." Isn't this just him at his kitchen table at this point? I mean, it's one thing to take a gamble on a company started by a multimillionaire former baseball player, but it's another to take a gamble on a former drug addict that made a game yet tripped into most of its mechanic success in 1999.

Meh, I'm a cynical fuck.

Oh and fuck hunger, thirst, and shit like that. I do enough of that shit IRL. I don't need to watch my pixel dude eat a digital salted pork while I wash down some IRL beef jerky with Doritos and Code Red.


I'll be happy with a good class/combat system. Large world with mystery and real danger, non candy store loot system, solid tradeskills that actually make up a large part of the economy, etc..
Pretty much agree on all points.

Classes that are unique and not balanced, and slower than current norm combat, (I want to actually do more than spam my 5 skills, kill, wash repeat.) EQ style loot, (I want to have some items be valued/useful years after I get them), make me work for every scrap, and make rare items actually a bitch to get. Big world with not only dungeons, but many hidden overland areas to discover. Loads of named, and truly rare mobs, as well as random encounters. I like to craft, but for me crafting could be part of an expansion at a later date.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm finding it interesting that people are throwing around the word "team." Isn't this just him at his kitchen table at this point? I mean, it's one thing to take a gamble on a company started by a multimillionaire former baseball player, but it's another to take a gamble on a former drug addict that made a game yet tripped into most of its mechanic success in 1999.

Meh, I'm a cynical fuck.

Oh and fuck hunger, thirst, and shit like that. I do enough of that shit IRL. I don't need to watch my pixel dude eat a digital salted pork while I wash down some IRL beef jerky with Doritos and Code Red.
He assembled a team and started a company.


Golden Squire
I'm finding it interesting that people are throwing around the word "team." Isn't this just him at his kitchen table at this point?
I believe he tweeted about assembling his team a while ago. I'd assume by now there's a team of 4-5 people which is probably how it'll stay for a bit, but it could still very well be just him doing it full time with a one or more other guys doing it in the spare time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Elidorth is still at SoE. He posted here about it.. Some of us thought maybe he went with Brad but it's probably just some of the other folks who were laid off at SoE. Maybe some Rift people? Who knows but we will find out soon enough..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty much agree on all points.

Classes that are unique and not balanced, and slower than current norm combat, (I want to actually do more than spam my 5 skills, kill, wash repeat.) EQ style loot, (I want to have some items be valued/useful years after I get them), make me work for every scrap, and make rare items actually a bitch to get. Big world with not only dungeons, but many hidden overland areas to discover. Loads of named, and truly rare mobs, as well as random encounters. I like to craft, but for me crafting could be part of an expansion at a later date.
I'd like the rare abilities too. The stuff you need to find in the world. Could be a rare drop or a long and involved quest chain.

The vision is back.. Bring on the rustles