Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


not sure if you are aware of how shields are held.

doing what you described would require removing both shields from their arm mounts (or your grip from their handles) and reversing the way they are mounted/held.

not to mention you'd lose all leverage


Also you should not make fun of your own posts with gifs and jpegs.

Pretty sure you don't understand physics in an mmo world. Super hero warriors don't do 20 lb dumb bell presses and call it a day.

Dual wielding anything is very difficult in the real world. That was not the discussion or my point. My point was people were being closed minded about the concept. This goes for shield experts like yourself as well.



<Bronze Donator>
the faculty or activity of imagining things, esp. things that are impossible or improbable.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
the faculty or activity of imagining things, esp. things that are impossible or improbable.
You ladies need to simmer the fuck on down now, with this retardation. No shit it's fantasy you worthless cunt, and if they wanted they could add space chimps, cardboard swords, and flying unicorns that shit rainbows but it would be stupid as fuck. I don't get you dumbasses either, first you bitch and bemoan everything and go on and on how you want immersion and realism then the next minute you want Fippy the retard crusader "aka the back peddled warrior" to sling around shields like a goddamn circus clown.



Blackwing Lair Raider
While I always thought KS was an interesting method to have more projects funded that the player base actually wants vs. what marketing tests show; I've never even considered pledging to one. This was the first game I've pledged to and mainly its because unlike non-MMO's, it has a very long staying power and I'd like to be involved as early as possible both to learn as much as the game as I can as well as help in the development process. $250 isn't much of a gamble for me since even if its a small chance of success it could be getting me setup from the ground floor on something I play years to come which at this point in my career is very well worth a minor investment that I'd blow one night out at the clubs.

The 2nd game i pledged to and it will be the last as well was unsung hero only because FFT was 1 of the 3 iconic games in my 24 years of playing video games that truly ruined all other games for me. (EQ, FFT, and FF3 for different reasons). So I was gladly willing to throw $100 at them to do my part to help ensure we get the game we all have been begging for. Unfortunately in hind sight it might include my number one hated feature of any god damn game which is characters that don't carry over. Sounds like each portion is a different period in time with different people etc. I haven't been following because I want to be suprised when the game comes out but I did read that early on it was heading this direction which i just hate. I love character development and growing in power and figuring out how to make various classes OP and also having to decide abit who is going to be your big hitters etc. Ogre Tactics, and Ogre Battle were some of the most amazing experiences for character development for me because you had so many options but making poor decisions could really make you pay. My only wish is they make a game with alot of flexiability but also make the god damn thing hard. I mean just punishing. And that doesn't mean 5 levels of difficulity. The old FFT was like that, wasn't the hardest thing in the world but man you couldn't just auto pilot it either when your blm's could get 1 shot etc.

Anyway, I have no interest in EQN, I don't have time just now to be dedicated to FFXIV plus the combat speed just makes me scream and complete multi classing (call me old school but i like limitations, it puts value in choices. This whole no matter what you pick you can always change mentality while smart on many levels just goes against my personal style, hell I used to defend it but now I just dispise the idea). So i'm in for a long wait I guess hoping this actually gets a miracle boost in donations or figures something else out so i can help pre alpha testing and make sure they make the damn wizard like the old school sorc in VG. God bless chaos volley and casting on the run.

As far as Brad goes...regardless of all other factors there were 2 facts I took away from the entire VG era. One; so much of that game was exactly intune with what I enjoy regardless of if it has mass market appeal. Classes were 5 X as better then any other class design of all other MMO's and i've played 90% of them since 1999. Two; so much was mismanaged and a picture perfect example of why different components are required for a successful anything in todays world. The best designers etc do not neccassiarly make for good shot callers, PM's businessman etc. VG was mishandled and while I'm not dumb enough to think it was all Brad's fault I also have been around the world enough to know he had the potential to guide the direction of things and he partially failed which was evident in the butchering of what should have been the best MMO ever made (not maybe in subs but from a non casual's perspective). While I'm not in this industry nor have I run an MMO but I did concive, PM, and now manage and have full control of a $10M department w/ close to $3M a year operating expense that envolves a fair amount of technology etc and I can be the first to say that while I may not know alot about some areas of the technical parts of my department , I do know that the leadership abilities I bring to the table make or break the success more then any other component of the department. Hopefully Brad learned from his failures, which he is lying to himself if can't admit it was a failure when compared to what it should have been.

To end on a positive note...OT/DT, i'd have probably paid my $250 just for that in a damn MMO. How is this shit not standard in every MMO and why haven't more games mimiced the amazing classes that were VG. Rift's pre-changed chloromanacer was the only class in 15 years i've played that touched the awesomeness of a blood mage in VG. Too bad Trion had to bitch out and go all WoW approach and removed the skill factor by normalizing heals instead of scaling with damage. Went from the best dominating the heal charts to everyone being the same, fucking yippy.
One of the biggest faults of VG is how poorly managed it was. This KS has been managed just as poorly. The decision to slow drip information over the course of the KS is dumb. The decision to hold stuff until the very end is dumb. They are trying and failing to create hype for these 'reveals' and it's had the exact opposite effect.

They couldn't manage a triple AAA MMO with 30 million in the bank with VG and they can't manage a startup KS project with zero in the bank. Therefore to expect them to properly manage another MMO with crowdfunds is more than blind hope. It's hoping for a miracle.


Molten Core Raider
You ladies need to simmer the fuck on down now, with this retardation. No shit it's fantasy you worthless cunt, and if they wanted they could add space chimps, cardboard swords, and flying unicorns that shit rainbows but it would be stupid as fuck. I don't get you dumbasses either, first you bitch and bemoan everything and go on and on how you want immersion and realism then the next minute you want Fippy the retard crusader "aka the back peddled warrior" to sling around shields like a goddamn circus clown.

This about sums up the entire thread.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This about sums up the entire thread.
When you going to change your location under your name? Keeps reminding me of that guy at work that nobody likes because he uses high school humor.. Hopefully you didn't think that was funny when you came up with it.. I mean, it's so unique and brilliant and all, if time stood still, and this were the 90s..

Booze-take a break from finger banging your keyboard and enjoy your weekend, guy.. You're getting overly worked up over dual shields..


Molten Core Raider
One of the biggest faults of VG is how poorly managed it was. This KS has been managed just as poorly. The decision to slow drip information over the course of the KS is dumb. The decision to hold stuff until the very end is dumb. They are trying and failing to create hype for these 'reveals' and it's had the exact opposite effect.

They couldn't manage a triple AAA MMO with 30 million in the bank with VG and they can't manage a startup KS project with zero in the bank. Therefore to expect them to properly manage another MMO with crowdfunds is more than blind hope. It's hoping for a miracle.
Brad's already mentioned "We are in talks with some people to help build our executive staff. More on this later."

I know this sort ofderp derp they dun know what they doin, derp derpstuff is good sport, but at least wait until they have management to critique their management.

It's a Kickstarter for 800k, everyone (well everyone but you maybe) know's they're not building a game for 800k. Making assumptions about the games management before they secure enough funding to pay a deposit on office space and a few months overhead is a tad premature.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People that think it will cost the team 800k for office space are just being retarded. 800k goal was to get them setup in an office and start working on the game under one roof. Since we have a ton of budget experts here, maybe they can figure out the cost for rental space?


Molten Core Raider
When you going to change your location under your name? Keeps reminding me of that guy at work that nobody likes because he uses high school humor.. Hopefully you didn't think that was funny when you came up with it.. I mean, it's so unique and brilliant and all, if time stood still, and this were the 90s..

Booze-take a break from finger banging your keyboard and enjoy your weekend, guy.. You're getting overly worked up over dual shields..
Are you telling me that it is not a comedic masterpiece? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

You seem super mad about something.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Brad's already mentioned "We are in talks with some people to help build our executive staff. More on this later."

I know this sort ofderp derp they dun know what they doin, derp derpstuff is good sport, but at least wait until they have management to critique their management.
Yeah, he also said that they were playing the game right now. Bradsays?all kinds of stuff. Unfortunately, for the backers of his latest blunder, 99% of what he says is complete bullshit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, he also said that they were playing the game right now. Bradsays?all kinds of stuff. Unfortunately, for the backers of his latest blunder, 99% of what he says is complete bullshit.
Still trying to figure out why he said that. I can't even argue this point:-(


Trump's Staff
People that think it will cost the team 800k for office space are just being retarded. 800k goal was to get them setup in an office and start working on the game under one roof. Since we have a ton of budget experts here, maybe they can figure out the cost for rental space?
Industry standard cost metric for producing a professional game in a professional environment is ~10k per person per month.


Yeah, he also said that they were playing the game right now. Bradsays?all kinds of stuff. Unfortunately, for the backers of his latest blunder, 99% of what he says is complete bullshit.
I'm beginning to think he believes saying "more on this later" absolves him of just lying/making shit up on the spot. More on this later.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm beginning to think he believes saying "more on this later" absolves him of just lying/making shit up on the spot. More on this later.
Yea, he's better off using his other message about not wanting to promise something until it's in the game and tested.. More on this later, doesn't fly with a kickstarter.. I think that's the part they overlooked completely. With a kickstarter people just need all the answers, good or bad.. Nothing can be left in the wind like that.

Thanks Denault.. That's a hefty number. Be interesting to see if they show a budget allocation like pathfinder did.