Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, there is at least a little truth in what he says, the "discussion" was really, really bad at times. On the other hand you could see it as positive as there is still a lot of emotion involved. If no one would post here or in the KS comments any longer then this project would be truly dead...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think most of us believe they do plan on trying to make a game. However they totally went into this kickstarter unprepared. They need to try another one down the road that is much better organized and presented to show that they can learn from past mistakes.
I think what's troubling to me is it's not just that they went into it unprepared. It's that they continue to mismanage it. It's one thing to start off bad but they have had plenty of time (40 days) to try to correct it and make it a better presentation and they really haven't. That gives me real concern on the development of the game in general.


Trakanon Raider
The one thing I'm most curious about is simple. Why has there been seemingly little discussion to the possibility that there's just not enough interest in remaking EQ with the Unity engine?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
OK. Which one of you guys is this? Booze? lol
Is that a...katana he's holding?



I think what's troubling to me is it's not just that they went into it unprepared. It's that they continue to mismanage it. It's one thing to start off bad but they have had plenty of time (40 days) to try to correct it and make it a better presentation and they really haven't. That gives me real concern on the development of the game in general.
For the first three weeks they were actually on the right track. Once we got to the 4th week, they decided they wanted to have a website ready for post kickstarter funding and refocused their attention there instead of on the kickstarter like it needed to be. Again having the website ready for post-kickstarter funding before starting the kickstater would have been wise which goes back to being unprepared. Posting update #49 where they confirm that they have in fact given up on the kickstarter while saying otherwise pretty much ensured that any end of kickstarter surge would be minimal.


Trakanon Raider
Regardless of what some of those guys say in the comments I still think half of them are looking for some amount of glory and attention from Brad. It is sad. The Rerolled community is the least of Pantheon's problems. I would have loved for the KS to be the greatest thing ever and raise all kinds of money. Would have been cool to ride the wave of helping bring this game into fruition. However, you have step into reality and realize this game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Given its current track record, it will be luck to even be a thought in 6 months. The only hope Pantheon has is that some company gets desperate for ideas in hopes to revitalize the genre. Though, I doubt they'll few Pantheon as the saving idea not to mention how poorly these guys ran the KS. Would you really want to put your business in the hands of these guys? Months ago, I would have said yes for the sake of second changes but now, it looks as if they are completely out of touch. Unfortunately in some ways, this isn't 1999 anymore in the world of gaming.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Regardless of what some of those guys say in the comments I still think half of them are looking for some amount of glory and attention from Brad. It is sad. The Rerolled community is the least of Pantheon's problems. I would have loved for the KS to be the greatest thing ever and raise all kinds of money. Would have been cool to ride the wave of helping bring this game into fruition. However, you have step into reality and realize this game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Given its current track record, it will be luck to even be a thought in 6 months. The only hope Pantheon has is that some company gets desperate for ideas in hopes to revitalize the genre. Though, I doubt they'll few Pantheon as the saving idea not to mention how poorly these guys ran the KS. Would you really want to put your business in the hands of these guys? Months ago, I would have said yes for the sake of second changes but now, it looks as if they are completely out of touch. Unfortunately in some ways, this isn't 1999 anymore in the world of gaming.
The point that was made yesterday was if you told me before this whole thing started that Brad was going to make a game that uses the best of EQ with some modern elements and you have the backing power of the communities of P1999/Rerolled/Vanguardat the very least, that this was a slam dunk in terms of at least reaching their KS funding goal. I think beyond that was up for debate because I did think that there is a finite amount of people that would be interested in this type of game beyond those people. Understand how bad having only 3k backers is. You can't intentionally fuck up that bad and not at least get about 5,000.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
almost all of his comments on the page are him talking shit about this board. He's a great "contributor" to the kickstarter.


Blackwing Lair Raider

Marcus Landgraf 3 minutes ago

Since exmortis is shitting on rerolled again, here's my response for him:
We never had that high a opinion of a obese, balding guy posing with plastic swords for their internet mugshot. So please actually follow up on your promise to never visit our board again, the promise you broke last time 4 weeks ago. Thank you.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist

Marcus Landgraf 3 minutes ago

Since exmortis is shitting on rerolled again, here's my response for him:
We never had that high a opinion of a obese, balding guy posing with plastic swords for their internet mugshot. So please actually follow up on your promise to never visit our board again, the promise you broke last time 4 weeks ago. Thank you.
hahah yess


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's laughable that they think this community did anything buthelpthat Kickstarter.


Musty Nester
No, he is both a moron and wrong in this regard.

The number of shitposters went down when he decided to boycott this board!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That guy may be a moron but he isn't wrong in this regard: This has become a terrible thread full of shit posters.
Sure, there's some 'shit-posting' here, but I would always prefer the mix of shit-posters, supporters, fanboys and weirdos that we have here, as opposed to some echo-chamber of katana-wielding neckbeards.


Musty Nester
I wonder how long those boards will stay up. 2-4 months is my guess. What would be interesting to know is at what point does Brad close those boards.

Does he keep spewing bullshit for 10 grand a month? What about 5? What about 2? At what point does he decide that he's too good for this?

It's fascinating that he has created a metric for patheticness. It's more fascinating than anything else he's ever said.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's laughable that they think this community did anything buthelpthat Kickstarter.
Yea, As much as I want this game to succeed, a lot of the criticism has been valid. It just feels like it's being piled on because there are so many glaring mistakes at this point. They can certainly turn this around, and I'm sure the majority of the posters here will give them props, when it's warranted.

I have a lot of people PMing me here and PJP basically saying they wont pledge as much or at all, if the Crowdfund isn't done right. I forwarded some of them to Brad, with other valid concerns brought up, plus my own opinion. I feel like my more critical emails have been way more helpful(not sure if they agree) than anything else I've done or said since this KS has started. Just b/c I want this game made and if shit doesn't feel right, it's not right. They need to address it. I think they are grossly miscalculating the support the crowdfund will get at this point.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yep. Pulled my pledge. A new "old school" mmo will happen - eventually - but it won't be coming from this crew.

Brad did not learn the key lesson of Vanguard. He is not a good project manager and should stick to design.
You give him too much credit. All the best things in EQ were not his work, either. What he didn't steal directly from TorilMUD was mostly devised by underlings. His singular talent seems to be creating ever larger train wrecks. Seriously, I did not think that there could BE a bigger disaster than Vanguard, but here you have it.

The biggest tragedy in all of this is not the epic dumpster fire this "fund my drug habit" disguised as a KS for a game has become. It is the damage to the credibility of future legitimate KS projects that his wonton stupidity is going to cause. Seriously, fuck Brad in his drugged out ass. The guy has ruined so many good and talented people's lives and livelihood at this point that he deserves no pity or respect.