Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is what I'm afraid of Convo , is you are battling the KS stigma to begin with , and you are reasonable enough to see the problem , but many on the KS forums seems to think everyone who visited once will visit again once they have even more to show.

I'm afraid even if they come up with actual substance to show , many who have written it off after looking once won't look again even. Some will of course , but we are working with a niche to begin with.

The KS stumbling out the gate hurt them , I'm in it for 500 if the KS funds , but I'll be honest , I'm not sending 500 to them through their own site. Maybe a smaller amount , but even then it will have to be after they have shown functioning gameplay before that happens.
I don't think that's unreasonable. I want this game to succeed but they have to do the things to earn peoples money. If people don't feel comfortable, VRI has to address those issues.


The KS stumbling out the gate hurt them , I'm in it for 500 if the KS funds , but I'll be honest , I'm not sending 500 to them through their own site. Maybe a smaller amount , but even then it will have to be after they have shown functioning gameplay before that happens.
I'm in the same boat as you. Either the KS reaches the fund level and they get my money or nothing. I won't send them money directly until well after there is some definitive display of specifically mentioned game mechanics. I'd need to see class/subclass work for one thing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I know is if they start funding on their site, I hope there is a lot more on it than just copy/pasting what's on the KS. People won't contribute there either for the same reasons as now .


Haven't caught up with this thread today, but Aspect Mage is Battle Mage. People been begging for this shit for years. Fucking tank Mage son.

This sounds very exciting, like I'm definitely taking that class to level cap at some point if this thing is done right.


Look chump, this company is having trouble getting funded. Talking about ways to save them money is not "Happy Meal Business School Background retardation". Its common fucking sense. It might not be the best idea under the circumstances, but at this point they should be looking at everything.

tl;dr; Saving money is a good idea in business when margins are tight.
Yeah it is because moving right now would cost them money, not save them money, you dumb fuck.


If hes anything like the pre-nerf Bright Mage in Warhammer, (which it kind of sounds like) im fucking in!
As long as the remove the class before adding pvp I am cool with it.

Was one of the most broken pvp classes ever. I played a we which was overpowered in its own right but if the other side was semi competent and had three coherent bm's was pretty much impossible to beat them.

I spent almost all my pvp time hunting and killing bright mages and it was hard unless the other side was dumb or they only had one bm. Once I attacked I was exposed so I was likely dying, just had to hope I killed the bm first.

Sweet spot was around 40% bm. At thst level it was unlikely they would lose


I like the idea of the dual wielding wizard class. I could see that being a lot of fun.

I still don't get the dual shield tank though. I just imagine the monster laughing as he runs by the dual shield tank and one shorting the healer. Then the healer, after getting rezzed, kicks the tank in the balls and says pick up a fucking weapon dipshit!
So you don't see how a shield could be used as a weapon?

I get the concept is a bit new but I don't really understand how people can't at least envision how someone with two shields might use them in combat. Just one of the weirder disconnects I have seen.

How about the guy running to the healer gets his head smashed between two shields like they are cymbals? Why is clubbing someone with a mace more sensical than clubbing them with a shield? Especially a strong warrior?

I am a fan of the concept myself. And I am not picking on you, I just struggle to see how others can't see how dual shields could be used in all kinds of ways in combat.

An aoe stun with two shields makes more sense, from a physicality standpoint, than a shield and a dagger. I have played classes that throw shields for damage.

How about blocking the sky from range attacks for the warrior and one other group mate? Plus modified shields could offer all sorts of additional damage options. And of course there is magic. Add in speciality options like potentially blocking incoming damage to two seperate targets and there is something there. This is all stuff I just came up with in the last six months.

In other words duel wielding shields can be cool BREH!


Trump's Staff
The dual shield warrior is one of the only things I like about any of the announced classes... So ya.


Bit torn on the self funding through the website bit if the KS fails. I know it's purely psychological as theres no difference in the end , but not sure I'm up for dropping 400-500 directly to them on their own website like I am through the KS funding.

And I know it's stupid too on my part , as there's really zero difference in the end , curious if I'm the only one in that regards ?
Nah, people should feel differently about it because it greatly impacts how your money might be spent.

With 800k at once and a plan you will see more money properly allocated. With money trickling in on a daily basis it becomes really easy to spend too much of the money on some things and not enough on others.

Essentially it requires more trust on your part. With them absent a potential CEO, this becomes a bigger concern. Obviously people should do what they feel most comfortable with. I certainly would not suggest people not donate to a non ks page if ks falls through. I certainly believe they will continue working on the game.

I just know from my experience that it can be easy for spending to get out of line. Even moreso when they do not actually know how much money they will actually get. So you have to balance not overspending versus not spending in key areas because future funding remains a total ?

They have to budget for a finite completion of a project without any idea of how much money they will have to do so. That is pretty much impossible to do accurately. If I budget for one of my businesses, I can still figure out fixed and variable costs which will at least give me a goal. In this case almost all of their costs are fixed. At least having a single big chunk of money allows them to project plan the use of those funds.

I certainly would not be envious of whomever has to manage the funds. Back to your concern. I do think it is a bigger leap of faith to give it to their website. That being said if you give less it may allow them to create enough that you will want to give them more. I suspect a lot of people might feel that way and do the same thing.

One way they can manage the money and expectations is to outline their targets for each pledge milestone. They should have something to show us when they reach 100K, for example. What will that be and how long until we see it?

If they managed that really well and were transparent (as many have begged for them to be itt) they very well could end up with a funded project.

They will need to outline goals for say 100k, 250k and 500k. All goals should include tangibles the fanbase can see. You can't say "500k really clean up the bug database and finish version .08a of the design tools."

That stuff should be part of their goal scheduling but they also need to have unveils that are set to be met x days after a financial level is met.

My biggest concern is them being old school nda, secretive and shooting themselves in the foot. That has been part of their problem to date. While I really don't need to know what they are working on, on a daily basis, the collective of backers do. So even if it opens them up to the inevitable armchair criticism, they still need to be sharing.

Sharing is caring.


If I have to pay directly on their site, I want to do it as an investor. Give me the option to buy in as a silent partner in their company and I will mail them a check for $1,000 to $2,000 depending on what buy in percent I get.

If I'm just a customer of the game, I won't do anything other than $250 on kickstarter as I already have done.
It would likely cost them 100s of thousands of dollars and two years of time to set up as an investment vehicle to be funded like you suggest.

People, including myself, want this to be the next iteration of ks, but it is a long ways off. All of the laws enacted over the years essentially make this impossible.

Sure I could sell you $1000 worth of my company fairly easily but to sell a lot of tiny investments to a lot of strangers, the cost would eat up a massive part of all the money.

A lot of the laws were implemented to protect the general public from shady predators. Now the laws remain in place to protect the shady predators from legitimate competition for investment money.


It would likely cost them 100s of thousands of dollars and two years of time to set up as an investment vehicle to be funded like you suggest.

People, including myself, want this to be the next iteration of ks, but it is a long ways off. All of the laws enacted over the years essentially make this impossible.

Sure I could sell you $1000 worth of my company fairly easily but to sell a lot of tiny investments to a lot of strangers, the cost would eat up a massive part of all the money.

A lot of the laws were implemented to protect the general public from shady predators. Now the laws remain in place to protect the shady predators from legitimate competition for investment money.
On this subject I'm curious if in the future if KS in general gets bigger and bigger the IRS and other business regulators decides to take a peek at it a bit more closely.


Molten Core Raider
While I always thought KS was an interesting method to have more projects funded that the player base actually wants vs. what marketing tests show; I've never even considered pledging to one. This was the first game I've pledged to and mainly its because unlike non-MMO's, it has a very long staying power and I'd like to be involved as early as possible both to learn as much as the game as I can as well as help in the development process. $250 isn't much of a gamble for me since even if its a small chance of success it could be getting me setup from the ground floor on something I play years to come which at this point in my career is very well worth a minor investment that I'd blow one night out at the clubs.

The 2nd game i pledged to and it will be the last as well was unsung hero only because FFT was 1 of the 3 iconic games in my 24 years of playing video games that truly ruined all other games for me. (EQ, FFT, and FF3 for different reasons). So I was gladly willing to throw $100 at them to do my part to help ensure we get the game we all have been begging for. Unfortunately in hind sight it might include my number one hated feature of any god damn game which is characters that don't carry over. Sounds like each portion is a different period in time with different people etc. I haven't been following because I want to be suprised when the game comes out but I did read that early on it was heading this direction which i just hate. I love character development and growing in power and figuring out how to make various classes OP and also having to decide abit who is going to be your big hitters etc. Ogre Tactics, and Ogre Battle were some of the most amazing experiences for character development for me because you had so many options but making poor decisions could really make you pay. My only wish is they make a game with alot of flexiability but also make the god damn thing hard. I mean just punishing. And that doesn't mean 5 levels of difficulity. The old FFT was like that, wasn't the hardest thing in the world but man you couldn't just auto pilot it either when your blm's could get 1 shot etc.

Anyway, I have no interest in EQN, I don't have time just now to be dedicated to FFXIV plus the combat speed just makes me scream and complete multi classing (call me old school but i like limitations, it puts value in choices. This whole no matter what you pick you can always change mentality while smart on many levels just goes against my personal style, hell I used to defend it but now I just dispise the idea). So i'm in for a long wait I guess hoping this actually gets a miracle boost in donations or figures something else out so i can help pre alpha testing and make sure they make the damn wizard like the old school sorc in VG. God bless chaos volley and casting on the run.

As far as Brad goes...regardless of all other factors there were 2 facts I took away from the entire VG era. One; so much of that game was exactly intune with what I enjoy regardless of if it has mass market appeal. Classes were 5 X as better then any other class design of all other MMO's and i've played 90% of them since 1999. Two; so much was mismanaged and a picture perfect example of why different components are required for a successful anything in todays world. The best designers etc do not neccassiarly make for good shot callers, PM's businessman etc. VG was mishandled and while I'm not dumb enough to think it was all Brad's fault I also have been around the world enough to know he had the potential to guide the direction of things and he partially failed which was evident in the butchering of what should have been the best MMO ever made (not maybe in subs but from a non casual's perspective). While I'm not in this industry nor have I run an MMO but I did concive, PM, and now manage and have full control of a $10M department w/ close to $3M a year operating expense that envolves a fair amount of technology etc and I can be the first to say that while I may not know alot about some areas of the technical parts of my department , I do know that the leadership abilities I bring to the table make or break the success more then any other component of the department. Hopefully Brad learned from his failures, which he is lying to himself if can't admit it was a failure when compared to what it should have been.

To end on a positive note...OT/DT, i'd have probably paid my $250 just for that in a damn MMO. How is this shit not standard in every MMO and why haven't more games mimiced the amazing classes that were VG. Rift's pre-changed chloromanacer was the only class in 15 years i've played that touched the awesomeness of a blood mage in VG. Too bad Trion had to bitch out and go all WoW approach and removed the skill factor by normalizing heals instead of scaling with damage. Went from the best dominating the heal charts to everyone being the same, fucking yippy.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
At least they're putting in long hours on a beefy content drop for the last days of the KS

Tony "Vhalen" Garcia about 1 hour ago

@Maquiame I am currently working on a list of the gods of the Player races. I hope to have that up sometime next week. The Ethosians never entered the pact with the other Human gods. They would retain their own gods. Ethosia is not close to the Human territory of Triundia.


Do lore nerds even have money?
*opens wallet



I'm Amod too!
Your statement is speculation where mine is actually a plausible idea.

Currently, if the current backers add an additional $170 to their pledges, Pantheon would meet the funding goal. That also does not include the hype created towards the end of the Kickstarter, where additional funding AND backers will inevitably come.

This will get funded.
And if every single American out there doubled their taxes we'd have solved world hunger and been on Mars by now.


How about the guy running to the healer gets his head smashed between two shields like they are cymbals?
not sure if you are aware of how shields are held.

doing what you described would require removing both shields from their arm mounts (or your grip from their handles) and reversing the way they are mounted/held.

not to mention you'd lose all leverage



<Gold Donor>
not to mention you'd lose all leverage
So is holding a 300LB Great sword, or putting on your 200 lb shoulderpads, or shooting fireballs out your ass, or getting a run buff, or levitating, or respawning, or any of that good shitfantasyhas to offer. Use a little imagination, bro. Nothing about these games is realistic. Nor is it meant to be.